

Edward Hallett Carr
国籍 英国
职业史家 · 外交官 · 國際關係理論學家 · 新聞從業員
配偶安妮·沃德·豪(Anne Ward Howe)1925年
貝蒂·貝倫斯(Betty Behrens) 1966年

愛德華·霍列特·“泰德”·卡爾Edward Hallett "Ted" Carr,一般簡稱為 E.H. Carr, 1892年6月28日—1982年11月5日)CBE FBA,為英國歷史學家、外交官、記者和國際關係學者。卡爾為國際關係中的古典現實主義理論的奠基者之一。卡爾以反對史學中的經驗主義,和《蘇維埃史》、《什麼是歷史?》聞名。



1892年,卡爾出生於倫敦的一個中產階級家庭,就讀於倫敦诺斯伍德泰勒学院英语Merchant Taylors' School, Northwood。1911年,考入劍橋三一學院,並於1916年獲得古典學學位。卡爾的家族起源於英格蘭北部,他的父母最初支持保守黨,後在1903年張伯倫宣布反對自由貿易並宣布支持帝國優惠政策時轉而支持自由黨

1916年,他畢業後便進入了英國外交部,最初分管對德國的經濟封鎖,後來到北方部處理和俄羅斯相關的事務。外交大臣哈利法克斯勳爵稱讚他“不僅在學識和政治理解上出類拔萃,而且在行政能力上出類拔萃”。1919年,卡爾確信布爾什維克要贏得俄羅斯內戰,同意首相大衛·勞合·喬治以現實政治為由反對戰爭部長溫斯頓·丘吉爾的反布爾什維克思想。同年,卡爾參加巴黎和會,參與了與國際聯盟有關的凡爾賽條約部分的起草工作。他還參與了德國和波蘭之間邊界的製定。最初,卡爾支持波蘭,敦促英國立即承認波蘭獨立,並將德國控制的但澤割讓給波蘭。並反對為波蘭制定少數民族條約英语Little Treaty of Versailles的想法,認為不應該讓國際社會介入波蘭內政,可以最好地保障波蘭少數民族和宗教少數群體的權利。但不久卡爾對波蘭的態度完全調轉,傾向於以犧牲波蘭為代價來支持德國。

和會結束後到1921年,卡爾一直在英國駐巴黎大使館。回國後,卡爾被分配到英國外交部處理國際聯盟的部門,然後被派往英國駐拉脫維亞里加大使館工作。在里加期間,卡爾對俄羅斯文學和文化越來越著迷,他學習俄語,閱讀俄羅斯作家,並寫了一些關於俄國文化的書還有陀思妥耶夫斯基米哈伊尔·巴枯宁等人的傳記。1927年,卡爾首次去莫斯科。他早期還是持反共的自由派觀點,不過他後來有所轉向,部分接受了馬克思主義。1930年,美國的斯穆特-霍利法案簽署,他認為這導致世界嚴重分裂為相互競爭的貿易集團,也是德國在外交政策中好戰的主要原因。在卡爾看來,如果可以讓德國擁有自己的經濟區來主導東歐可以保證世界和平。對於綏靖政策的支持使他和常任副國務卿羅伯特·范西塔特爵士英语Robert Vansittart, 1st Baron Vansittart產生了摩擦,這也導致了他在1936年的離職。

離職後,卡爾成為亞伯大學的伍德羅威爾遜國際政治教授。他在課上對國聯的批評態度導致了戴維斯勳爵英语David Davies, 1st Baron Davies關係的惡化。同年,他到皇家國際事務研究所工作,負責過於民族主義的研究。1937年,他第二次到訪蘇聯,此時正值大清洗,他在街上偶然碰到了他的朋友米尔斯基王子,但這次碰面導致了米爾斯基被發配古拉格。他在1939年7月出版的《二十年危機》中為綏靖政策辯護,不過他隨即放棄了這種態度,轉而研究蘇聯歷史。








  • Dostoevsky (1821–1881): A New Biography, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1931.
  • The Romantic Exiles: A Nineteenth Century Portrait Gallery, London: Victor Gollancz, 1933.
  • Karl Marx: A Study in Fanaticism, London: Dent, 1934.
