Appendix:Latin Swadesh list

This is a Swadesh list of words in Latin, compared with definitions in English.


For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list.

American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.


No. English Latin
1 I egō ego ˈɛ.ɡɔː
2 you (singular) tv t̪uː
3 he is (m.), ea (f.), id (n.) is, ea, id is̠, ˈe.a, id̪
4 we nōs nos nɔːs̠
5 you (plural) vōs vos wɔːs̠
6 they , (m.), eae (f.), ea (n.) ei, ii, eae, ea ˈe.iː/iː, ˈ̞̯, ˈe.a
7 this hic (m.), haec (f.), hoc (n.) hic, haec, hoc hik, hae̞̯k, hɔk
8 that ille (m.), illa (f.), illud (n.) ille, illa, illvd ˈil.lɛ, ˈ, ˈil.lud̪
9 here hīc hic hiːk
10 there illīc, ibi illic, ibi ˈil.liːk, ˈ
11 who quis (m.), quae (f.) qvis, qvae kʷis̠, kʷae̞̯
12 what quid qvid kʷid̪
13 where ubi vbi ˈ
14 when cum, quandō cvm, qvando kũ, ˈkʷan̪.d̪ɔː
15 how quōmodo qvomodo ˈkʷɔː.mɔ.d̪ɔ(ː)
16 not nōn, non, ne nɔːn, nɛː
17 all omnēs (mf.), omnia (n.) omnes, omnia ˈɔm.nɛːs̠, ˈɔ
18 many multī (m.), multae (f.), multa (n.) mvlti, mvltae, mvlta ˈmul.t̪iː, ˈmul.t̪ae̞̯, ˈmul.t̪a
19 some aliquī (m.), aliqua (f.), aliquod (n.) aliqvi, aliqva, aliqvod ˈʷiː, ˈʷa, ˈʷɔd̪
20 few paucī (m.), paucae (f.), pauca (n.) pavci, pavcae, pavca ˈpau̯.kiː, ˈpau̯.kae̞̯, ˈpau̯.ka
21 other alter, alius alter, alivs ˈal.t̪ɛr, ˈ̠
22 one ūnus vnvs ˈuː.nus̠
23 two duo dvo ˈd̪u.ɔ
24 three trēs tres t̪rɛːs̠
25 four quattuor qvattvor ˈkʷat̪.t̪u.ɔr
26 five quīnque qvinqve ˈkʷiːŋ.kʷɛ
27 big magnus magnvs ˈmaŋ.nus̠
28 long longus longvs ˈlɔŋ.ɡus̠
29 wide lātus latvs ˈlaː.t̪us̠
30 thick crassus crassvs ˈkras̠.s̠us̠
31 heavy gravis gravis ˈɡra.wis̠
32 small parvus parvvs ˈpar.wus̠
33 short brevis brevis ˈbrɛ.wis̠
34 narrow angustus angvstvs aŋˈɡus̠.t̪us̠
35 thin gracilis, tenuis gracilis, tenvis ˈɡ̠, ˈt̪ɛ̠
36 woman fēmina, mulier femina, mvlier ˈfɛː, ˈɛr
37 man (adult male) vir vir wir
38 man (human being) homō homo ˈhɔ.mɔː
39 child puer pver ˈpu.ɛr
40 wife uxor, mulier vxor, mvlier ˈuk.s̠ɔr, ˈɛr
41 husband marītus maritvs maˈriː.t̪us̠
42 mother māter mater ˈmaː.t̪ɛr
43 father pater pater ˈpa.t̪ɛ̞r
44 animal animal animal ˈ
45 fish piscis piscis ˈpis̠.kis̠
46 bird avis avis ˈa.wis̠
