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Adaptive Online Hyper-Parameters Tuning for Ad Event-Prediction Models

Published: 03 April 2017 Publication History


Yahoo's native advertising (also known as Gemini native) is one of its fastest growing businesses, reaching a run-rate of several hundred Millions USD in the past year. Driving the Gemini native models that are used to predict both, click probability (pCTR) and conversion probability (pCONV), is OFFSET - a feature enhanced collaborative-filtering (CF) based event prediction algorithm. OFFSET is a one-pass algorithm that updates its model for every new batch of logged data using a stochastic gradient descent (SGD) based approach. As most learning algorithms, OFFSET includes several hyper-parameters that can be tuned to provide best performance for a given system conditions. Since the marketplace environment is very dynamic and influenced by seasonality and other temporal factors, having a fixed single set of hyper-parameters (or configuration) for the learning algorithm is sub-optimal.
In this work we present an online hyper-parameters tuning algorithm, which takes advantage of the system parallel map-reduce based architecture, and strives to adapt the hyper-parameters set to provide the best performance at a specific time interval. Online evaluation via bucket testing of the tuning algorithm showed a significant 4.3% revenue lift overall traffic, and a staggering 8.3% lift over Yahoo Home-Page section traffic. Since then, the tuning algorithm was pushed into production, tuning both click- and conversion-prediction models, and is generating a hefty estimated revenue lift of 5% yearly for Yahoo Gemini native.
The proposed tuning mechanism can be easily generalized to fit any learning algorithm that continuously learns on incoming streaming data, in order to adapt its hyper-parameters to temporal changes.


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  1. Adaptive Online Hyper-Parameters Tuning for Ad Event-Prediction Models



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Other conferences
    WWW '17 Companion: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion
    April 2017
    1738 pages


    • IW3C2: International World Wide Web Conference Committee



    International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee

    Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland

    Publication History

    Published: 03 April 2017


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    1. ad click-prediction
    2. ad ranking
    3. hyper-parameters tuning
    4. learning
    5. map-reduce
    6. native ads


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    WWW '17
    • IW3C2

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