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Cohabitant: The Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Application for Interfaith Learning and Empathy Building

Published: 11 May 2024 Publication History


Lack of interfaith communication often gives rise to prejudice and group-based conflict in multi-faith societies. Nurturing this communication via interfaith learning may reduce this conflict by fostering interfaith empathy. HCI has a dearth of knowledge on interfaith coexistence and empathy building. To address this gap, we present the design, implementation, and usability of Cohabitant: a virtual reality (VR) application that promotes interfaith learning and empathy. Cohabitant’s design is theoretically underpinned by Allport’s intergroup contact theory and informed by insights from a participatory workshop we ran with members of three religious groups: Christians, Hindus, and Muslims. Our evaluation study, combining quantitative and qualitative data from 30 participants, suggests that Cohabitant may enhance general interpersonal empathy, but falls short for ethnocultural empathy. We discuss the possible design and policy implications of using this kind of VR technology for interfaith learning and empathy building.

Supplemental Material

MP4 File - Video Presentation
Video Presentation
Transcript for: Video Presentation
MP4 File - A representative VR scene for Cohabitant
This file contains a scene that is representative of our VR application, Cohabitant.
Transcript for: A representative VR scene for Cohabitant
PDF File - Scripts of VR Scenes
The file contains scripts used in implementing VR scenes in our study.
PDF File - IRI Items
This file has Interpersonal Reactivity Index Items used to conduct user study.
PDF File - Interview Guide
This file contains interview guides for qualitative study reported in our paper.


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