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List of requests


{{/ReferenceSet|url= |retrieved= 15 Jan 2016}}


{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q313700 |sex= H |occupation=  |given name= Q1158477 |noble family= Q1336538 |date of birth= 31 Dec 1550 |date of death= 23 Dec 1588 |place of birth= |place of death= Q160927 |father= Q28495 |mother= Q563705 |spouse= Q129174 }}

{{/PersonUpdate|item=Q2032537 |sex=F |occupation= |given name=Q19688844 |noble family= Q200229 | date of birth= |date of death= 14 Nov 1611 |place of birth= |place of death= Q167152 |father=Q1747641 |mother= }}

{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q524562 |sex= H |occupation=  |given name= Q2958359 |noble family= Q1336538 |date of birth= 26 Mar 1554 |date of death= 3 Oct 1611 |place of birth= Q181269 |place of death= Q167152 |father= Q28495 |mother= Q563705 |spouse=Q2032537 }}

{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q510693 |sex= H |occupation=  |given name= Q2897866 |noble family=Q1336538 |date of birth= 6 Jul 1555 |date of death= 24 Dec 1588 |place of birth= Q491671 |place of death= Q4055 |father= Q28495 |mother= Q563705 |spouse= }}

{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q93875 |sex= F |occupation=  |given name= Q2218095 |noble family=Q1336538 |date of birth= 18 Jul 1552 |date of death= 6 May 1596 |place of birth=Q817418 |place of death= Q90 |father= Q28495 |mother= Q563705 |spouse=Q927365 }}

{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q2209392 |sex= H |occupation=  |given name= Q1158477 |noble family= Q1336538 |date of birth= 20 Dec 1578 |date of death= 20 Sep 1621 |place of birth= Q7003 |place of death= Q3072570 |father= Q524562 |mother= Q2032537 |spouse=Q3132497 }}

{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q971626 |sex= F |occupation=  |given name= Q2218095 |noble family=Q1336538  |date of birth= 1585 |date of death= 18 Mar 1618 |place of birth= |place of death= Q90 |father= Q524562 |mother= Q2032537 |spouse= Q547017 }}

{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q1965530 |sex= H |occupation=  |given name= Q2958359 |noble family= Q1336538 |date of birth= 2 Aug 1571 |date of death= 30 Sep 1640 |place of birth= Q817418 |place of death= Q5968 |father= Q313700 |mother= Q129174 |spouse= Q951903 }}

{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q284941 |sex= H |occupation=  |given name= Q2897866 |noble family=Q1336538  |date of birth= 22 Jan 1575 |date of death= 21 Jun 1621 |place of birth= |place of death= Q191126 |father= Q313700 |mother= Q129174 |spouse= }}

{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q1747977 |sex= H |occupation=  |given name= Q1150993 |noble family=Q1336538  |date of birth= 5 Jun 1578 |date of death= 24 Jan 1657 |place of birth= |place of death= Q90 |father= Q313700 |mother= Q129174 |spouse= Q438615 }}

{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q467654 |sex= F |occupation=  |given name= Q3215140 |noble family=Q1336538  |date of birth= 1588 |date of death= 30 Apr 1631 |place of birth= |place of death= Q211593 |father= Q313700 |mother= Q129174 |spouse=Q682207 }}

{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q2960924 |sex= F |occupation=  |given name= Q264002 |noble family=Q1336538  |date of birth= 1627 |date of death= 7 Nov 1652 |place of birth=Q2500974 |place of death=Q90 |father= Q1747977 |mother= Q438615 |spouse= }}

{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q21711889 |sex= H |occupation=  |given name= Q2958359 |noble family=Q1336538 |date of birth= |date of death=12 Jul 1668 |place of birth= |place of death=Q18199480 |father=Q284941 |mother=Q531834 |spouse= }}

{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q732579 |sex= H |occupation=  |given name= Q1158477 |noble family= Q1336538 |date of birth= 4 Apr 1614 |date of death= 2 Jun 1664 |place of birth= Q90 |place of death= Q90 |father= Q1965530 |mother= Q951903 |spouse= }}

{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q1464798 |sex= F |occupation=  |given name= Q632104 |noble family= Q1336538 |date of birth= 15 Aug 1615 |date of death= 3 Mar 1688 |place of birth= |place of death= Q90 |father= Q1965530 |mother= Q951903 |spouse= }}

{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q472308 |sex= H |occupation=  |given name= Q2897866 |noble family= Q1336538 |date of birth= 11 Jan 1622 |date of death= 27 Sep 1654 |place of birth= |place of death= Q90 |father= Q1965530 |mother= Q951903 |spouse=Q3291843 }}

{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q3439611 |sex= H |occupation=  |given name= Q4925304 |noble family= Q1336538 |date of birth= 21 Mar 1624 |date of death= 6 Sep 1653 |place of birth= |place of death= Q181285 |father= Q1965530 |mother= Q951903 |spouse= }}

