Re: [css-gcpm][css-figures] float-offset & line rhythms

Alan Stearns wrote:

 > You don’t provide a complete definition of either property in your spec.
 > The description of the ‘root’ rhythm buried in a note (which I believe is
 > not normative) and is contradicted by the value definition. You do not
 > describe what happens when line boxes do not align with their element’s
 > rhythm. Your example illustrations do not match their prose. Instead of
 > attempting to specify by example, you could try adding normative prose
 > that describes the feature and use the examples to point out the
 > implications of the normative prose.
 > You asked for suggestions - I suggest you fix these problems before you
 > ask for feedback.

I haven't actively asked for feedback until now as that part of the
spec is still in the embryo stage -- I only mentioned it today as it
seemed relevant to the discussion.

Anyway, thanks for your comments. I agree with some of them. 

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª
[email protected]        

Received on Sunday, 26 January 2014 01:29:00 UTC