Version 7.26a
From Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
- XP bonus for kill streaks reduced from 30->100 * Level to 20->90 * Level.
- Greevil's Greed
- Cap reduced from 20/24/28/32 to 18/22/26/30.
- Base gold bonus reduced from 4 to 3.
- Bounty Rune multiplier reduced from 2/2.5/3/3.5 to 1.5/2/2.5/3.
- Firefly speed bonus reduced from 4/8/12/16% to 4/7/10/13%.
- Thirst movement speed reduced from 12/24/36/48% to 14/24/34/44%.
- Track self gold reduced from 150/250/350 to 130/225/320.
- Primal Split Permanent Immolation damage increased from 20/40/60 to 25/50/75.
- Spin Web movement speed reduced from 25/40/55/70% to 20/35/50/65%.
- Phantasm cooldown reduced from 145/135/125 to 125.
- Divine Favor health regen reduced from 2/3/4/5 to 1.25/2.5/3.75/5.
- Searing Arrows
- Damage increased from 20/30/40/50 to 30/40/50/60.
- Mana cost from 6/8/10/12 to 9/10/11/12.
- Base Movement speed reduced from 315 to 310.
- Exorcism
- Movement speed reduced from 20% to 16/18/20%.
- Mana cost increased from 200/300/400 to 250/350/450.
- Strength gain reduced from 3.6 to 3.4.
- Elder Dragon Form Elder Dragon Form Scepter no longer increases attack range.
- Base armor increased by 2.
- Searing Chains cooldown increased from 11/10/12/8 to 13/12/11/10.
- Blinding Light cooldown increased from 14 to 20/18/16/14.
- Will-O-Wisp cooldown increased from 120 to 130.
- Pulse Nova damage increased from 100/140/180 to 100/150/200.
- Level 25 Talent reduced from 0.25 Spirit Bear Base Attack Time to 0.2.
- Attack animation improved from 0.46 to 0.35.
- Base movement speed reduced from 300 to 295.
- Bloodlust movement speed reduced from 8/10/12/14% to 7/9/11/13%.
- Arcane Orb damage increased from 5/7/9/11% to 6/8/10/12%.
- Fire Spirits cooldown increased from 45/40/35/30 to 51/44/37/30.
- Supernova scepter upgrade no longer allows you to cast Sun Ray.
- Level 20 Talent changed from +1.25s Supernova Stun Duration to Sun Ray During Supernova.
- Decrepify cast range reduced from 700 to 400/500/600/700.
- Nether Ward duration reduced from 30 to 18/22/26/30.
- Base movement speed reduced from 285 to 280
- Storm Surge ally movement speed reduced from 3/5/7/9% to 2/4/6/8%.
- Guardian Sprint
- Speed reduced from 20/28/36/44% to 18/26/34/42%.
- River speed reduced from 25/48/66/94% to 25/45/65/85%.
- Bulldoze movement speed reduced from 14/20/26/32% to 12/18/24/30%.
- Level 10 Talent reduced from +30 Damage to +25.
- Base damage reduced by 2.
- Vampiric Aura damage reduced from 6/12/18/24 to 4/10/16/22.
- Movement speed changed from +15% to +45.
- Movement speed changed from +15% to +45.
- Movement speed changed from +15% to +45.
- Movement speed changed from +15% to +45.
- Phase active speed reduced from 22% to 20%.
- Inactive state Movement speed changed from +18% to +50.
- Break Movement speed changed from +26% to +75.
- Movement speed changed from +17% to +50.
- Movement speed changed from 38/44% to +110/130.
- Movement speed changed from +28% to +65.
- Movement speed changed from +40% to +115.
- Movement speed changed from +50% to +140.
- Movement speed changed from +20 to +8%.
- Movement speed changed from +20 to +8%.
- Movement speed changed from +30 to +10%.
- Movement speed changed from +30 to +10%.
- Movement speed changed from +30 to +10%.
- Bonus Movement speed changed from 13% to 12%.
- Provides a negative aura that reduces health regen, heals and lifesteal by 20% in a 1200 AOE.
- Soul Release debuff regen reduction reduced from from 60% to 35%.
- No longer requires Wind Lace (nor provides movement bonus).
- Recipe cost increased from 750 to 1000.
- Recipe cost increased from 150 to 175.
- Recipe cost increased from 150 to 200.
- Recipe cost increased from 250 to 300.
- Vladmir's Aura Lifesteal reduced from 25% to 20%.
- Recipe cost increased from 550 to 600.
- Recipe cost increased from 950 to 1000.
- Recipe cost increased from 1000 to 1200.
- Mana cost increased from 150 to 175.
- No longer reduces regen.
- Reduces all regen, heals and lifesteal by 35%.
- Debuff is no longer dispellable.
- Intelligence reduced from 10 to 8.