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Modified NSGA-III for sensor placement in water distribution system

Published: 01 January 2020 Publication History


A modified NSGA-III algorithm is proposed for sensor placement.
We theoretically analyze the sensor placement problem.
We prove that the sensor placement problem is NP-hard problem.
The benefits of the proposed algorithm are illustrated.


Contaminant events in drinkable water distribution systems (WDSs) have occurred frequently in recent years, causing severe damages, economic loss, and long-lasting societal impact. A critical and effective method to monitor WDS in real-time is deploying a water quality sensor. However, the placement of such sensors in a water distribution network (WDN) has become a foremost concern around the world. In this paper, we first analyze sensor placement mathematically and prove that it is NP-hard. Subsequently, we distinguish between single- and multi-objective optimization, and attempt, for the first time, to propose a modified NSGA-III to solve many-objective optimization for the sensor placement problem. WDNs of two sizes are employed and simulation results demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed model and methodology. The future research works are also identified and discussed.


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          Published In

          cover image Information Sciences: an International Journal
          Information Sciences: an International Journal  Volume 509, Issue C
          Jan 2020
          530 pages


          Elsevier Science Inc.

          United States

          Publication History

          Published: 01 January 2020

          Author Tags

          1. Sensor placement
          2. NSGA-III
          3. Water distribution system


          • Research-article


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