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Autonomics '07: Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Autonomic computing and communication systems
2007 Proceeding
  • Conference Chair:
  • F. Davide
  • ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering)
  • Rue Godecharle, 41
  • Brussels
  • Belgium
AUTONOMICS07: First International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communication Systems Rome Italy October 28 - 30, 2007
28 October 2007
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In recent years, a plethora of electronic devices embedded into everyday objects and able to interface with the surrounding environment have emerged, foreshadowing the deployment of pervasive context-aware services. Similar to the Internet, these trends will revolutionize existing paradigms of communication, networking, and computing. In particular, the complexity hidden in such dynamic large-scale networks and services calls for self-management and autonomicity which serves as necessary conditions for obtaining purposeful systems. The challenges posed by such a vision cover a wide range of disciplines and sciences, including computing, communication, distributed systems, and control systems. Further, these challenges call for a new, integrated and multidisciplinary approach to pervasive computing and communication environments, giving rise to a new converged science, able to work at the junction of systems, computing and communication sciences.

The AUTONOMICS conference provides an international forum driving the emergent science of autonomic systems, bringing together research communities in communication and computing, promoting cross-fertilization among the different disciplines involved.

SESSION: Invited session on trust management
On trust management in grids
Article No.: 4, Pages 1–7

This paper presents an overview of the different concepts and technologies for managing trust in Grids. It examines the relation between trust and security, introducing the current technology for managing trust. The classical Virtual Organisation ...

Trust and punishment
Article No.: 5, Pages 1–6

In recent years we have witnessed a great increase in the interest in Trust Management (TM) techniques both from the industrial and the academic sectors. The booming research has also determined a duality in the very definition of TM system which can ...

Featuring trust and reputation management systems for constrained hardware devices
Article No.: 6, Pages 1–6

Research on trust management systems for wireless sensor networks is still at a very early stage and few works have done so far. It seems that for those works which deal with the topic general features of how these systems should be are not clearly ...

  • Sapienza University of Rome
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