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Albert Einstein

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Albert Einstein
Pronunciation del nomine
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1879-03-14 (Ulm)
Decesso 1955-04-18 (Princeton)
Causa de decesso abdominal aortic aneurysm[*]
Loco de reposo National Museum of Health and Medicine[*]
Ethnicitate Judeo
Citatania Imperio German[*], statelessness[*], Switza, Cisleithania[*], Republica de Weimar, Germania, Statos Unite de America
Educate in ETH Zurich[*], Luitpold-Gymnasium[*], old Kantonsschule (Albert Einstein House)[*], University of Zurich[*]
Occupation physico theoretic[*], philosopho del scientia[*], inventor, science writer[*], pedagogo[*], professor universitari[*], physico, philosopho[*], scriptor, scientista[*], mathematico, patent examiner[*], Professor, Pacifista
Obras notabile relativitate special, relativitate general, photoelectric effect[*], theory of relativity[*], theory of Brownian Motion[*], equivalentia de massa e energia[*], h[*], Einstein field equations[*], mechanica quantic, unified field theory[*], stimulated emission[*]
Partito politic German Democratic Party[*]
Religion atheismo, agnosticismo, judaismo, pantheismo
Conjuge Mileva Marić[*], Elsa Einstein[*]
Infantes Hans Albert Einstein[*], Eduard Einstein[*], Lieserl (Einstein)[*]
Parentes matre Pauline Koch[*] patre Hermann Einstein[*]
Fratres/sorores Maja Einstein[*]
Premios Barnard Medal for Meritorious Service to Science[*], Premio Nobel pro Physica, Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society[*], Prix Jules Janssen[*], Matteucci Medal[*], Max Planck Medal[*], Franklin Medal[*], Copley Medal[*], Pour le Mérite for Sciences and Arts order[*], Josiah Willard Gibbs Lectureship[*], Honorary doctorate from the University of Geneva[*], honorary doctor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem[*], honorary doctorate from Princeton University[*], honorary doctor of the University of Madrid Complutense[*], Foreign Member of the Royal Society[*], Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States[*], Great Immigrants Award[*], Pour le Mérite[*], Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society Te Apārangi[*], doctor honoris causa from the University of Paris[*]
Lingua anglese, germano
ISNI 000000012281955X
VIAF 75121530
IMDB nm0251868
Commons Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein (pronunciation german: [ˈalbɛʁt ˈʔaɪnʃtaɪn]) (Ulm, Germania le 14 de martio 1879 – Princeton, New Jersey, SUA le 18 de april 1955), nascite in Germania e naturalisate statounitese, es un del scientistas le plus cognoscite del seculo 20.

Einstein surge al fama mundial in le anno 1905 al publication de su theoria del relativitate special. In illo se incorporava in un marco theoric simple conceptos disveloppate anteriormente per Henri Poincaré e Hendrik Lorentz que esseva surgite como consequentia directe de postulatos physic simple. In 1916 ille ha presentate le theoria del relativitate general in lo que es reformulate completemente le conceptos del gravitation e un de cuje consequentias ha essite le surgimento del studio scientífic del origine e evolution del universo in le rama del physica denominate cosmologia. Probabilemente le equation del physica le plus cognoscite a nivello popular es le expression mathematic del equivalentia massa-energia, , que ha essite deducite per Einstein como un consequentia logic del relativitate special. Einstein ha obtenite le Premio Nobel pro Physica in 1921 pro su explication del effecto photoelectric, un del bases initial del mechanica quantic.
