Bell ringing days

The Abbey bells can usually be heard before services and in celebration of church festivals and royal occasions.

See the Abbey bells page for a history of bell ringing at Westminster Abbey.

Bells in the bell chamber of Westminster Abbey


Bell ringing calendar


Saturday, 7th September 2024
the bells of St Margaret's church will be rung at about 1.15 pm following a wedding

Sunday, 8th September 2024
The Accession of His Majesty The King
the bells of Westminster Abbey are rung from 12.30 pm, marking the second anniversary of the Accession of His Majesty The King

Tuesday, 10th September 2024
Sir Clive Johnstone
St Margaret's bells will be rung at about 1.00 pm following the service of thanksgiving for the life and work of Sir Clive Johnstone KBE CB

Sunday, 15th September 2024
Anniversary of the Battle of Britain
the Abbey bells will be rung at about noon following the special service marking the anniversary of the Battle of Britain

Saturday, 21st September 2024
St Matthew’s Day
the Abbey bells will be rung from noon

Monday, 30th September 2024
St Michael and All Angels
the Abbey bells will be rung at about 6.00 pm for St Michael and All Angels, transferred from 29 September


Tuesday, 1st October 2024
The Judges' Service
the bells of Westminster Abbey are rung at about 12.30 pm following the annual service

Friday, 4th October 2024
The Lord Speaker's Birthday
the bells of St Margaret's Church are rung from 1.00 pm to mark the birthday of The Right Honourable The Lord McFall of Alcluith PC, Lord Speaker

Sunday, 13th October 2024
The Translation of St Edward the Confessor
the Abbey bells are rung following the Sung Eucharist at about 12.30 pm

Sunday, 20th October 2024
The Dedication of Westminster Abbey, 1269
the bells of Westminster Abbey are rung at about 4.00 pm, following Evensong

Monday, 21st October 2024
St Luke the Evangelist
the Abbey bells are rung for St Luke's Day (transferred from 18 October) following Evensong at about 5.45 pm

Saturday, 26th October 2024
the bells of St Margaret's church will be rung at about 2.45 pm following a wedding


Friday, 1st November 2024
All Saints' Day
the Abbey bells are rung at about 6.00 pm following the Sung Eucharist

Saturday, 2nd November 2024
The Commemoration of the Faithful Departed
the Abbey bells are rung half-muffled following the Sung Eucharist at about 6.00 pm to mark All Souls' Day

Thursday, 7th November 2024
The Opening of the Field of Remembrance
the bells of St Margaret's church are rung half-muffled following the ceremony at about noon

Sunday, 10th November 2024
Remembrance Sunday
the Abbey bells will be rung half-muffled from noon

Thursday, 14th November 2024
The Birthday of His Majesty The King
the bells of Westminster Abbey are rung from 1.00 pm

Monday, 18th November 2024
The Right Honourable The Lord Cormack
the bells of St Margaret's Church will be rung at about 1.00 pm following the service of thanksgiving for the life and work of Patrick Cormack, Baron Cormack

Friday, 29th November 2024
the bells of St Margaret's church will be rung at about 2.45 pm following a wedding

Saturday, 30th November 2024
St Andrew's Day
the Abbey bells are rung from noon


Wednesday, 25th December 2024
Christmas Day
the bells of Westminster Abbey are rung at about 11.45 am, following the Sung Eucharist of Christmas Day

Friday, 27th December 2024
St John the Evangelist
the Abbey bells will be rung for St John's Day at about 5.45 pm following Evensong

Tuesday, 31st December 2024
New Year
the bells of St Margaret's Church will be ringing in the new year from 10.00 pm


Wednesday, 1st January 2025
New Year's Day
the Abbey bells will be rung by a visiting band, beginning at 1.00 pm

Monday, 6th January 2025
The Epiphany of Our Lord
the Abbey bells are rung at about 6.00 pm following the Sung Eucharist

Thursday, 9th January 2025
The Birthday of Catherine, Princess of Wales
the bells of Westminster Abbey are rung from 1.00 pm


Sunday, 2nd February 2025
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas)
the Abbey bells are rung following the Sung Eucharist at about 12.30 pm


Saturday, 1st March 2025
St David's Day
the Abbey bells will be rung for St David's Day from noon