  • Michael Bakunin, London: Macmillan, 1937.
  • International Relations Since the Peace Treaties, London: Macmillan, 1937.
  • The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919–1939: an Introduction to the Study of International Relations, London: Macmillan, 1939, revised edition, 1946.
  • Britain: A Study of Foreign Policy from the Versailles Treaty to the Outbreak of War, London; New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1939.
  • Conditions of Peace, London: Macmillan, 1942.
  • Nationalism and After, London: Macmillan, 1945.
  • The Soviet Impact on the Western World, 1946.
  • A History of Soviet Russia, London: Macmillan, 1950–1978. Collection of 14 volumes: The Bolshevik Revolution (3 volumes), The Interregnum (1 volume), Socialism in One Country (5 volumes), and The Foundations of a Planned Economy (5 volumes).
  • The New Society, London: Macmillan, 1951.
  • German-Soviet Relations Between the Two World Wars, 1919–1939, London: Geoffrey Cumberlege, 1952.
  • What Is History?, 1961, revised edition ed. R.W. Davies, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.
  • 1917 Before and After, London: Macmillan, 1969; American edition: The October Revolution Before and After, New York: Knopf, 1969.
  • The Russian Revolution: From Lenin to Stalin (1917–1929), London: Macmillan, 1979.
  • From Napoleon to Stalin and Other Essays, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980.
  • The Twilight of the Comintern, 1930–1935, London: Macmillan, 1982.
  • The Comintern and the Spanish Civil War, 1984.


  • Abramsky, Chimen & Williams, Beryl J. (editors) Essays in Honour of E.H. Carr, London: Macmillan, 1974, ISBN 0-333-14384-1.
  • A.K. Review of Michael Bakunin pp. 244–245 from Books Abroad, Volume 12, Issue # 2 Spring 1938.
  • Barber, John "Carr, Edward Hallett" pp. 191–192 from Great Historians of the Modern Age ed. Lucian Boia, New York: Greenwood Press, 1991.
  • Barghoorn, Frederick Review of The Interregnum, 1923–1924 pp. 190–191 from Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Volume 302, November 1955.
  • Beloff, Max "The Dangers of Prophecy" pp. 8–10 from History Today, Volume 42, Issue # 9, September 1992.
  • Beloff, Max "Review: The Foundation of Soviet Foreign Policy" Review of The Bolshevik Revolution 1917–1923 pp. 151–158 from Soviet Studies, Volume 5, Issue # 2, October 1953.
  • Bernstein, Samuel Review of Michael Bakunin pages 289–291 from Political Science Quarterly, Volume 54, Issue # 2, June 1939.
  • Call, M. S. Review of International Relations Since the Peace Treaties page 122 from World Affairs, Volume 101, Issue # 2, June 1938.
  • Campbell, John Review of The Twilight of the Comintern, 1930–1935 p. 1207 from Foreign Affairs, Volume 61, Issue # 5, Summer 1983.
  • Carr, E. H. German-Soviet Relations Between the Two World Wars, Harper & Row: New York, 1951, 1996
  • Carr, E. H. The Twilight of the Comintern New York : Pantheon Books, 1982
  • Carr, E. H. What Is History? London: Penguin Books, 1961, 1987.
  • Carsten, F. L. A History of Soviet Russia: Foundations of the Planned Economy, 1926–1929. Volume III, Parts 1–2 pp. 141–144 from The Slavonic and East European Review, Volume 56, Issue # 1, January 1978.
  • Carsten, F. L. Review of A History of Soviet Russia: Foundations of a Planned Economy, 1926–1929. Volume III, Part 3 pp. 138–140 from The Slavonic and East European Review, Volume 58, Issue # 1, January 1980.
  • Carsten, F. L. Review of The Twilight of Comintern, 1930–1935 pp. 629–631 from The Slavonic and East European Review, Volume 61, Issue # 4, October 1983.
  • Cobb, Adam "Economic Security: E.H. Carr and R.W. Cox-The Most Unlikely Bedfellows" from Cambridge Review of International Studies, Volume 9, 1995.
  • Cobb, Adam "Carr, E.H." pp. 180–181 from The Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing ed. Kelly Boyd, Volume 1, Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1999, ISBN 1-884964-33-8.
