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George W. Bush

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George W. Bush
Pronunciation del nomine
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1946-07-06 (New Haven)
Citatania Statos Unite de America
Educate in Yale College[*], The Kinkaid School[*], Phillips Academy[*], Harvard Business School[*], Davenport College[*], St. Anthony Catholic School[*]
Occupation politico[*], orator motivational[*], autobiographo[*], pictor[*], rugby union player[*], officiero[*], homine de stato[*], homine de affaires[*], financier[*]
Partito politic Partito Republican[*]
Religion United Methodist Church[*], Ecclesia Episcopal
Conjuge Laura Bush[*]
Infantes Barbara Bush[*], Jenna Bush Hager[*]
Parentes matre Barbara Bush[*] patre George H. W. Bush
Fratres/sorores Dorothy Bush Koch[*], Marvin P. Bush[*], Jeb Bush[*], Neil Bush[*]
Premios Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of the Three Stars[*], Collar of the Order of the Star of Romania[*], Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Screen Couple/Ensemble[*], Doublespeak Award[*], Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana, 1st Class[*], Grand Cross of the Order of Vytautas the Great[*], honorary doctor of the Ohio State University[*], Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actor[*], National Defense Service Medal[*], St. George's Order of Victory[*], Doublespeak Award[*], Doublespeak Award[*], Doublespeak Award[*], Financial Times Person of the Year[*], Philadelphia Liberty Medal[*], Order of the Three Stars[*], Order of the Republic of North Macedonia[*], Order of Sikatuna[*], Order of Merit of Benin[*], Order pro Merito Melitensi[*], Order of Kuwait[*], Hungarian Order of Merit[*], Order of Zayed[*], Order of King Abdulaziz al Saud[*], Order of Vytautas the Great[*], Order of the Star of Romania[*]
Lingua anglese, espaniol
ISNI 000000012102267X
VIAF 71559485, 4780159248578904870003
IMDB nm0124133
Commons George W. Bush

George Walker Bush (New Haven, Connecticut le 6 de julio 1946 – ) es un politico statounitese. Post esser governator republican de Texas durante sex annos, ille ha devenite in 2001 le 43tie Presidente del Statos Unite post le election controversial de novembre 2000. Ille ha ganiate le election de 2004 e dunque un secunde mandato. Su patre es le 41e Presidente del Statos Unite, George H.W. Bush.

Bush duceva un compania de petroleo e possedeva un equipa de baseball, ante ille esseva eligite governator de Texas in 1994. Su politicas in Texas includeva education e reformas legal. Post su re-election in 1998, ille contestava le 2000 election presidential pro succeder Bill Clinton. Ille vinceva John McCain pro le nomination del Partita Republican, e vinceva le vicepresidente Al Gore del Partita Democratic. Gore ganiava a pena plus ballottas, ma post un judicio controverse re le conto in Florida, Bush ganiava un majoritate a pena in le Collegio Electoral.

Su presidentias esseva marcate per le attacos terrorista del 11 de septembre 2001, per le politica dicite del Guerra contra le terrorismo inclusive le Guerra de Afghanistan e per le invasion e guerra in Irak. In su politica domestic, ille signava legislation contra terrorismo, que controversemente expandeva surveliantia, un expansion de adjuta de sanitate pro le population vetule et adjuta international contra SIDA. Bush esseva re-eligite in 2004, vincente John Kerry in un resultato stricte altere. Ille signava tractatos de commercio libere et assignava duo judices al Corte Supreme. Su termino secunde videva Hurican Katrina e le crisis del hypothecas sub-primo que menava al crisis financiari general de 2008. Bush appoiava prestos de emergentia pro salvar le bancas.

Su popularitate como presidente ha essite multe variabile. Al fin de 2001, 89% de personas sondate approbava su activitate presidential; in 2008, ille attingeva solmente 25 a 33% de opiniones favorabile. In januario de 2009, ille esseva succedite como presidente per Barack Obama, un opponente vociferante de su politicas. Su reputation meliorava post du partita, ma historicos generalmente le gradua como un presidente inferior al media.

Precedite per
Bill Clinton
Presidente del
Statos Unite de America

20 de januario 200120 de januario 2009
Succedite per
Barack Obama