47 dog canis canis ˈka.nis̠
48 louse pēdis (pēdiculus) pedis (pedicvlvs) ˈpɛː.d̪is̠, pɛːˈd̪i.ku.lus̠
49 snake serpēns, anguis serpens, angvis ˈs̠ɛr.pẽːs̠, ˈaŋ.ɡʷis̠
50 worm vermis vermis ˈwɛr.mis̠
51 tree arbor arbor ˈar.bɔr
52 forest silva silva ˈs̠il.wa
53 stick baculum, pālus bacvlvm, palvs ˈba.ku.lũ, ˈpaː.lus̠
54 fruit frūctus frvctvs ˈfruːk.t̪us̠
55 seed sēmen semen ˈs̠ɛː.mɛn
56 leaf folium folivm ˈfɔ.li.ũ
57 root rādīx radix ˈraː.d̪iːks̠
58 bark (of a tree) cortex cortex ˈkɔr.t̪ɛks̠
59 flower flōs flos flɔːs̠
60 grass herba herba ˈhɛ
61 rope fūnis, restis fvnis, restis ˈfuː.nis̠, ˈrɛs̠.t̪is̠
62 skin cutis cvtis ˈku.t̪is̠
63 meat carō caro ˈka.rɔː
64 blood sanguis sangvis ˈs̠aŋ.ɡʷis̠
65 bone os os ɔs̠
66 fat (noun) adeps, pinguāmen adeps, pingvamen ˈa.d̪ɛps̠, piŋˈɡʷaː.mɛn
67 egg ōvum ovvm ˈɔː.wũ
68 horn cornū cornv ˈkɔr.nuː
69 tail cauda cavda ˈkau̯.d̪a
70 feather penna penna ˈpɛ
71 hair pilus pilvs ˈpi.lus̠
72 head caput capvt ˈka.put̪
73 ear auris avris ˈau̯.ris̠
74 eye oculus ocvlvs ˈɔ.ku.lus̠
75 nose nāsus, nāris nasvs, naris ˈnaː.s̠us̠, ˈnaː.ris̠
76 mouth ōs os ɔːs̠
77 tooth dēns dens d̪ẽːs̠
78 tongue (organ) lingua lingva ˈliŋ.ɡʷa
79 fingernail unguis vngvis ˈuŋ.ɡʷis̠
80 foot pēs pes pɛːs̠
81 leg crūs crvs kruːs̠
82 knee genū genv ˈɡɛ.nuː
83 hand manus manvs ˈma.nus̠
84 wing āla ala ˈaː.la
85 belly venter, abdōmen venter, abdomen ˈwɛn̪.t̪ɛr, abˈd̪ɔː.mɛn
86 guts vīscera viscera ˈwiːs̠.kɛ.ra
87 neck cervīx cervix ˈkɛr.wiːks̠
88 back dorsum, tergum dorsvm, tergvm ˈd̪ɔr.s̠ũ, ˈt̪ɛr.ɡũ
89 breast mamma mamma ˈ
90 heart cor cor kɔr
91 liver iecur iecvr ˈjɛ.kur
92 to drink bibō bibo ˈbi.bɔː
93 to eat edō edo ˈɛ.d̪ɔː
94 to bite mordeō mordeo ˈmɔr.d̪e.ɔː
95 to suck sūgō svgo ˈs̠uː.ɡɔː
96 to spit spuō spvo ˈs̠pu.ɔː
97 to vomit vomō vomo ˈwɔ.mɔː
98 to blow īnflō inflo ˈĩː.flɔː
99 to breathe respīrō respiro rɛˈs̠piː.rɔː
100 to laugh rīdeō rideo ˈriː.d̪e.ɔː
101 to see videō video ˈwi.d̪e.ɔː
102 to hear audiō avdio ˈau̯.d̪i.ɔː
103 to know sciō scio ˈs̠ki.ɔː
104 to think cōgitō, putō, exīstimō cogito, pvto, existimo ˈkɔː.ɡi.t̪ɔː, ˈpu.t̪ɔː, ɛkˈs̠iːs̠.t̪i.mɔː
105 to smell olfaciō olfacio ɔlˈɔː
106 to fear timeō timeo ˈt̪ɔː
