Archery-only deer hunters: Some hunting areas now require permit via draw

Archery-only deer hunters: Some hunting areas now require permit via draw.

PHOENIX — The Arizona Game and Fish Department advises hunters who plan to be in the field for the upcoming archery-only nonpermit-tag deer seasons — Dec. 13-31 and Jan. 1-31 — to make certain the game management units in which they intend to hunt are open.

The state’s over-the-counter archery-only nonpermit-tag deer hunting opportunities have harvest limits that have been set by unit and by species. This structure, approved April 1, 2022, by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission, enables AZGFD to better track hunter harvest and participation. Failure to report a harvest, as well as hunting in a closed unit, is strictly enforced.

You can contact Suzanne at [email protected].

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