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Information privacy concerns, antecedents and privacy measure use in social networking sites: Evidence from Malaysia

Published: 01 November 2012 Publication History


The research aims at gaining insights into information privacy concerns, its antecedents and privacy measure use in social networking sites. The Social Cognitive, Protection Motivation theories and gender factor were used as a basis to develop and confirm a research model. Using a cross-sectional survey design and cluster sampling technique, four-hundred thirteen questionnaires were distributed to undergraduates at a public Malaysian university; three-hundred forty were included in analyses. Data was analyzed using structural equation modeling technique. Results suggest that in order of importance only perceived severity, self-efficacy, perceived vulnerability, and gender are antecedents of information privacy concerns with social networking sites; response efficacy and rewards were not significant antecedents contrary to many past findings in the literature that used Social Cognitive and Protection Motivation Theory as a theoretical basis. Information privacy concerns explain privacy measure use in social networking sites. The implications of these results and study limitations are discussed.


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  1. Information privacy concerns, antecedents and privacy measure use in social networking sites: Evidence from Malaysia



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image Computers in Human Behavior
    Computers in Human Behavior  Volume 28, Issue 6
    November, 2012
    449 pages


    Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


    Publication History

    Published: 01 November 2012

    Author Tags

    1. Information privacy
    2. Protection Motivation Theory
    3. Self-efficacy
    4. Social Cognitive Theory
    5. Social networking


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