Re: CSS Regions considered harmful (was: [css-regions] issue 16858 redux)

Liam R E Quin wrote:

 > >  For me, the separation of style from
 > > structure one of the foundations CSS stands on. Probably THE
 > > foundation. So I don't think we should break that priciple, even if it
 > > seems convenient to do so.
 > How does this square with, for example, putting two h1 elements in a
 > document so you can use element() to take one out as a running header?

Generally, I'd use strings to set running headers. Like this:

  @page { @top-center { content: string(header) }}
  h1 { string-set: header }

In which case there is no need to duplicate content. 

If the running header has structure (e.g., if there's an <em>
element inside the header), one has two option:

 - duplicate the content and use the element() function.

I don't think this is tag abuse, but being able to clone the document
may still appeal to some. A solution for this is sketched here, in the
copy() function:,-fixing-and-clearing-elements-in-named-areas

This is still early work.

 > Isn't the answer here templates + regions?

What would the code look like?

              H�kon Wium Lie                          CTO ��e��
[email protected]        

Received on Thursday, 23 January 2014 01:07:25 UTC