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Springfield-Greene County Library District
Springfield, Missouri


Please note:� Links to help contained on this page pertain to the Springfield-Greene County Library District only. Patrons of other COOLcat libraries, should consult this help file.

  1. Click on the "Suggest Titles for Purchase" link on the COOLcat home page.
  2. Fill out the form and click on "Submit This Suggestion".
  3. The Library will contact you when the material is available for checkout.

You can save a list of titles and then print, e-mail or save them to disk.

  1. Search your library's COOLcat Catalog for the title you wish to save.
  2. Click the "Add to Cart" button.
  3. Continue searching and adding titles to your cart until all your selections have been made.
  4. Click the "View Cart" button at the top or bottom of the screen.
  5. On the "Your Cart" page, click "Send Titles"
  6. Choose a list format:
  • Brief Display to save author, title, publisher, and call number information.
  • Full Display to save all information for a title, including locations of the title, availability, subject headings, and notes.
  • MARC
  1. Choose where to send the list:
  • email to send to your email account
  • screen to format the list for printing from the browser
  • local disk to save to a floppy
  1. To save all the titles in your cart, click the "Send All Titles" button.
  2. To save some titles in your cart, click in the check box to the left of each title you want to send, then click the "Send Selected Titles" button.