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A fault-tolerant hierarchical hybrid mesh-based wireless network-on-chip architecture for multicore platforms

Published: 01 August 2015 Publication History


Wireless network on chip (WNoC) is a promising new solution for overcoming the constraints in the traditional electrical interconnections. However, the occurrence of faults has become more prevalent because of the continuous shrinkage of CMOS technology and integration of wireless technology in such complex circuits. This can lead to formation of faulty regions on chip, where the probability of the entire system failure increases in a significant manner. This issue is not addressed in the previous works on WNoC systems. In this article, a fault-tolerant hierarchical hybrid WNoC architecture is proposed. First, an innovative strategy is proposed for solving the problem of fault-tolerant wireless routers placement in standard mesh networks inspired by node-disjoint communication structures. Next, efficient fault-tolerant communication protocols are presented for applying this structure. The experimental results demonstrate the robustness of this proposed architecture in the presence of various fault regions under different traffic patterns.


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  1. A fault-tolerant hierarchical hybrid mesh-based wireless network-on-chip architecture for multicore platforms



        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image The Journal of Supercomputing
        The Journal of Supercomputing  Volume 71, Issue 8
        August 2015
        431 pages


        Kluwer Academic Publishers

        United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 August 2015

        Author Tags

        1. Fault-tolerance
        2. Multicore systems
        3. Network on chip
        4. Permanent faults
        5. Wireless interconnections


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