
Liable according to § 5 Telemediengesetz (German Telemedia Act)


YOC AG Greifswalder Str. 212 10405 Berlin

Telephone: +49 (30) 726-162-0 E-Mail: [email protected] Homepage:

Legal form: Aktiengesellschaft (stock corporation):

Local Court Charlottenburg HRB 77 285

Value Added Tax Identification Number: DE211843798

Management Board Dirk Kraus

Supervisory Board Dr. Nikolaus Breuel Konstantin Graf Lambsdorff Sacha Berlik

Picture credits



We do not assume any liability for the accuracy, completeness, relevance or quality of the information and data provided on this website. We exclude all liability and responsibility for any material and non-material damage arising from the use of the data provided or the use of incorrect or incomplete information unless it can be proven that we have acted wilfully or with gross negligence. We explicitly reserve the right to change the data provided on this website or our entire portfolio at any time without prior notice. We are also entitled to add information to this website and to delete, suspend or discontinue this website at any time.


In cases where links on this page point directly or indirectly to other links outside our domain of responsibility, liability on our part can only be accepted in cases where we had knowledge of the contents in advance and where it would have been feasible technically and within the bounds of reason to prevent their use in the case of illegal contents. We explicitly state that we have no influence on the design and the contents of the linked pages. We thus explicitly distance ourselves from all contents of all linked pages on our homepage. We state that their content is not our own and exclude all liability whatsoever. We are not aware of any linked pages containing illegal content. The presence or absence or order of appearance of any link in no way reflects perceived preference on our part. This is without prejudice to any liability the provider of the linked page may have for its contents, and in particular for any damages which may arise from the use of, or failure to use, the data and information he provides. The aforementioned limitations shall also apply to external entries in guest books, forums or mailing lists we may establish.

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General Terms and Conditions

Understitial®, Mystery Ad®, Mystery Scroller® and VIS.X® are registered trademarks of YOC AG at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

Understitial®, Mystery Ad®, Mystery Scroller® sowie VIS.X®  sind beim Amt der Europäischen Union für geistiges Eigentum eingetragene Marken der YOC AG.