You can save a list of titles and then print, e-mail or save them to disk.
- Search your library's COOLcat Catalog for the title you wish
to save.
- Click the "Add to Cart" button.
- Continue searching and adding titles to your cart until all your selections
have been made.
- Click the "View Cart" button at the top or bottom of the screen.
- On the "Your Cart" page, click "Send Titles"
- Choose a list format:
- Brief Display to save author, title, publisher, and call number information.
- Full Display to save all information for a title, including locations of the
title, availability, subject headings, and notes.
- Choose where to send the list:
- email to send to your email account
- screen to format the list for printing from the browser
- local disk to save to a floppy
- To save all the titles in your cart, click the "Send All Titles"
- To save some titles in your cart, click in the check box to the left of each
title you want to send, then click the "Send Selected Titles" button.