{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q2297336 |sex= H |occupation=  |given name= Q2897866 |noble family= Q1336538 |date of birth= 7 Aug 1650 |date of death= 30 Jul 1671 |place of birth= Q817418 |place of death= Q90 |father= Q472308 |mother=Q3291843 |spouse= Q622641 }}

{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q2134709 |sex= H |occupation=  |given name= Q1166840 |noble family= Q1336538 |date of birth= 28 Aug 1670 |date of death= 16 Mar 1675 |place of birth= Q90 |place of death= Q90 |father= Q2297336 |mother= Q622641 |spouse= }}

{{/TitleSet|title for man=Q21916441 |title for woman=Q22075035 |man subclass of=Q166886 |woman subclass of=Q3040791 |part of= Q1615445}}

{{/TitleAdd|person=Q366025  |date of begin=1528 |date of end=1550 }}

{{/TitleAdd|person=Q28495   |date of begin=1550 |date of end=1563 }}

{{/TitleAdd|person=Q313700  |date of begin=1563 |date of end=1588 }}

{{/TitleAdd|person=Q1965530 |date of begin=1588 |date of end=1640 }}

{{/TitleAdd|person=Q732579  |date of begin=1640 |date of end=1664 }}

{{/TitleAdd|person=Q2297336 |date of begin=1664 |date of end=1671 }}

{{/TitleAdd|person=Q2134709 |date of begin=1671 |date of end=1675 }}

{{/TitleAdd|person=Q1464798 |date of begin=1675 |date of end=1688 }}

{{/TitleSet|title for man=Q22076010 |title for woman=Q22076015 |man subclass of=Q166886 |woman subclass of=Q3040791 |part of= Q2107186}}

{{/TitleAdd|person=Q524562  |date of begin=1573 |date of end=1611 }}

{{/TitleAdd|person=Q2209392 |date of begin=1611 |date of end=1621 }}


Preview of requests


New reference

Persons to update
occupation (P106)
sex or gender (P21) given name (P735)
family (P53)
date of birth (P569)
place of birth (P19)
date of death (P570)
place of death (P20)
father (P22)
mother (P25)
spouse (P26)
unmarried partner (P451)
page(s) (P304)
PersonUpdate Henry I of Lorraine, duke of Guise (Q313700) H
male (Q6581097)
Henry (Q1158477)
House of Guise (Q1336538)
31 Dec 1550
23 Dec 1588
Blois (Q160927)
Francis, Duke of Guise (Q28495)
Anna of Este (Q563705)
Catherine of Cleves (Q129174)

PersonUpdate Henriet of Savoy-Villars (Q2032537) F
female (Q6581072)
Henriette (Q19688844)
House of Savoy (Q200229)

14 Nov 1611
Soissons (Q167152)
Honorat II of Savoy (Q1747641)

PersonUpdate Charles of Lorraine, duke of Mayenne (Q524562) H
male (Q6581097)
Charles (Q2958359)
House of Guise (Q1336538)
26 Mar 1554
Alençon (Q181269)
3 Oct 1611
Soissons (Q167152)
Francis, Duke of Guise (Q28495)
Anna of Este (Q563705)
Henriet of Savoy-Villars (Q2032537)

PersonUpdate Louis II of Lorraine, cardinal of Guise (Q510693) H
male (Q6581097)
Louis (Q2897866)
House of Guise (Q1336538)
6 Jul 1555
Dampierre-en-Yvelines (Q491671)
24 Dec 1588
Château de Blois (Q4055)
Francis, Duke of Guise (Q28495)
Anna of Este (Q563705)

PersonUpdate Catherine-Marie, Duchess of Montpensier (Q93875) F
female (Q6581072)
Catherine (Q2218095)
House of Guise (Q1336538)
18 Jul 1552
Joinville (Q817418)
6 May 1596
Paris (Q90)
Francis, Duke of Guise (Q28495)
Anna of Este (Q563705)
Louis, Duke of Montpensier (Q927365)

PersonUpdate Henry of Lorraine, Duke of Mayenne (Q2209392) H
male (Q6581097)
Henry (Q1158477)
House of Guise (Q1336538)
20 Dec 1578
Dijon (Q7003)
20 Sep 1621
Siege of Montauban (Q3072570)
Charles of Lorraine, duke of Mayenne (Q524562)
Henriet of Savoy-Villars (Q2032537)
Maria Enrichetta di Nevers (Q3132497)

PersonUpdate Catherine of Guise (Q971626) F
female (Q6581072)
Catherine (Q2218095)
House of Guise (Q1336538)
18 Mar 1618
Paris (Q90)
Charles of Lorraine, duke of Mayenne (Q524562)
Henriet of Savoy-Villars (Q2032537)
Charles Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua and Montferrat (Q547017)

PersonUpdate Charles of Lorraine, duke of Guise (Q1965530) H
male (Q6581097)
Charles (Q2958359)
House of Guise (Q1336538)
2 Aug 1571
Joinville (Q817418)
30 Sep 1640
Cuneo (Q5968)
Henry I of Lorraine, duke of Guise (Q313700)
Catherine of Cleves (Q129174)
Henriette Catherine de Joyeuse (Q951903)

