Ambient media and systems culminate from the emergence of mobile communication, sensor-actuator technology, virtual environments, and interactive computing. They represent the vision of an all-encompassing multimedia networking environment with human interaction at its core. Advances in computer and communication technologies have the potential to offer people an unprecedented level of convenience and flexibility for living and working. Such technologies need to be closely integrated with human interactions and activity, allowing greater support for smart solutions that improve quality of life, productivity, understanding and intelligence within their situated environment. Ambi-sys focuses on emerging technologies, services and solutions for new, human-centric intelligent ambient environments.
Enriching music with synchronized lyrics, images and colored lights
We present a method to synchronize popular music with its lyrics at the stanza level. First we apply an algorithm to segment audio content into harmonically similar and/or contrasting progressions, i.e. the stanzas. We map the stanzas found to a ...
Improving dialogue systems in a home automation environment
In this paper, a task of human-machine interaction based on speech is presented. The specific task consists on the use and control of a set of home appliances through a turn-based dialogue system. This work focuses on the first part of the dialogue ...
A formal model to handle the adaptability of multimodal user interfaces
In this paper we propose an approach for checking adaptability property of multimodal User Interfaces (UIs) for systems used in dynamic environments like mobile phones and PDAs. The approach is based on a formal description of both the multimodal ...
A vision-based hybrid method for facial expression recognition
Facial expression is a very useful channel for intelligent human computer communication. In this paper we propose a hybrid method to recognize facial expression. Our main contributions in this study are: first, face region is detected by combing ...
A model for ontology-based scene description for context-aware driver assistance systems
Driving assistance systems (DAS) offer support in potentially dangerous situations, especially for unexperienced drivers. Co-operative systems improve their performance by sharing information with each other. One key-enabler for describing and ...
The Korrontea data modeling
Needs of multimedia systems evolved due to the evolution of their architecture which is now distributed into heterogeneous contexts like the Internet network. A critical issue lies in the fact that they handle, process, and transmit multimedia data. ...
An MPEG-21-driven utility-based multimedia adaptation decision taking web service
Supporting transparent delivery and convenient use of multimedia content across a wide range of networks and devices is still a challenging task within the multimedia research community; Universal Multimedia Access (UMA) is a vision that has been ...
Deconstructing ambient intelligence into ambient narratives: the intelligent shop window
Producing intelligent environments that are sensitive and responsive to the presence of users and their environment on a large scale is difficult. On one hand, it is technologically very hard to mass produce a device so smart that it is capable of ...
Delivering interactive multimedia services in dynamic pervasive computing environments
- Cristian Hesselman,
- Pablo Cesar,
- Ishan Vaishnavi,
- Mathieu Boussard,
- Ralf Kernchen,
- Stefan Meissner,
- Antonietta Spedalieri,
- Albert Sinfreu,
- Christian Räck
This paper introduces a distributed system for next generation multimedia support in dynamically changing pervasive computing environments. The overall goal is to enhance the experience of mobile users by intelligently adapting the way a service is ...
Multi-agent designs for ambient systems
Designing and developing software for an ambient intelligence (AmI) system involves difficult challenges related to the varied roles of many heterogeneous devices and communication channels, and intelligent user interfaces. Because ambient systems have ...
Assisting elders via dynamic multi-tasks planning: a Markov decision processes based approach
This paper presents a novel planning approach to assist elders with memory deficit to carry out complex daily activities. The proposed planner uses Markov decision processes (MDPs) in dynamic multi-tasks planning to help memory-impaired elders achieving ...
TaPuMa: tangible public map for information acquirement through the things we carry
The vast improvement in classical methods of information access and information retrieval has resulted from the invention of keyword-based search mechanism. Keywords serve as filters for desired information when users search in structured knowledge ...
Active manipulation of users in haptic-enabled virtual environments
The main goal of this research is to study the effect of sub-threshold forces on human performance in a haptic-enabled virtual reality system. A multi-modal task similar to Fitts is used to study the effects of the sub-threshold forces on user ...
3D interaction with volumetric medical data: experiencing the Wiimote
Three-dimensional virtual environments are becoming more and more important for the inspection of volumetric medical data reconstructed from slices of images coming from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computer Tomography (CT), Positron Emission ...
Adaptive data rate control for throughput improvement and energy efficiency in low rate WPAN
Energy Efficiency is one of the key issues in Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs). So far, many research papers have been published on the subject of energy efficiency. However, the throughput in LR-WPAN hasn't been extensively ...
The development of wireless sensor system for pressure and temperature signals monitoring
In this work, a design of wireless system for multi-sensors monitoring has been presented. The main purpose of this research is to develop an efficient telemetry system for measuring water pressure and temperature signals. The system reads data from two ...
Bypass AODV: improving performance of ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing protocol in wireless ad hoc networks
Bypass-AODV, a local recovery protocol, is proposed to enhance the performance of AODV routing protocol by overcoming several inherited problems such as unnecessary error recovery invocations, newly non-optimal reconstructed routes, high packet drop ...
Energy aware and cluster-based routing protocols for large-scale ambient sensor networks
The Ambient Intelligence paradigm is built upon Ubiquitous Computing (UC), in which the computing devices are embedded in the environment with the purpose of enhancing the human experience at home, workplace/office, learning, health care etc. The UC ...
Cooperative caching techniques for continuous media in wireless home networks
With wide spread deployment of wireless home networks, management of data across devices is becoming increasingly important. This is especially true for continuous media (audio and video clips) because they are large in size and are streamed at a pre-...
Context-aware content filtering & presentation for pervasive & mobile information systems
What constitutes relevant information to an individual may vary widely under different contexts. However, previous work on pervasive information systems has mostly focused on context-aware delivery of application-specific information. Such systems are ...
Emergency response simulation using wireless sensor networks
During emergency response situations, decisions have to be made in a timely manner. Multiple entities have to be optimally coordinated and numerous resources must be allocated efficiently, creating a very interesting and challenging technical problem. ...
Provisioning of multimedia services over open NGN testbed
Provisioning of multimedia services over next generation network and across heterogeneous fixed and mobile networks challenges the developers to define a unified triple play framework solution. However the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) defined by the ...
Simulating and implementing geospatially-based binding mechanisms for mobile peering
In mobile peer-to-peer information sharing, binding to - and sharing with - another device uses up computing resources and makes sense only when certain conditions are met. We propose a visual notation and an software tool for mobile devices that ...
A semiotic multi-agent system for intelligent building control
Intelligent agents have often been used within intelligent buildings for autonomous actuation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC) within intelligent buildings. Ubiquitous wireless sensors send environmental data such as ...
6th International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experiences (SAME 2014): ambient & smart media usability, interaction, and technologies
NordiCHI '14: Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Fun, Fast, FoundationalAmbient (aka pervasive, ubiquitous) media environments offer a plethora of context data as well as opportunities for context-related content production and consumption. They are the perfect environments for providing users with highly contextualized ...
Mobile ambient media: between human, art, and technology
MoMM '08: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and MultimediaThe medium is the message -- and the medium is more and more distributed throughout the natural environment of the consumer. Smart mobile phones, location based services, smart fridges, intelligent homes, and objects that think are just a few examples. ...