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Fabrication & HCI: Hobbyist Making, Industrial Production, and Beyond

Published: 07 May 2016 Publication History


This one-day workshop seeks to advance the discussion around making and fabrication in HCI research, including notions of hobbyist making and industrial production. These different fabrication cultures are the starting point for the workshop, which attempts to contour the landscape of fabrication and how it influences and is influenced by HCI (research). The proposed workshop extends from two prior efforts in this space: a workshop held at the 5th Decennial Aarhus Conference and a three-day summit in Austria in September 2015 on "Rethinking Technology Innovation: Factories, Fabrication & Design Research".


Morgan G. Ames, Jeffrey Bardzell, Shaowen Bardzell, Silvia Lindtner, David A. Mellis, and Daniela K. Rosner. 2014. Making Cultures: Empowerment, Participation, and Democracy - or Not?. In Proc. CHI EA '14. ACM, 1087-1092. 2559206.2579405
Jeffrey Bardzell, Shaowen Bardzell, and Austin Toombs. 2014. "Now That's Definitely a Proper Hack": Self-made Tools in Hackerspaces. In Proc. CHI '14. ACM, 473-476.
David Cuartielles, Jonathan Bean, and Daniela Rosner. 2015. Conversations on Making. interactions 22, 1 (2015), 22-24.
Laura Devendorf and Kimiko Ryokai. 2015. Being the Machine: Reconfiguring Agency and Control in Hybrid Fabrication. In Proc. CHI '15. ACM, 2477-2486.
Sarah Fox, Rachel Rose Ulgado, and Daniela Rosner. 2015. Hacking Culture, Not Devices: Access and Recognition in Feminist Hackerspaces. In Proc. CSCW '15. ACM, 56-68.
Verena Fuchsberger, Silvia Lindtner, Martin Murer, and Manfred Tscheligi. 2015. Rethinking Technology Innovation: Factories, Fabrication & Design Research. (2015).
Verena Fuchsberger, Martin Murer, Thomas Meneweger, and Manfred Tscheligi. 2014. Capturing the In-between of Interactive Artifacts and Users: A Materiality-centered Approach. In Proc. NordiCHI '14. ACM, 451-460.
Verena Fuchsberger, Martin Murer, Manfred Tscheligi, Silvia Lindtner, Andreas Reiter, Shaowen Bardzell, Jeffrey Bardzell, and Pernille Björn. 2015. The Future of Making: Where Industrial and Personal Fabrication Meet. In Critical Alternatives '15. Aarhus Univ. Press.
William W. Gaver, John Bowers, Kirsten Boehner, Andy Boucher, David W.T. Cameron, Mark Hauenstein, Nadine Jarvis, and Sarah Pennington. 2013. Indoor weather stations: investigating a ludic approach to environmental HCI through batch prototyping. In Proc. CHI'13. ACM, 3451-3460.
Ilpo Koskinen, John Zimmerman, Thomas Binder, Johan Redstrom, and Stephan Wensveen. 2011. Design research through practice: From the lab, field, and showroom. Elsevier.
Silvia Lindtner. 2015. Hacking with Chinese Characteristics The Promises of the Maker Movement against China's Manufacturing Culture. Science, Technology & Human Values (2015).
Silvia Lindtner, Garnet D. Hertz, and Paul Dourish. 2014. Emerging Sites of HCI Innovation: Hackerspaces, Hardware Startups & Incubators. In Proc. CHI '14. ACM, 439-448. 2556288.2557132
David Mellis, Sean Follmer, Björn Hartmann, Leah Buechley, and Mark D. Gross. 2013. FAB at CHI: Digital Fabrication Tools, Design, and Community. In CHI EA '13. ACM, 3307-3310. 1145/2468356.2479673
Thomas Meneweger, Daniela Wurhofer, Verena Fuchsberger, and Manfred Tscheligi. 2015. Working Together with Industrial Robots: Experiencing Robots in a Production Environment. In Proc. RO-MAN '15. 833-838.
Stefanie Mueller, Pedro Lopes, and Patrick Baudisch. 2012. Interactive Construction: Interactive Fabrication of Functional Mechanical Devices. In Proc. UIST '12. ACM, 599-606.
Stefanie Mueller, Tobias Mohr, Kerstin Guenther, Johannes Frohnhofen, and Patrick Baudisch. 2014. faBrickation: Fast 3D Printing of Functional Objects by Integrating Construction Kit Building Blocks. In CHI EA '14. ACM, 187-188. 2559206.2582209
David Roedl, Shaowen Bardzell, and Jeffrey Bardzell. 2015. Sustainable Making-Balancing Optimism and Criticism in HCI Discourse. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 22, 3, Article 15 (June 2015), 27 pages.
Yuling Sun, Silvia Lindtner, Xianghua Ding, Tun Lu, and Ning Gu. 2015. Reliving the Past & Making a Harmonious Society Today: A Study of Elderly Electronic Hackers in China. In Proc. CSCW '15. ACM, 44-55.
Austin Toombs, Shaowen Bardzell, and Jeffrey Bardzell. 2014. Becoming Makers: Hackerspace Member Habits, Values, and Identities. Journal of Peer Production (2014).
Austin L. Toombs, Shaowen Bardzell, and Jeffrey Bardzell. 2015. The Proper Care and Feeding of Hackerspaces: Care Ethics and Cultures of Making. In Proc. CHI '15. ACM, 629-638. //
Christian Weichel, Jason Alexander, Abhijit Karnik, and Hans Gellersen. 2015. SPATA: Spatio-Tangible Tools for Fabrication-Aware Design. In Proc. TEI '15. ACM, 189-196.
Daniela Wurhofer, Thomas Meneweger, Verena Fuchsberger, and Manfred Tscheligi. 2015. Deploying Robots in a Production Environment: A Study on Temporal Transitions of Workers' Experiences. In Proc. INTERACT 2015. Springer, 203-220.
Tomasz Zabiński and Tomasz Maczka. 2010. Human system interface for manufacturing control - Industrial implementation. In Human System Interactions (HSI), 2010 3rd Conference on. 350-355. org/10.1109/HSI.2010.5514547

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  1. Fabrication & HCI: Hobbyist Making, Industrial Production, and Beyond



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    CHI EA '16: Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems
    May 2016
    3954 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 07 May 2016

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    Author Tags

    1. (personal) fabrication
    2. DIY
    3. industrial production
    4. making


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    CHI'16: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
    May 7 - 12, 2016
    California, San Jose, USA

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