  • Conolly, Violet Review of 1917: Before and After pp. 735–736 from International Affairs, Volume 45, Issue # 4, October 1969.
  • Conquest, Robert "Agit-Prof" pp. 32–38 from The New Republic, Volume 424, Issue # 4, 1 November 1999.
  • Corbett, P. E. Review of The Twenty Years' Crisis pp. 237–238 from Pacific Affairs, Volume 14, Issue # 2, June 1941.
  • Cox, Michael "Will the Real E. H. Carr Please Stand up?" pages 643–653 from International Affairs, Volume 75, Issue # 3, July 1999.
  • Cox, Michael (editor) E.H. Carr: A Critical Appraisal, London: Palgrave, 2000, ISBN 0-333-72066-0.
    • Cox, Michael "Introduction" pp. 1–20.
    • Davies, R.W. "Carr's Changing Views of the Soviet Union" pp. 91–108.
    • Halliday, Fred "Reason and Romance: The Place of Revolution in the Works of E.H. Carr" pp. 258–279.
    • Haslam, Jonathan "E.H. Carr's Search for Meaning" pp. 21–35.
    • Jones, Charles "'An Active Danger': Carr at The Times" pp. 68–87.
    • Porter, Brian "E.H. Carr-The Aberystwyth Years, 1936–1947" pp. 36–67.
    • Stephanson, Anders "The Lessons of What Is History?" pp. 283–303.
    • Ticktin, Hillel "Carr, the Cold War, and the Soviet Union" pp. 145–161.
    • White, Stephen "The Soviet Carr" pp. 109–124.
    • Wilson, Peter "Carr and His Early Critics: Responses to The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1939–46" pp. 165–197.
  • Davies, R.W. "Edward Hallett Carr, 1892–1982" pp. 473–511 from Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 69, 1983.
  • Davies, R.W. ‘Drop the Glass Industry’: collaborating with E.H. Carr. New Left Review (New Left Review). May–June 1984, I (145): 56–70 [2017-09-07]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-11). 
  • Deutscher, Isaac "Review: The Bolshevik Revolution 1917–23: A Review Article" review of A History of Soviet Russia: Vol. I: The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917–23 pp. 204–207 from International Affairs, Volume 27, Issue # 2, April 1951.
  • Deutscher, Isaac "Mr E.H. Carr as a Historian of the Bolshevik Régime" pp. 91–110 from Heretics and Renegades and Other Essays, Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1969.
  • Deutscher, Tamara. E. H. Carr—A Personal Memoir. New Left Review (New Left Review). January–February 1983, I (137): 78–86 [2017-09-07]. (原始内容存档于2019-02-12). 
  • Drinan, Patrick Review of The Russian Revolution: From Lenin to Stalin, 1917–1929 pages 100–101 from Military Affairs, Volume 44, Issue # 2, April 1980.
  • Evans, Graham "E. H. Carr and International Relations" pages 77–97 from British Journal of International Studies, Volume 1, Issue # 2, July 1975.
  • F.D. Review of Nationalism and After pages 289–290 from World Affairs, Volume 108, Issue # 4, December 1945.
  • Fox, William R. T. "E.H Carr and Political Realism: Vision and Revision" pp. 1–16 from Review of International Studies, Volume 11, 1985.
  • Gathorne-Hardy, G. M. Review of International Relations between the Two World Wars (1919–1939) pp. 263–264 from International Affairs, Volume 24, Issue # 2, April 1948.
  • Gellner, Ernest "Nationalism Reconsidered and E. H. Carr" pages 285–293 from Review of International Studies, Volume 18, Issue # 4, October 1992.
  • Goldfischer, David "E. H. Carr: A 'Historical Realist' Approach for the Globalisation Era" pp. 697–717 from Review of International Studies, Volume 28, Issue # 4 October 2002.
  • Griffins, Martin Fifty Key Thinkers in International Relations, London: Routledge, 2000, ISBN 0-415-16228-9.
  • Gruber, Helmut Review of Twilight of the Comintern, 1930–1935 pp. 195–200 from New German Critique, Volume 30, Autumn, 1983.
