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10.5555/874064.875650guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Fault Tolerance for Off-the-Shelf Applications and Hardware

Published: 27 June 1995 Publication History


Abstract: The concept of middleware provides a transparent way to augment and change the characteristics of a service provider as seen from a client. Fault tolerant policies are ideal candidates for middleware implementation. We have defined and implemented operating system based middleware support that provides the power and flexibility needed by diverse fault tolerant policies. This mechanism, called the sentry, has been built into the UNIX 4.3 BSD operating system server running on a Mach 3.0 kernel. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the mechanism several policies have been implemented using sentries including checkpointing and journaling. The implementation shows that complex fault tolerant policies can be efficiently and transparently implemented as middleware. Performance overhead of input journaling is less than 5% and application suspension during the checkpoint is typically under 10 seconds in length. A standard hard disk is used to store journal and checkpoint information with dedicated storage requirements of less than 20 MB.


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Published In

cover image Guide Proceedings
FTCS '95: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing
June 1995


IEEE Computer Society

United States

Publication History

Published: 27 June 1995

Author Tags

  1. Mach 3.0 kernel
  2. UNIX 4.3 BSD operating system server
  3. Unix
  4. application suspension
  5. checkpointing
  6. client
  7. dedicated storage requirements
  8. fault tolerant computing
  9. fault tolerant policies
  10. fault-tolerance
  11. hard disk
  12. input journaling
  13. journaling
  14. middleware
  15. off-the-shelf applications
  16. off-the-shelf hardware
  17. operating system based middleware support
  18. operating systems (computers)
  19. performance overhead
  20. reliability
  21. sentry
  22. service provider
  23. software fault tolerance


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