
Vale employee smiling in green landscape. She is wearing a green Vale
uniform, goggles, helmet and ear plugs. Visual wave artifact Vale
Imagem de header interno Imagem de header interno
Ilustration representing people
Photo: Vale's Archive
Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Grow and evolve togethe

The Partilhar Program aims to fulfill and contribute to the sustainable development of the regions in which it operates.

The program establishes objectives to promote local socio-economic growth that become part of the criteria for selecting and contracting suppliers.
Promote job creation in the communities in which we operate.
Encourage income generation through wage growth.
Foster local purchases and generate new business.
Encourage voluntary social investment.

Photographer: Antonio Scorza

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Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Evaluation and recognition criteria

The socio-economic contribution of each supplier to local development will be measured by the In-Country Value (ICV), which becomes part of the supplier selection and hiring criteria.

The Community Value Index (IVC) is calculated during the procurement process, based on figures proposed by the supplier, referring to each Vale contract and operation. In addition to the IVC methodology, the Sharing Program also allows suppliers to undertake social investment initiatives through agreements in specific cases.  

Program results

Since it was launched in 2020, the Sharing Program has achieved significant results, including the creation of more than 13,000 jobs in Minas Gerais, Pará, Espírito Santo, Maranhão, Rio de Janeiro and Mato Grosso do Sul. 

More than 200 contracts have been signed in line with the program’s methodology and more than R$10 million of voluntary social investment has been executed. 

Photographer: Antonio Scorza

Supplier's Journey

The Partilhar Program brings novelties to the hiring process and to the journey of Vale's suppliers.

In addition to technical and commercial criteria, the Community Value Index (IVC) is now considered when selecting contractors. The higher a supplier’s IVC, the more competitive it may be in Vale’s procurement processes.

Photographer: Antonio Scorza

Discover the Journey of the Supplier participating in the Partilhar Program:

Adherence to the Program

During the adherence process, the supplier will receive an ICV Calculator, which will have the Regulation and will be able to propose the Action Plan for the Program.

Submission of Proposals and ICV

Supplier submits technical, commercial and ICV Calculator proposals with completed Action Plan.

Equalization and Approval

The buyer evaluates proposals, defines the winner(s) and formalizes the contract, including a clause and appendix specifically related to the program. 

Monitoring of Signed Contracts

A supplier that wins a contract based on IVC provides information for monitoring the Action Plan against agreed milestones and evidence. 
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Menu of Incentives Added to Participants in the Partilhar Program

Differentiated Financial Conditions:

Reduction of the payment term by Vale to the supplier for the contracts that are part of the program.

Business Facilitators:

Solutions that aim to facilitate businesses to program suppliers, such as discounts in products and services, e-commerce tool, among others.

Learn more about the eligibility criteria by accessing the frequently asked questions

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Photographer: Ricardo Teles

About the ICV

The IVC, Community Value Index, is based on four objective levers and was developed to measure the socio-economic contribution of suppliers in the communities where we operate.

All the data is analyzed by the supplier, for each procurement process and Vale operation, making it possible to identify the positive value generated by the supplier in each location.

Levers analyzed in the ICV:

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Local Employment

Number of active jobs in the municipality/municipalities of influence of the operation/operations 
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Local Spending

Total spending on purchases of any nature in the municipality/municipalities of influence of the operation/operations. 
Icon representing trees

Social Investment

Considers the total investments in voluntary social initiatives.
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Salary Mass

It considers the sum of the gross annual remuneration of the employees employed by the supplier (total remuneration with labor charges foreseen by law and without benefits for the contract period).
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Support Material

All suppliers participating in the Program must comply with current regulations. 

To learn more details and answer questions, check the Partilhar Program support documents:

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

List of categories involved in the current cycle

Here you will find materials and content related to workshops, knowledge pathways, training and other activities carried out by the program.

Regional Thematic Workshops 

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Fotógrafo: Ricardo Teles

Community demands

In the link below, a list of organizations and/or entities is available for possible Social Investments by SUPPLIERS. It should be noted that the SUPPLIER is and will continue to be absolutely free to choose any organizations and/or entities, including any others not listed.

News for suppliers

ciclo com quadrado, triângulo e círculo branco centralizado em fundo azul claro

Vale launches innovative program for digital transformation of its supply chain

By using modern technologies, the company seeks to enhance its volume of autonomous purchases

Visual wave artifact Vale
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