  • Gurian, Waldemar "Review: Soviet Problems" pages 251–254 from The Review of Politics, Volume 13, Issue # 2, April 1951
  • Gurian, Waldemar "Review: Soviet Foreign Policy" pages 118–120 from The Review of Politics, Volume 16, Issue # 1, January 1954.
  • Hanak, Harry Review of A History of Soviet Russia Foundations of a Planned Economy 1926–1929, iii, Parts 1 and 2 pages 644–646 from The English Historical Review, Volume 93, Issue # 368, July 1978.
  • Hanak, Harry Review of A History of Soviet Russia Foundations of a Planned Economy 1926–1929 pages 642–643 from The English Historical Review, Volume 95, Issue # 376, July 1980.
  • Haslam, Jonathan "We Need a Faith: E.H. Carr, 1892–1982" pp. 36–39 from History Today, Volume 33, Issue # 8, August 1983.
  • Haslam, Jonathan "E.H. Carr and the History of Soviet Russia" Reviews of Reviews of The Russian Revolution from Lenin to Stalin 1917–1929, From Napoleon to Stalin and Other Essays and The Twilight of Comintern 1930–35 pp. 1021–1027 from Historical Journal, Volume 26, Issue #4, December 1983.
  • Haslam, Jonathan The Vices Of Integrity: E.H. Carr, 1892–1982, London; New York: Verso, 1999, ISBN 1-85984-733-1.
  • Howe, Paul "The Utopian Realism of E.H. Carr" pp. 277–297 from Review of International Studies, Volume 20, Issue #3, 1994.
  • Hudson, G.F. Review of A History of Soviet Russia. The Bolshevik Revolution 1917–1923. Volume I pp. 597–601 from The Slavonic and East European Review, Volume 29, Issue # 73, June 1951.
  • Hughes-Warrington, Marnie Fifty Key Thinkers On History, London: Routledge, 2000, ISBN 0-415-16982-8.
  • Hunter, Holland Review of Foundations of a Planned Economy, 1926–1929 A History of Soviet Russia page 484 from Slavic Review, Volume 38, Issue # 3, September 1979.
  • Karpovich, Michael Review of Michael Bakunin pp. 380–382 from The American Historical Review, Volume 44, Issue # 2, January 1939.
  • Keep, John Review of Foundations of a Planned Economy, 1926–1929 pp. 284–289 from Soviet Studies, Volume 24, Issue # 2, October 1972.
  • Keeton, G. W. Review of The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919–1939 pp. 156–157 from The Modern Law Review, Volume 4, Issue # 2, October 1940.
  • Kendall, Walter Review of The Comintern and the Spanish Civil War pp. 122–123 from International Affairs, Volume 62, Issue # 1, Winter 1985–1986.
  • Kenez , Peter Review of The Russian Revolution: From Lenin to Stalin page 372 from Russian Review, Volume 39, Issue # 3, July 1980.
  • Jackson, George Review of Twilight of the Comintern, 1930–1935 pp. 815–817 from The American Historical Review, Volume 89, Issue # 3, June 1984.
  • Jenkins, Keith On 'What Is History?': From Carr and Elton to Rorty and White, London: Routledge, 1995, ISBN 0-415-09725-8.
  • Johnston, Whittle "E. H. Carr's Theory Of International Relations: A Critique" pp. 861–884 from Journal of Politics, Volume 29, Issue # 4, 1967.
  • Jones, Charles E.H. Carr And International Relations: A Duty To Lie, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998, ISBN 0-521-47272-5.
  • Labedz, Leopold "E.H. Carr: A Historian Overtaken by History" pp. 94–111 from Survey March 1988 Volume 30 Issue # 1/2.
  • Laqueur, Walter The Fate of the Revolution: Interpretations of Soviet History from 1917 to the Present, New York: Scribner, 1987 ISBN 0-684-18903-8.
  • Linklater, Andrew "The Transformation of Political Community: E. H. Carr, Critical Theory and International Relations" from Review of International Studies, Volume 23, Issue # 3, July 1997.
  • W. N. M. Review of German-Soviet Relations between the Two World Wars, 1919–1939 pp. 625–626 from The English Historical Review, Volume 67, Issue # 265, October 1952.
