Constraint report

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This special page performs constraint checks on any entity you want. The entities are fetched from the live system, so every constraint violation you fix there will be instantly removed from this list.

The constraints are parsed from statements on properties each time those statements are edited, usually within a few minutes.

Check constraints for entity

Result for Hartmut Mehdorn (Q91984)

: 1, : 12, : 9, : 1426, : 194

end timeThe difference between start time (1966) and end time (1668) should be between 0 year and 10,000 year.difference-within-range constraint
employermember of is not a valid qualifier for employer – the only valid qualifiers are:allowed qualifiers constraint
employerValues of employer statements should be instances or subclasses of one of the following classes (or of one of their subclasses), but Q408506 currently isn't: value-type constraint
employermember of is not a valid qualifier for employer – the only valid qualifiers are:allowed qualifiers constraint
employerchairperson is not a valid qualifier for employer – the only valid qualifiers are:allowed qualifiers constraint
employermember of is not a valid qualifier for employer – the only valid qualifiers are:allowed qualifiers constraint
employermember of is not a valid qualifier for employer – the only valid qualifiers are:allowed qualifiers constraint
member ofValues of member of statements should be instances or subclasses of one of the following classes (or of one of their subclasses), but chief executive officer currently isn't: value-type constraint
member ofmember of is not a valid qualifier for member of – the only valid qualifiers are:allowed qualifiers constraint
member ofmember of is not a valid qualifier for member of – the only valid qualifiers are:allowed qualifiers constraint
chairpersonchief executive officer should have a statement sex or gender.value-requires-statement constraint
chairpersonValues of chairperson statements should be instances of human or fictional character (or of a subclass of them), but chief executive officer currently isn't.value-type constraint
chairpersonThe property chairperson should not be used in this location (as qualifier). The only valid location for this property is as main scope constraint
award receivedStatements for award received should have at least one reference.citation-needed constraint
award receivedStatements for award received should have at least one reference.citation-needed constraint
award receivedStatements for award received should have at least one reference.citation-needed constraint
award receivedrepresents is not a valid qualifier for award received – the only valid qualifiers are:allowed qualifiers constraint
award receivedStatements for award received should have at least one reference.citation-needed constraint
award receivedStatements for award received should have at least one reference.citation-needed constraint
ČSFD person IDEntities with statements for ČSFD person ID should also have a label at least in Slovak language.label in language constraint
position heldThis position held statement is missing a qualifier start time.required qualifier constraint
chairpersonchief executive officer should have a statement position held.value-requires-statement constraint