107 to sleep dormiō dormio ˈd̪ɔr.mi.ɔː
108 to live vīvō vivo ˈwiː.wɔː
109 to die morior morior ˈmɔ.ri.ɔr
110 to kill necō neco ˈnɛ.kɔː
111 to fight lū̆ctor, pugnō lvctor, pvgno ˈlu(ː)k.t̪ɔr, ˈpuŋ.nɔː
112 to hunt vēnor venor ˈwɛː.nɔr
113 to hit pellō, pulsō pello, pvlso ˈpɛl.lɔː, ˈpul.s̠ɔː
114 to cut secō, caedō seco, caedo ˈs̠ɛ.kɔː, ˈkae̞̯.d̪ɔː
115 to split dīvidō, scindō divido, scindo ˈd̪iː.wi.d̪ɔː, ˈs̠kin̪.d̪ɔː
116 to stab pungō pvngo ˈpuŋ.ɡɔː
117 to scratch scabō, rādō scabo, rado ˈs̠ka.bɔː, ˈraː.d̪ɔː
118 to dig fodiō fodio ˈfɔ.d̪i.ɔː
119 to swim , natō no, nato nɔː, ˈna.t̪ɔː
120 to fly volō volo ˈwɔ.lɔː
121 to walk ambulō ambvlo ˈam.bu.lɔː
122 to come veniō venio ˈwɛ.ni.ɔː
123 to lie (as in a bed) cubō, iaceō cvbo, iaceo ˈku.bɔː, ˈɔː
124 to sit sedeō sedeo ˈs̠ɛ.d̪e.ɔː
125 to stand stō sto s̠t̪ɔː
126 to turn (intransitive) vertō verto ˈwɛr.t̪ɔː
127 to fall cadō cado ˈka.d̪ɔː
128 to give do d̪ɔː
129 to hold teneō teneo ˈt̪ɛ.ne.ɔː
130 to squeeze exprimō exprimo ˈɛks̠.pri.mɔː
131 to rub fricō, terō frico, tero ˈfri.kɔː, ˈt̪ɛ.rɔː
132 to wash lavō lavo ˈla.wɔː
133 to wipe tergeō tergeo ˈt̪ɛr.ɡe.ɔː
134 to pull trahō traho ˈt̪ra.(ɦ)ɔː
135 to push pellō pello ˈpɛl.lɔː
136 to throw iaciō iacio ˈɔː
137 to tie ligō ligo ˈli.ɡɔː
138 to sew cōnsuō consvo ˈkõː.s̠u.ɔː
139 to count computō, numerō compvto, nvmero ˈkɔm.pu.t̪ɔː, ˈnu.mɛ.rɔː
140 to say dīcō dico ˈd̪iː.kɔː
141 to sing canō cano ˈka.nɔː
142 to play lūdō lvdo ˈluː.d̪ɔː
143 to float flūctuō, flūitō flvctvo, flvito ˈfluːk.t̪u.ɔː, ˈflu.i.t̪ɔː
144 to flow fluō flvo ˈflu.ɔː
145 to freeze gelō gelo ˈɡɛ.lɔː
146 to swell augeō, tumeō avgeo, tvmeo ˈau̯.ɡe.ɔː, ˈt̪ɔː
147 sun sōl sol s̠ɔːl
148 moon lūna lvna ˈluː.na
149 star stēlla stella ˈs̠t̪ɛː
150 water aqua aqva ˈa.kʷa
151 rain pluvia plvvia ˈplu.wi.a
152 river flūmen, fluvius, amnis flvmen, flvvivs, amnis ˈfluː.mɛn, ˈ̠, ˈam.nis̠
153 lake lacus lacvs ˈla.kus̠
154 sea mare mare ˈma.rɛ
155 salt sāl sal s̠aːl
156 stone saxum, lapis, petra saxvm, lapis, petra ˈs̠ak.s̠ũ, ˈla.pis̠, ˈpɛ.t̪ra
157 sand harēna harena häˈrɛː.na
158 dust pulvis pvlvis ˈpul.wis̠
159 earth humus, terra, ager hvmvs, terra, ager ˈhu.mus̠, ˈtɛr.ra, ˈa.ɡɛr