  • Manning, C. A. W. "Review: Conditions of Peace by E. H. Carr" pp. 443–444 from International Affairs Review Supplement, Volume 19, Issue # 8, June 1942.
  • Molloy, Seán "Dialectics and Transformation: Exploring the International Theory of E. H. Carr" pp. 279–306 from International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, Volume 17, Issue # 2, Winter 2003.
  • Morgenthau, Hans "The Political Science of E. H. Carr" pages 127–134 from World Politics Volume 1, Issue # 1, October 1948.
  • Nove, Alec Review of A History of Soviet Russia: Socialism in One Country, Volume I pp. 552–555 from The Slavonic and East European Review, Volume 37, Issue # 89, June 1959.
  • Nove, Alec Review of 1917: Before and After pp. 451–453 from Soviet Studies, Volume 22, Issue #3, January 1971.
  • Oldfield, A. "Moral Judgments in History" pp. 260–277 from History and Theory, Volume 20, Issue #3, 1981.
  • Pethybridge , R. Review of A History of Soviet Russia Foundations of a Planned Economy, 1926–1929 pages 942–943 from The English Historical Review, Volume 88, Issue # 349, October 1973.
  • Pickles, W. Review of Studies in Revolution p. 180 from The British Journal of Sociology, Volume 2, Issue # 2, June 1951.
  • Porter, Brian "E.H. Carr-The Aberystwyth Years, 1936–1947" pp. 36–67 from E.H. Carr A Critical Appraisal ed. Michael Cox, London: Palgrave, 2000
  • Prince, J. R. Review of What Is History? pp. 136–145 from History and Theory, Volume 3, Issue # 1, 1963.
  • Rauch, Georg von Review of The Bolshevik Revolution 1917–1923 pages 376–380 from Historische Zeitschrift, Volume 178, Issue #2, 1954.
  • Rauch, Georg von Review of A History of Soviet Russia pages 181–182 from Historische Zeitschrift, Volume 193, Issue # 1 August 1961.
  • Reynolds, P. A. Review of German-Soviet Relations between the Two World Wars, 1919–39 from International Affairs, Volume 28, Issue # 4, October 1952.
  • Rowse, A. L. Review of The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919–1939 pp. 92–95 from The Economic Journal, Volume 51, Issue # 201, April 1941.
  • Schlesinger, Rudolf Review of The Bolshevik Revolution 1917–1923 pp. 389–396 from Soviet Studies, Volume 2, Issue # 4 April 1951.
  • Schlesinger, Rudolf "The Turning Point" from Soviet Studies, Volume XI, Issue No. 4, April 1960.
  • Seton-Watson, Hugh The Bolshevik Revolution, Volume II pp. 569–572 from The Slavonic and East European Review, Volume 31, Issue # 77, June 1953.
  • St. Clair-Sobell, James Review of A History of Soviet Russia: The Bolshevik Revolution 1917–1923 pages 128–129 from International Journal, Volume 8 ,Issue # 2, Spring 1953.
  • St. Clair-Sobell, James Review of A History of Soviet Russia: The Bolshevik Revolution 1917–1923 pages 59–60 from International Journal, Volume 9, Issue # 1, Winter 1954.
  • Struve, Gleb Review of Michael Bakunin pp. 726–728 from The Slavonic and East European Review, Volume 16, Issue # 48, April 1938
  • Trevor-Roper, Hugh "E.H. Carr's Success Story" pp. 69–77 from Encounter, Volume 84, Issue No. 104, 1962.
  • Walsh. W. H. Review of What Is History? pp. 587–588 from The English Historical Review, Volume 78, Issue # 308, July 1963.
  • Willetts, H. Review of A History of Soviet Russia Volume VI pages 266–269 from The Slavonic and East European Review, Volume 40, Issue # 94, December 1961.
  • Wolfe, Bertram "Professor Carr's Wave of the Future Western Academics and Soviet Realities" from Commentray, Volume XIX, Issue # 3, March 1955.
  • Woodward, E. L. Review of Karl Marx: A Study in Fanaticism page 721 from International Affairs, Volume 13, Issue # 5, September – October 1934.
  • Review of The Conditions of Peace pages 164–167 from The American Economic Review, Volume. 34, Issue # 1 March 1944.

