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Springfield-Greene County Library District
Springfield, Missouri


Please note: Links to help contained on this page pertain to the Springfield-Greene County Library District only. Patrons of other COOLcat libraries, should consult this help file.

There are many ways to search the library's catalog.

Each of the following links will give you tips on searching for specific kinds of items:

The following links provide additional information to aid your searches:

Limit an author, title, or subject search:

  1. On the search results screen, click the "Limit Search" button at the top or bottom of the screen.
  2. Fill in one or more of the Limit Search form fields. To select more than one limit in a field, hold the CTRL key while clicking your selections.
  • Material type:
    • audiobook--cassette
    • audiobook--compact disc
    • book
    • book/cassette
    • cassette (music)
    • compact disc
    • cd-rom
    • dvd
    • large type
    • periodicals
    • toys
    • videocassettes
    • repair manuals
    • test manuals
  • Where the item is located
  • Year of publication--You can fill in either the After or Before field, or both.
  • Language
  • Publisher
  • Words in:
    • title
    • author
    • subject
  • You can also sort your list by date.
  1. Click the "Limit/sort items retrieved using above data".

Limit a keyword search:

  1. On the search results screen, click the "Modify Search" button at the top or bottom of the screen. You will be returned to the Keyword Search form. The form will already be filled in with your original search criteria.
  2. Change or add additional search criteria.
  3. Click the "Search" button.

What is MOBIUS?
MOBIUS stands for Missouri Bibliographic Information User System. MOBIUS is a group of academic libraries in Missouri that share a catalog system. Each library in MOBIUS loans their materials to each other for students and faculty to check out. Springfield-Greene County Library is the first public library in the state of Missouri to participate in MOBIUS.

Springfield-Greene County Library card holders can borrow materials from the academic libraries that participate in MOBIUS, providing ready access to materials that would often not be available in a public library.

How many titles can I check out from MOBIUS? How many holds can I have?
You can have a combined total of 10 titles checked out and on hold at one time.

How long is the checkout period for MOBIUS titles?
3 weeks.

Can I renew titles I borrowed through MOBIUS?
Yes, you can renew titles up to 2 times. A MOBIUS title may be renewed only if there are 7 or fewer days remaining in the current loan period. If you try to renew a title more than 7 days prior to the due date, you will receive a "Renewal Too Soon" message.

MOBIUS renewals take some time to process. After renewing, the title may have a "Renewal Pending" status for a short period of time.

How long will it take for my hold to arrive at my local library?
Materials should arrive in about 3 days, assuming the title is not already checked out.

How do I know when my hold has arrived?
You will be notified by e-mail if your current e-mail address is in your patron record. Otherwise, you will be notified by mail.

How long do I have to pick up my hold after it arrives?
7 days.

I can't place holds in MOBIUS. What might be the problem?
You will not be able to place holds or check out titles from the MOBIUS catalog if:

  • Your library card has expired.
  • You owe $5.00 or more in fines or fees.
  • You have even ONE overdue MOBIUS title.
  • You have a combination of 10 MOBIUS items checked hold and holds placed.

What if I lose a MOBIUS book?
Replacement costs for any MOBIUS title is $120.00.

How do I get titles from MOBIUS?

  1. Search COOLcat for the title. If Springfield-Greene County Library owns the title, you should place a hold on that title. If the Library does not have the title you want, click the "Search MOBIUS" button at the top or bottom of the screen. The catalog will automatically re-send your search to the MOBIUS catalog. The next screen you see will be a search results screen from MOBIUS.
  2. If you locate the title you want in the MOBIUS catalog, click on the title to go to the full record. If MOBIUS does not have the title you want, try an Interlibrary Loan.
  3. To place a hold on the title, click the "REQUEST THIS ITEM" link located beneath the author, title and publisher information.
  4. In the "With which institution are you affiliated?" box, choose "SGCL".
  5. On the next screen, enter your first or last name, your complete library card number, and the branch where you want to pick up the title.
  6. If more than one copy of the title is available, you may be asked to choose which copy you want to request. Click to select the radio button to the left of the title, and then click the "Request Selected Item" button.
  7. You will receive a confirmation that your request was successful.
  8. You can view titles you have placed on hold by going to My Account in COOLcat.