160 cloud nūbēs, nebula nvbes, nebvla ˈnuː.bɛːs̠, ˈnɛ
161 fog cālīgō, nebula, tenebrae caligo, nebvla, tenebrae kaːˈliː.ɡɔː, ˈnɛ, ˈt̪ɛ.nɛ.brae̞̯
162 sky caelum caelvm ˈkae̞̯.lũ
163 wind ventus ventvs ˈwɛn̪.t̪us̠
164 snow nix nix niks̠
165 ice gelū gelv ˈɡɛ.luː
166 smoke fūmus fvmvs ˈfuː.mus̠
167 fire ignis ignis ˈiŋ.nis̠
168 ash cinis cinis ˈki.nis̠
169 to burn ūrō, flammō vro, flammo ˈuː.rɔː, ˈflam.mɔː
170 road via via ˈwi.a
171 mountain mōns mons mõːs̠
172 red ruber, rūfus rvber, rvfvs ˈru.bɛr, ˈruː.fus̠
173 green viridis viridis ˈwi.ri.d̪is̠
174 yellow croceus, flāvus crocevs, flavvs ˈkrɔ̠, ˈflaː.wus̠
175 white albus, candidus albvs, candidvs ˈal.bus̠, ˈkan̪.d̪i.d̪us̠
176 black āter, niger ater, niger ˈaː.tɛr, ˈni.ɡɛr
177 night nox nox nɔks̠
178 day diēs dies ˈdi.ɛːs̠
179 year annus annvs ˈan.nus̠
180 warm calidus calidvs ˈ̪us̠
181 cold frīgidus frigidvs ˈfriː.ɡi.d̪us̠
182 full plēnus plenvs ˈplɛː.nus̠
183 new novus novvs ˈnɔ.wus̠
184 old vetus vetvs ˈwɛ.t̪us̠
185 good bonus bonvs ˈbɔ.nus̠
186 bad malus malvs ˈma.lus̠
187 rotten putridus pvtridvs ˈpu.t̪ri.d̪us̠
188 dirty sordidus, immundus sordidvs, immvndvs ˈs̠ɔr.d̪i.d̪us̠, imˈmun̪.d̪us̠
189 straight rēctus rectvs ˈrɛːk.t̪us̠
190 round rotundus rotvndvs rɔˈt̪un̪.d̪us̠
191 sharp (as a knife) acūtus acvtvs aˈkuː.t̪us̠
192 dull (as a knife) hebes, retūsus hebes, retvsvs ˈhɛ.bɛs̠, rɛˈt̪uː.s̠us̠
193 smooth suāvis svavis s̠uˈaː.wis̠
194 wet ūmidus, aqueus vmidvs, aqvevs ˈuː.mi.d̪us̠, ˈa.kʷ̠
195 dry siccus siccvs ˈs̠ik.kus̠
196 correct rēctus rectvs ˈrɛːk.t̪us̠
197 near propinquus, proximus propinqvvs, proximvs prɔˈpiŋ.kus̠, ˈprɔk.s̠i.mus̠
198 far longus longvs ˈlɔŋ.ɡus̠
199 right dexter dexter ˈd̪ɛks̠.t̪ɛr
200 left laevus, sinister laevvs, sinister ˈlae̞̯.wus̠, s̠iˈnis̠.t̪ɛr
201 at ad, in ad, in ad, in
202 in in in in
203 with cum cvm
204 and et, -que et, -qve ɛt̪, -kʷɛ
205 if si s̠iː
206 because quod qvod kʷɔd̪
207 name nōmen nomen ˈnɔː.mɛn

See also

Swadesh lists
Individual languages
Language families, family branches, and geographic groupings
Constructed languages
Reconstructed proto-languages
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