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wikibase-cli, also known as WikibaseJS-cli, or wikibase-cli (Q87194660), is a command-line interface to Wikidata or any other Wikibase (Q16354758) instance, based on wikibase-edit. It can be used from the terminal as an alternative interface to the web browser interface, or in scripts to run many edits.

As stated in the name, WikibaseJS-cli is written in JavaScript (Q2005), to be run as a Node.js (Q756100) process. This process can thus be run in any environment where Node.js (Q756100) can be installed, or alternatively within a Docker container, see installation documentation.



See Documentation



The documentation at includes many samples. There are also some more code samples at

A few additional ones here.

Labels and descriptions

add a label
wd set-label Q89208827 en "Aellopus Saxum"
add a description
wd set-description Q89208827 en "saxum on asteroid 101955 Bennu"

Adding statements

add a statement (simple)
wd ac Q75887503 P735 Q18009833
add a statement (simple, with edit summary)
wd ac Q96817942 P921 Q11558 --summary 'adding claim [[Property:P921]]: [[Q11558]]'
add a statement (simple, using a template)

step #1: create a file "givenname.js" with the following:

module.exports = (qid, gn) => {
  return {
    id: qid,
    claims: { P735: { value: gn } },
    summary: "adding claim [[Property:P735]]: [[" + gn + "]]" 

step #2: test it with (no edit is done):

wd ee givenname.js Q75887503 Q18009833 --dry

step #3: run it with (edits Wikidata):

wd ee givenname.js Q75887503 Q18009833
add a statement (complex with special somevalue, qualifier and reference, using a template)

step #1: create a file "templatehay.js" with the following:

module.exports = (qid, hay, color) => {
  return {
    id: qid,
    claims: {
      P2827: {
      //  value: "Q53569537",
	qualifiers: { P1932: color  },
        references: [ { P248: 'Q96634446', P8662: hay } ]
    } ,
    summary: "adding claim [[Property:P2827]]: " + color + " from [[Q96634446|L'Haÿ]]" 

step #2: test it with (no edit is done):

wd ee templatehay.js Q60964601 1837 "rose vif" --dry

step #3: run it with (edits Wikidata):

wd ee templatehay.js Q60964601 1837 "rose vif"

Create items

create items similar to another item

step #1: create a template file based on suitable sample (here Q100700188)

wd generate-template --create-mode Q100700188 > Qianguimon.js

step #2: open file

step #3: edit it into a template

module.exports = function () {
  return {
    type: 'item',
    labels: {
      en: 'Qianguimon elongatum',
      nl: 'Qianguimon elongatum'
    descriptions: {
      en: 'species of crustacean',
      nl: 'taxon'
    aliases: {},
    claims: {
      // instance of: taxon
      P31: 'Q16521',
      // taxon name
      P225: 'Qianguimon elongatum',
      // taxon rank: species
      P105: 'Q7432',
      // parent taxon: Qianguimon
      P171: 'Q100605554',
      // WoRMS-ID for taxa
      P850: '1062897'
    sitelinks: {}
module.exports = function (name, identifier) {
  return {
    type: 'item',
    labels: {
      en: name,
      nl: name
    descriptions: {
      en: 'species of crustacean',
      nl: 'taxon'
    aliases: {},
    claims: {
      // instance of: taxon
      P31: 'Q16521',
      // taxon name
      P225: name,
      // taxon rank: species
      P105: 'Q7432',
      // parent taxon: Qianguimon
      P171: 'Q100605554',
      // WoRMS-ID for taxa
      P850: identifier
    sitelinks: {}

step #4: create similar ones using that template:

wd ce Qianguimon.js "Qianguimon rongxianense" 1389612

step #5: check result

This could have been: Q100700189
create an item based on a premade template

step #1: copy latinscriptfemalegivenname.js to your cli directory

step #2: use it

wd ce latinscriptfemalegivenname.js "Clarenza"

step #3: check the result

This could have been: Q100967811





To signal a bug or ask for help, you can open an issue at

List of edits


Edits done by wikibase-edit use the WikibaseJS-cli tag by default, which allows to get a list of edits done this way: WikibaseJS-cli in Recent Changes.

When using the batch mode, edits are grouped in EditGroups.


Babel user information
Wikibase CLI screenshotThis user reads and edits Wikidata from the command line using wikibase-cli.
Users by language

You can share your love for this tool by displaying a userbox on your user page: add {{#babel:Wikibase CLI}}

List of users: Category:Wikibase CLI user