Easily add automation to your product
Embed Zapier to unlock the power of automation for all your customers.
Put automation in users’ reach
Give customers access to an end-to-end automation experience so they can discover and build powerful workflows.
Increase customer stickiness
Cut down on context-switching. Keep users engaged in your app by surfacing relevant, pre-built workflows.
Expand connectivity
Help your users connect thousands of apps, which also leads to higher customer retention and increased lifetime value.
"Giving users a better experience is always a top priority for us, and [embedding Zapier] fits perfectly with that value. It unlocks a world of opportunities for our users, cementing Any.do as the hub and source of truth for their day-to-day tasks."
Head of Growth at Any.do
"Zapier's Partner API allowed us to present a consistent, native user experience with our branding and style while offering Zapier functionality. Jotform sees a 1.5x higher retention rate amongst users who automate tasks with Zapier."
Head of Integrations at Jotform
See how other companies build with Zapier
Learn how other companies empower their users with effortless app integration and automation abilities. Whether you want to quickly embed pre-made Zap templates or create fully customized workflows, our embed tools help your customers connect your apps with all their other go-to tools and services.
When Zapier partners use an embed tool, more customers use their integration
Ask us which option is best for your product.