Help talk:QuickStatements

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Wikibase Property creation: how do you add a label?


I'm trying to batch-create properties in a wikibase instance using Quickstatements. I can successfully create a property with a datatype using V1 syntax, e.g.


but I'm stuck on the correct syntax for adding a label. Can anyone help me out? Heberlei (talk) 19:49, 15 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Answering my own question in case others too may find it helpful: The answer is actually already on the help page, I just didn't fully understand it. In V1, you'd run
which runs two commands: first the creation of the Property with its datatype on one line, then on the next line the addition of the label to the last-created item. Heberlei (talk) 20:34, 15 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for this @Heberlei. Somehow, when I try and create a property, after clicking "import V1 commands", I get the following error message: UNKNOWN COMMAND: { "action": "create", "type": "property", "data": { "datatype": "quantity" }, "meta": { "message": "", "status": "INIT", "id": 0 } }
If I write "CREATE" instead of "CREATE_PROPERTY", it successfully proposes to create an item, but that's not what I want. Any ideas? Julius Schwarz (talk) 19:03, 11 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

MERGE command bug


Hello, batch passed successfully but seems to be not 100% done : eg MERGE / Q23780837 / Q15118681 but Q23780837 still exists. Bouzinac💬✒️💛 13:41, 4 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Problem when entering string data


Hello, I have a tabular file with one column for a property which takes a string value. According to the instructions here, I need to put the string value in "double quotations", which I did.

But it doesn't work. It produces an error every time I try it. I don't understand why it shows "type": "unknown" as well. How do I specify the type, if I even have to? The Help page doesn't help on that.

Please help! Thanks, and have a wonderful Sunday, Jonathan Groß (talk) 09:40, 5 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

As ridiculous as it seems, string values need to be in triple double quotes. –LiberatorG (talk) 14:28, 5 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you very much! Frankly, I'm way beyond the perception of ridiculousness with this mind-boggling set of rules. I will correct the Help page accordingly. Bestt, Jonathan Groß (talk) 07:51, 6 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Jonathan Groß: Are you using the CSV syntax (as in my comment above) or the old V1 command sequence syntax? The triple double quotes are needed for string values using CSV syntax. It is because QuickStatements wants quotes around string values, but the CSV file format requires its own set of quotes around values that contain commas, quotes (which must then be doubled inside the CSV quotes to escape them), or line breaks.
The documentation that you changed was about the old V1 command sequence syntax. I don't use that syntax, but since it is not based on CSV I don't think that that syntax required the triple quotes. –LiberatorG (talk) 22:08, 6 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I was using CSV syntax. And now it worked, with triple quotes. Sorry if I changed the wrong part of the Help Page. Jonathan Groß (talk) 05:41, 7 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Adding sources to statements


Hi, it's me again, this time with a problem adding sources to statements. I tried to add referenced statements to existing items using this CSV code:


Quickstatements had no problem loading those commands. It successfully added the statement to each item but failed at adding the reference every time. (Adding these references manually was no problem. But that is not an option when I have 15,778 items on my hands.)

Any idea why?

Thank you once more, and have a great Wednesday, Jonathan Groß (talk) 11:28, 8 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

route map (P15) and place of birth (P19) do not look like the correct properties — Martin (MSGJ · talk) 09:01, 9 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Suspect you want S854 and s813? Also there is no P1
— Martin (MSGJ · talk) 09:04, 9 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
The property numbers are from another Wikibase. Sorry, I should have clarified that. Maybe I'm better off asking on the Telegram channel. Best, Jonathan Groß (talk) 14:46, 10 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]



Hello! I was hoping I could add several identical properties to multiple items. To begin with, is this even possible? Here's what happened when I tried with three items:

I made a spreadsheet with qid P31 P2094 P641 P17 as headers, then the values in the columns. Then I copy and paste from the spreadsheet. It does nothing. One time I got a result but it only showed two properties and I didn't know how to apply them to the items. Did the same thing and got no results again. A couple of times I got error messages when I did get a result. I ran a few times because I did things like change from a written q code to the number of the q code and capitalize and small case the letters.

If I can do the multiple thing, I will need help to run PetScan to find the q code for all the items in a wikipedia category. If that one is possible. Sorry for asking for help on basically everything and Thank you!--Tbennert (talk) 01:28, 17 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

It is maybe helpful if you copy a sample of your input data here so it's easier to analyze the issue. Best, --Marsupium (talk) 16:49, 17 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
qid P31 P2094 P641 P17
q111948006 q27020041 q46343203 q5372 q30
Q111948046 q27020041 q46343203 q5372 q30
Q111947987 q27020041 q46343203 q5372 q30
They're on a spreadsheet, so I just copy/paste the info. The qid and Property codes are each their own column. I only did these three items so I could figure things out. Thanks! Tbennert (talk) 22:05, 19 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Named batch is never saved


Since I've started using QuickStatements several months ago, it has never saved named batch for me (logged in of course). (Firefox, Ublock origin disabled for the site). —Mykhal (talk) 10:55, 13 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Editgroups keep track of batches: . Quickstatements doesn't remember batch jobs that ran in the foreground for some reason, but it does remember previous background jobs. Infrastruktur (talk) 11:19, 13 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Second statement with the same property and value but with different qualifiers


Hi, I am trying to add information on donations received by entities and am running into an issue.

Assuming my property is "donations", then the amount of each donation would be the statement, and information on the payment would come as qualifiers. But, if two payments come with the same amount, QuickStatements records this as one statement and merges the qualifiers. And while the information is retained, it makes it far more complication to sum the amount of fund and keep track of separate donations.

And, indeed, in the "limitations" section of the guide, it reads that QuickStatements cannot "add a second statement with the same property and value but with different qualifiers, since additional qualifiers will be added to the first statement".

Since adding all donations manually is not a viable option (we're talking about thousands upon thousands of records), what is the best way to go? I thought about making the statement a string and placing a unique id and then putting the value as a qualifier alongside the others. Given the situation, is this the best workaround or are there better ways to do this?

Thanks! Julius Schwarz (talk) 20:39, 25 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Batch creating properties


Is it possible to batch create property using CSV commands? I tried with V1 commands and CREATE_PROPERTY is not recognised. I can't seem to find directions to create properties on the help page. Is this not possible? Thanks! Julius Schwarz (talk) 19:06, 11 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

QuickStatements Community Consultation


Hello, fellow Wikidata contributors!

QuickStatements has become an essential tool for many of us in the community, helping to streamline our contributions to Wikidata.

In light of the new developments around this tool, we want to hear from you about QuickStatements and where we can improve it.

For that, we've created a brief 19-question survey to gather your valuable insights on QuickStatements.

It will take just 15-20 minutes of your time and it will really help us refine the tool towards your needs and make it even more effective for everyone.

The survey will be open until August 31st.

Share your insights here!

Thank you in advance! EPorto (WMB) (talk) 19:20, 13 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Better tool for replacing a single qualifier?


I have a large set of statements in which I want to replace one qualifier with another, without changing the values of that or any other qualifiers on the statement, or any references on the statement. It seems like the only way to do that with QuickStatements is to remove the whole statement and recreate it with all the qualifiers and references. Is there any better tool for this? Swpb (talk) 15:11, 20 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]