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Deterministic sampling and range counting in geometric data streams

Published: 01 May 2007 Publication History


We present memory-efficient deterministic algorithms for constructing ϵ-nets and ϵ-approximations of streams of geometric data. Unlike probabilistic approaches, these deterministic samples provide guaranteed bounds on their approximation factors. We show how our deterministic samples can be used to answer approximate online iceberg geometric queries on data streams. We use these techniques to approximate several robust statistics of geometric data streams, including Tukey depth, simplicial depth, regression depth, the Thiel-Sen estimator, and the least median of squares. Our algorithms use only a polylogarithmic amount of memory, provided the desired approximation factors are at least inverse-polylogarithmic. We also include a lower bound for noniceberg geometric queries.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Algorithms
ACM Transactions on Algorithms  Volume 3, Issue 2
May 2007
338 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 May 2007
Published in TALG Volume 3, Issue 2


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  1. Data streams
  2. epsilon nets
  3. geometric data
  4. iceberg queries
  5. range counting
  6. robust statistics
  7. sampling
  8. streaming algorithms


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