Aztecs (Overview)

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[e][h]Aztecs (Overview)
Civilization Information

The Aztecs are an Age of Empires II, and Age of Empires III civilization.

Recent Games[edit]

Age of Empires II[edit]

This automatically generated table shows the 5 most recent games that have VODs and can be modified here.
DateTimeGTournamentMapModeOpponentVs. OpponentVOD
2025-01-2315:00 UTCR1 BarruCupSlopes1v1FirebirD_aoe Spain Aztecs12TiradorCumans Spain 12TiradorWatch VOD (G2)
2025-01-1414:00 UTCLiereyy vs YoSocotra1v1Yo China AztecsLiereyyMalians Austria LiereyyWatch VOD (G1)
2025-01-0522:00 UTCThe Garrison: QualifierOutcrop1v1Vinchester Russia AztecsHeartttGurjaras Peru HeartttWatch VOD (G4)
2025-01-0514:30 UTCThe Garrison: QualifierArabia1v1MbL Norway AztecsYoVietnamese China YoWatch VOD (G5)
2025-01-0414:30 UTCThe Garrison: QualifierChaos Pit1v1Sora Kuma Taiwan AztecsSitauxCelts France SitauxWatch VOD (G1)

Age of Empires III[edit]

This automatically generated table shows the 5 most recent games that have VODs and can be modified here.
DateTimeGTournamentMapModeOpponentVs. OpponentVOD
2024-09-0617:00 UTCESOC Autumn Championship 2024: QualifierPainted Desert (AoE3)1v1alistairpeter United States AztecsLionheartRussians United Kingdom LionheartWatch VOD (G3)
2024-09-0515:00 UTCESOC Autumn Championship 2024: QualifierPainted Desert (AoE3)1v1Peekabo Czechia Aztecsshake2020Russians Israel shake2020Watch VOD (G3)
2024-06-2019:00 UTCESOC Spring Championship 2024Florida1v1SoldieR United States AztecsLukasLLakota Germany LukasLWatch VOD (G6)
2024-06-2019:00 UTCESOC Spring Championship 2024Bengal1v1LukasL Germany AztecsSoldieRBritish United States SoldieRWatch VOD (G3)
2024-06-1313:00 UTCESOC Spring Championship 2024Cascade Range1v1shake2020 Israel AztecsLoOk_tOmRussians Brazil LoOk_tOmWatch VOD (G7)
