An online-learning-based evolutionary many-objective algorithm
When optimizing many-objective problems (MaOP), the same strategy might behave differently when facing problems with different features. Therefore, obtaining problem features helps to obtain high-quality solutions. However, in practice,...
An unsupervised constrained optimization approach to compressive summarization
Automatic summarization is typically aimed at selecting as much information as possible from text documents using a predefined number of words. Extracting complete sentences into a summary is not an optimal way to solve this problem ...
Sampled-position states based consensus of networked multi-agent systems with second-order dynamics subject to communication delays
This paper is concerned with the sampled-position states based consensus of networked multi-agent systems with second-order dynamics, where agents are connected through communication channels subject to time-varying communication ...
Neighbourhood-based undersampling approach for handling imbalanced and overlapped data
Class imbalanced datasets are common across different domains including health, security, banking and others. A typical supervised learning algorithm tends to be biased towards the majority class when dealing with imbalanced datasets. ...
Group decision making based on multiplicative consistency and consensus of fuzzy linguistic preference relations
Fuzzy linguistic preference relations (FLPRs) are an efficient way to express qualitative judgments of decision makers (DMs). This paper proposes a new group decision making (GDM) method based on the multiplicative consistency and ...
HAPE: A programmable big knowledge graph platform
Heaven Ape (HAPE) is an integrated big knowledge graph platform supporting the construction, management, and operation of large to massive scale knowledge graphs. Its current version described in this paper is a prototype, which ...
Fully probabilistic design unifies and supports dynamic decision making under uncertainty
The fully probabilistic design (FPD) of decision strategies models the closed decision loop as well as decision aims and constraints by joint probabilities of involved variables. FPD takes the minimiser of cross entropy (CE) of the ...
Leakage-resilient group signature: Definitions and constructions
Group signature scheme provides a way to sign messages without revealing identities of the authentic signers. To achieve such functionality and to avoid the abuse of its power, anonymity and traceability are two essential properties ...
Multiple-user closest keyword-set querying in road networks
Location-based group queries have attracted increasing attention due to the prevalence of location-based services (LBS) and location-based social networks (LBSN). An important and practical application in these queries is the ...
Two-layer fuzzy multiple random forest for speech emotion recognition in human-robot interaction
The two-layer fuzzy multiple random forest (TLFMRF) is proposed for speech emotion recognition. When recognizing speech emotion, there are usually some problems. One is that feature extraction relies on personalized features. The other ...
Seeking affinity structure: Strategies for improving m-best graph matching
State-of-the-art methods for finding the m-best solutions to graph matching (QAP) rely on exclusion strategies. The k-th best solution is found by excluding all better ones from the search space. This provides diversity, a natural ...
Semantic relation extraction using sequential and tree-structured LSTM with attention
- The sequential and tree-structured LSTM with attention is proposed.
- Word-based ...
Semantic relation extraction is crucial to automatically constructing a knowledge graph (KG), and it supports a variety of downstream natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as query answering (QA), semantic search and textual ...
A knee-guided prediction approach for dynamic multi-objective optimization
- The MCDM process is incorporated into the knee-guided evolutionary algorithm framework.
Although dynamic multi-objective optimization problems dictate the evolutionary algorithms to quickly track the varying Pareto front when the environmental change occurs, the decision maker in the loop still needs to select a final ...
Non-fragile H ∞ consensus tracking of nonlinear multi-agent systems with switching topologies and transmission delay via sampled-data control
- First, we introduce a general communication mode, that is switching topologies with a transmission delay, instead of fixed topology without any delays in the ...
In this paper, the sampled-data non-fragile H ∞ consensus tracking problem for Lipschitz nonlinear multi-agent systems with switching topologies and exogenous disturbances is investigated. Each possible interaction ...
Towards efficient and effective discovery of Markov blankets for feature selection
The Markov blanket (MB), a key concept in a Bayesian network (BN), is essential for large-scale BN structure learning and optimal feature selection. Many MB discovery algorithms that are either efficient or effective have been proposed ...
Multi-view laplacian eigenmaps based on bag-of-neighbors for RGB-D human emotion recognition
Human emotion recognition is an important direction in the fields of human-computer interaction and computer vision. However, most existing human emotion researches just focus on one view of the study objects. In this paper, we first ...
YAKE! Keyword extraction from single documents using multiple local features
As the amount of generated information grows, reading and summarizing texts of large collections turns into a challenging task. Many documents do not come with descriptive terms, thus requiring humans to generate keywords on-the-fly. ...
Toward conditionally anonymous Bitcoin transactions: A lightweight-script approach
Bitcoin is being explored for applications in various Internet of Things (IoT) scenarios as a peer-to-peer payment platform. However, security and anonymity problems exist with Bitcoin, which threaten vulnerable IoT facilities. This ...
Dynamic event-triggered mechanism for H ∞ non-fragile state estimation of complex networks under randomly occurring sensor saturations
In this paper, the problem of non-fragile H ∞ state estimation is investigated for a class of discrete-time complex networks subject to randomly occurring sensor saturations (ROSSs) under a dynamic event-triggered ...