Political Engagement

Target works with elected officials from all political parties to inform them on policies that will affect the long-term health of our business and stakeholders across our value chain.

One way we do this is through corporate contributions and through our team-member-funded TargetCitizens PAC.

Political contributions

Target’s decision-making body for financial support of political activities is a subset of the leadership team, which is responsible for balancing our business interests with other considerations that are important to our team members, guests, communities, shareholders and other stakeholders. This group reports to the Board of Directors at least twice per year.

Target may provide financial support to political candidates, political parties or ballot initiatives through two separate channels:

  1. TargetCitizens PAC, which is funded through the voluntary contributions of our eligible team members, and
  2. The use of general corporate funds, where permitted by law.

PAC contributions

TargetCitizens PAC is funded through voluntary contributions by eligible team members and contributes in a bipartisan manner to federal candidates and organizations. Political contributions are determined through a balance of Target’s business priorities and company values, including:

  • Target priorities: We prioritize working with elected officials who have an impact on issues that are important to Target’s business. Our priorities are broad and always evolving, ranging from critical issues such as tax, trade, privacy, sustainability, retail theft, supply chain and workforce issues. To help us determine which elected officials are most relevant to our business, we consider factors like an elected official’s district, the leadership positions they hold and relevant legislative committee appointments.
  • Political balance: We employ more than 400,000 team members and serve more than 30 million guests each week, so we know that our team members and guests represent the diverse perspectives of the country. As a result, we’ll continue to make sure our contributions are balanced between political parties and reflect the broad spectrum of views of all of our stakeholders.
  • Values of diversity and inclusion: Target is an inclusive organization that values diverse backgrounds and perspectives. We stand against hate in all forms and are committed to championing a more inclusive society. When considering political contributions, we take an elected official’s actions in support of diversity and inclusion into account.
  • Respect for democratic election process: Target stands proudly in support of our democratic processes and encourages our team members and guests to exercise their democratic rights. We support civic engagement and believe that the right to vote is foundational to our democracy. We also believe elections should be conducted in a transparent, fair and secure manner. We oppose any actions that create barriers to voting. This means we will consider a candidate’s respect for the civic process and maintaining the integrity of our elections.

Information on TargetCitizens PAC contributions can be found on the Federal Election Commission’s website.

Corporate contributions

The use of general corporate funds for political contributions is permitted if Target determines that it would be an appropriate means of advancing issues that are important to our business. Target’s Leadership Team approves any use of general corporate funds for electioneering activities, including any contributions to political candidates, parties, committees or other political organizations, or for or against ballot measures. 

In making these decisions, Target determines whether the contribution supports our business interests; gives consideration to the interests of our guests, team members, shareholders and other stakeholders; and determines whether, under the circumstances, the contribution is an appropriate means of advancing our public policy position. This approval process applies whether the contribution is made directly to a candidate or party, or indirectly through an organization operating under Section 527 or 501(c)(4) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (IRC). 

One way Target and other retail companies engage politically at the state level is to support state retail association political action committees (PACs) where allowed by law. By pooling resources with other retailers, we are able to support candidates who understand and support issues important to the retail industry, such as tax, trade, privacy, sustainability, retail theft, supply chain and workforce issues. 

Target publicly discloses its political contributions that use corporate treasury funds, which include contributions to recipients such as political candidates, parties and committees; IRC section 527 or 501(c)(4) organizations using the funds for political purposes; super PACs; governors associations; and independent political expenditures supporting or opposing campaigns or ballot measures. A list of such individual contributions of $5,000 or more, including recipient name and amount, is updated twice per year and available on this website. 

Target team members are subject to corporate policies that govern corporate and PAC political contributions. 

Select Target team members complete periodic training and certify compliance with corporate policies on public policy engagement and political contributions. Target corporate political contributions and lobbying practices may be subject to periodic internal audits.

TargetCitizens PAC 2023 Contributions