Letter to report a problem with something bought on credit card

Under Section 75 you can claim against your credit card provider when goods you've bought with a credit card develop a fault. Use this template letter to make a claim.
Which?Editorial team
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To report a problem with something you bought with a credit card:

[Your address]

[Company address]

Reference: [Details of your complaint and card number xxx]


On [date], I bought [item] from [retailer] using the above card.

The [item] has proved to be [faulty/ not as described/ not fit for purpose] because [explain problem].

I have tried unsuccessfully to resolve this dispute with the retailer and am now looking to you to pay me [set out what the sum you are seeking e.g. the cost of repairs] or [to provide a refund].

I base my claim on Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 which makes you jointly and severally liable for any breaches committed by the retailer.

I would be grateful if you could respond within 14 days

Yours faithfully,

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