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Listen to Your Face: A Face Authentication Scheme Based on Acoustic Signals

Online AM: 16 December 2024 Publication History


Face authentication (FA) schemes are widely adopted in smart homes nowadays. However, existing FA systems for smart appliances are commonly camera-based and hence experience performance degradation in poor illumination conditions. Mainstream FA systems based on radio frequency require dedicated hardware that is inaccessible to many appliances. In this paper, we propose an acoustic signals-based FA scheme that extracts acoustic signal features associated with facial 3D geometries to achieve FA named SoundFace. This scheme can be widely deployed on most appliances in home environments. We propose a novel two-stage locating approach based on acoustic sensing to capture the signal variation of the user’s face and separate the face region echoes from multipath interferences in the distance dimension. To obtain distinguishable facial features, we design a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based feature extractor. In addition, the acoustic signal is highly susceptible to different changes in practical authentication. To overcome it, we utilize a transfer learning technique with little training overhead to enable SoundFace resilient to various authentication changes. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that SoundFace achieves an average true authentication rate of over 96.2% and an equal error rate of 4.2%, and it is robust to various real-world settings.


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  1. Listen to Your Face: A Face Authentication Scheme Based on Acoustic Signals



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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Publication History

    Online AM: 16 December 2024
    Accepted: 20 November 2024
    Revised: 30 September 2024
    Received: 13 May 2024

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    1. Acoustic Sensing
    2. Face Authentication
    3. Smart Home


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