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Volume 13, Issue 3October 2020
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
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Proxy Painting: Digital Colorization of Real-world Objects

For archaeologists, it is often desirable to present statues in their original material and coloration. With projection mapping, real-world surfaces are augmented by digital content to create compelling alterations of the scene’s visual appearance ...

From the Engraved Tablet to the Digital Tablet, History of a 15th-Century Music Score

This work illustrates the use of three different digitization techniques to study and valorize a 15th-century engraved tablet discovered during a preventive archaeological excavation in the area of a former convent. The tablet is covered with engraved ...

Open Workflows for Polychromatic Reconstruction of Historical Sculptural Monuments in 3D

Many historical monuments were originally vividly painted (polychromatic), and researchers have been able to reach consensus on this even for monument classes in which only indirect evidence of painting survives. However, academic caution has led to an ...

SIAT: Tunisian Archaeological Information Systems

The introduction of digital technologies into documentation methods for cultural heritage and archeology made it possible to develop new tools for the acquisition and management of information collected for multidisciplinary studies. These tools are ...

Automatic Shape Feature Recognition for Ceramic Finds

Ceramic sherds are the most common finds in archaeology. They are complex to analyze and onerous to process. A large number of indistinct sherds coming from excavations must be preliminarily grouped in some categories. This clusterization helps the next ...

“Let Them Talk!”: Exploring Guided Group Interaction in Digital Storytelling Experiences

Visits to cultural heritage sites are generally social in nature, yet resources to support these sociable experiences are often individualized, catering to the solitary visitor. Digital technologies offer means to disrupt this predicament, encouraging ...

An Interactive Narrative to Improve Cultural Heritage Experience in Elementary School Children

Cultural Heritage can use ICT and game design to provide compelling experiences of visiting ancient ruins. In fact, archaeological sites benefit from being enriched with additional meanings that help visitors to contextualize what they see. For example, ...

Detection of Disaster-Affected Cultural Heritage Sites from Social Media Images Using Deep Learning Techniques

This article describes a method for early detection of disaster-related damage to cultural heritage. It is based on data from social media, a timely and large-scale data source that is nevertheless quite noisy. First, we collect images posted on social ...

Art for Space

We investigate the overlapping of the concepts of prestige and success in art. To this end, we invited a group of art experts and a group of artists to select a small number of artworks that they deemed of high quality among those the crypto art gallery ...

Building Semantic Metadata for Historical Archives through an Ontology-driven User Interface

Historical archives represent an immense wealth, the potential of which is endangered by the lack of effective management and access tools. We believe that this issue can be faced by providing archive catalogs with a semantic layer, containing rich ...


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