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Clutter (advertising)시리즈의 일부 |
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온라인 광고의 혼란
연구에 따르면 온라인 광고의 난잡함에서 오는 성가신 요소들이 광고 [improper synthesis?][1][2][3][4][5]회피를 위한 중요한 요인이라는 것이 밝혀졌습니다.
- ^ Ha, Louisa (2017). "Digital Advertising Clutter in an Age of Mobile Media". Digital Advertising. pp. 69–85. doi:10.4324/9781315623252-5. ISBN 978-1-315-62325-2.
- ^ Morimoto, Mariko (2017). "Personalization, Perceived Intrusiveness, Irritation, and Avoidance in Digital Advertising". Digital Advertising. pp. 110–123. doi:10.4324/9781315623252-7. ISBN 978-1-315-62325-2.
- ^ Burns, Kelli S.; Lutz, Richard J. (2006). "The Function of Format: Consumer Responses to Six On-Line Advertising Formats". Journal of Advertising. 35 (1): 53–63. doi:10.2753/joa0091-3367350104. JSTOR 20460712. S2CID 143825277.
- ^ )Cho, Chang-Hoan; Cheon, Hongsik John (2004). "Why Do People Avoid Advertising on the Internet?". Journal of Advertising. 33 (4): 89–97. doi:10.1080/00913367.2004.10639175. JSTOR 4189279. S2CID 53486785. 。
- ^ Seyedghorban, Zahra; Tahernejad, Hossein; Matanda, Margaret Jekanyika (2 January 2016). "Reinquiry into Advertising Avoidance on the Internet: A Conceptual Replication and Extension". Journal of Advertising. 45 (1): 120–129. doi:10.1080/00913367.2015.1085819. S2CID 146725666.
- 설득자, 프론트, PBS, 2004년 11월 9일, OCLC 1056937285
- 리서치: 광고경기가 침체된 상황에서도 혼란이 가중되고 있습니다. 연구: 2001년 거의 4분의 1의 프라임타임 분(Primetime Minutes in 2001), Keven Downey, Media Life(과거 eMagazine), 2002년 4월 5일, OCLC46765995(아카이브 액세스 호스트:웨이백 머신– web.archive.org )
- "진짜 경쟁자는 혼란스럽다: Marty Neumier" 브랜드 매거진 휴머라이즈
추가 정보
- Ha, Louisa; McCann, Kim (January 2008). "An integrated model of advertising clutter in offline and online media". International Journal of Advertising. 27 (4): 569–592. doi:10.2501/S0265048708080153. S2CID 168088754.
- Elliott, Michael T.; Speck, Paul Surgi (1998). "Consumer perceptions of advertising clutter and its impact across various media". Journal of Advertising Research. 38 (1): 29–30. OCLC 86771724. Gale A54376730.
- Ha, Louisa (1996). "Advertising clutter in consumer magazines: dimensions and effects". Journal of Advertising Research. 36 (4): 76–85. OCLC 193912585. Gale A18782739.
- Rumbo, Joseph D. (February 2002). "Consumer resistance in a world of advertising clutter: The case of Adbusters". Psychology and Marketing. 19 (2): 127–148. doi:10.1002/mar.10006.
- Ha, Louisa; Litman, Barry R. (March 1997). "Does Advertising Clutter Have Diminishing and Negative Returns?". Journal of Advertising. 26 (1): 31–42. doi:10.1080/00913367.1997.10673516.
- Brown, Tom J.; Rothschild, Michael L. (June 1993). "Reassessing the Impact of Television Advertising Clutter". Journal of Consumer Research. 20 (1): 138. doi:10.1086/209339.
- Speck, Paul Surgi; Elliott, Michael T. (September 1997). "The Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Advertising Clutter". Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising. 19 (2): 39–54. doi:10.1080/10641734.1997.10524436.
- Lee, Sang Yeal; Cho, Yong-Suk (8 July 2010). "Do Web Users Care About Banner Ads Anymore? The Effects of Frequency and Clutter in Web Advertising". Journal of Promotion Management. 16 (3): 288–302. CiteSeerX doi:10.1080/10496490903582594. S2CID 10211274.