Lliver gweddi Gyffredin a gwenidogaeth y sacrametae, ac eraill gynneddfeu a' ceremoniae yn Eccles Loecr (Q60526445)
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prayer book; translated by W. Salesbury
- Llyfr gweddi gyffredin 1567
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Lliver gweddi Gyffredin a gwenidogaeth y sacrametae, ac eraill gynneddfeu a' ceremoniae yn Eccles Loecr |
prayer book; translated by W. Salesbury |
Lliver gweddi Gyffredin a gwenidogaeth y sacrametae, ac eraill gynneddfeu a' ceremoniae yn Eccles Loecr : vewed, perused and allowed by the bishops, accordyng to the act stablished for the translation of the Bible, and thys booke into the Brytyshe tongue (Welsh)
0 references
6 May 1567
2 references
Special Collections 281
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