Governance and Leadership

The Dean and Chapter is the overall governing body of the Abbey whilst the Abbey Board oversees strategy and its implementation.

Dean and Chapter

The Dean and Chapter is directly responsible for setting the Abbey’s mission and values, for sustaining worship and for ensuring that governance arrangements are fit for purpose and operating well.

The non-voting attendees of the Dean & Chapter are:

  • Paul Baumann CBE, Receiver General and Chapter Clerk
  • The Reverend Mark Birch MVO, Precentor
  • John Neilson, Deputy Receiver General and Director of Finance

Abbey Board

The Abbey Board oversees and takes responsibility for setting strategies for the Abbey and overseeing their implementation through robust prioritisation, planning and monitoring processes and the effective management of our finances, staff and volunteers, key projects and risks. This gives the Abbey access to expert advice and challenges making decisions and overseeing the Abbey’s affairs. It is chaired by the Dean.

As well as members of Dean and Chapter, the Abbey Board consists of independent non-executive members and lay executive staff. 

Independent non-executive members

  • Dame Clare Moriarty DBE, Senior Independent Member
  • Jennifer Emery
  • The Rt Hon Dominic Grieve KC
  • Roger Mountford

Lay executive staff

  • Paul Baumann CBE, Receiver General and Chapter Clerk
  • John Neilson, Deputy Receiver General and Director of Finance
  • Scott Craddock, Head of Visitor Experience
  • Andrew Nethsingha, Organist and Master of the Choristers
  • Grazyna Richmond, Head of Engagement