PersonUpdate Louis III of Lorraine, cardinal of Guise (Q284941) H
male (Q6581097)
Louis (Q2897866)
House of Guise (Q1336538)
22 Jan 1575
21 Jun 1621
Saintes (Q191126)
Henry I of Lorraine, duke of Guise (Q313700)
Catherine of Cleves (Q129174)

PersonUpdate Claude of Lorraine, duke of Chevreuse (Q1747977) H
male (Q6581097)
Claudio (Q1150993)
House of Guise (Q1336538)
5 Jun 1578
24 Jan 1657
Paris (Q90)
Henry I of Lorraine, duke of Guise (Q313700)
Catherine of Cleves (Q129174)
Marie de Rohan, Duchess of Chevreuse (Q438615)

PersonUpdate Louise Marguerite of Lorraine (Q467654) F
female (Q6581072)
Louise (Q3215140)
House of Guise (Q1336538)
30 Apr 1631
Eu (Q211593)
Henry I of Lorraine, duke of Guise (Q313700)
Catherine of Cleves (Q129174)
François de Bourbon (Q682207)

PersonUpdate Charlotte-Marie of Lorraine (Q2960924) F
female (Q6581072)
Charlotte (Q264002)
House of Guise (Q1336538)
Richmond (Q2500974)
7 Nov 1652
Paris (Q90)
Claude of Lorraine, duke of Chevreuse (Q1747977)
Marie de Rohan, Duchess of Chevreuse (Q438615)

PersonUpdate Charles Louis of Lorraine (Q21711889) H
male (Q6581097)
Charles (Q2958359)
House of Guise (Q1336538)

12 Jul 1668
Auteuil (Q18199480)
Louis III of Lorraine, cardinal of Guise (Q284941)
Charlotte des Essarts (Q531834)

PersonUpdate Henry II of Lorraine, Duke of Guise (Q732579) H
male (Q6581097)
Henry (Q1158477)
House of Guise (Q1336538)
4 Apr 1614
Paris (Q90)
2 Jun 1664
Paris (Q90)
Charles of Lorraine, duke of Guise (Q1965530)
Henriette Catherine de Joyeuse (Q951903)

PersonUpdate Marie de Lorraine (Q1464798) F
female (Q6581072)
Marie (Q632104)
House of Guise (Q1336538)
15 Aug 1615
3 Mar 1688
Paris (Q90)
Charles of Lorraine, duke of Guise (Q1965530)
Henriette Catherine de Joyeuse (Q951903)

PersonUpdate Louis of Lorraine, duke of Joyeuse (Q472308) H
male (Q6581097)
Louis (Q2897866)
House of Guise (Q1336538)
11 Jan 1622
27 Sep 1654
Paris (Q90)
Charles of Lorraine, duke of Guise (Q1965530)
Henriette Catherine de Joyeuse (Q951903)
Marie-Françoise of Valois (Q3291843)

PersonUpdate Roger of Lorraine (Q3439611) H
male (Q6581097)
Roger (Q4925304)
House of Guise (Q1336538)
21 Mar 1624
6 Sep 1653
Cambrai (Q181285)
Charles of Lorraine, duke of Guise (Q1965530)
Henriette Catherine de Joyeuse (Q951903)

PersonUpdate Louis Joseph of Lorraine, Duke of Guise (Q2297336) H
male (Q6581097)
Louis (Q2897866)
House of Guise (Q1336538)
7 Aug 1650
Joinville (Q817418)
30 Jul 1671
Paris (Q90)
Louis of Lorraine, duke of Joyeuse (Q472308)
Marie-Françoise of Valois (Q3291843)
Élisabeth Marguerite d'Orléans (Q622641)

PersonUpdate François Joseph of Lorraine, Duke of Guise (Q2134709) H
male (Q6581097)
François (Q1166840)
House of Guise (Q1336538)
28 Aug 1670
Paris (Q90)
16 Mar 1675
Paris (Q90)
Louis Joseph of Lorraine, Duke of Guise (Q2297336)
Élisabeth Marguerite d'Orléans (Q622641)

Title to add

'  :

Item start time (P580) end time (P582)

TitleAdd Claude of Lorraine, duke of Guise (Q366025) 1528 1550

TitleAdd Francis, Duke of Guise (Q28495) 1550 1563

TitleAdd Henry I of Lorraine, duke of Guise (Q313700) 1563 1588

TitleAdd Charles of Lorraine, duke of Guise (Q1965530) 1588 1640

TitleAdd Henry II of Lorraine, Duke of Guise (Q732579) 1640 1664

TitleAdd Louis Joseph of Lorraine, Duke of Guise (Q2297336) 1664 1671

TitleAdd François Joseph of Lorraine, Duke of Guise (Q2134709) 1671 1675

TitleAdd Marie de Lorraine (Q1464798) 1675 1688

Title to add

'  :

Item start time (P580) end time (P582)

TitleAdd Charles of Lorraine, duke of Mayenne (Q524562) 1573 1611

TitleAdd Henry of Lorraine, Duke of Mayenne (Q2209392) 1611 1621



See here on archives.