Middle East and North Africa


Painting of a refugee on a wall in Beirut
Beirut artists depict the refugee crisis in the country through art on the streets of Beirut. OCHA/Craig Anderson
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Since 2019, the situation in Lebanon has evolved with the emergence of an unprecedented and complex political, economic, financial, social and health crisis. More recently, the country has also faced the impact of the escalation of hostilities between Israel and non-State armed groups in South Lebanon. This is linked to the erupted conflict in Gaza and has predominantly affected South Lebanon internally displacing more than 96,000 people, while an estimated 60,000 people remain in hard-to-access areas along the Blue Line. These elements have added to the pre-existing impact of the Syria crisis on Lebanon’s institutions, infrastructure, and economy, and negatively impacted past developmental gains. All vulnerable populations in Lebanon have been deeply affected by a sharp increase in poverty and humanitarian needs, gaps in critical supply chains and limitations on access to food, healthcare, education, employment, and other basic services. 

The hardship is expected to be prolonged, particularly in the context of a political deadlock that prevents the implementation of a comprehensive economic and financial stabilization plan, or a sustainable development plan. Meanwhile, Lebanon continues to host the largest number of refugees per capita in the world. These refugees face limited prospects for durable solutions to their displacement in the immediate future.  Similarly, the situation in the South of Lebanon remains volatile and could potentially deteriorate sharply and has already had a significant impact in damaging livelihoods and limiting affected populations’ access to basic services and protection.

OCHA Lebanon's primary objective is to save lives, alleviate suffering, and promote dignity through coordinated humanitarian efforts. In 2024 OCHA Lebanon will prioritize: 

  • Strengthening partnerships with humanitarian, development, and stabilization bodies to advance the 2024 Lebanon Response Plan under the leadership of the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator. 
  • Enhancing the ability of Government partners, including local organizations, to support the most vulnerable and prepare for emergencies. 
  • Ensuring access to humanitarian aid and promoting the protection of affected populations, including accountability and protection from sexual exploitation and abuse in all humanitarian actions. 

OCHA Lebanon is actively supporting Government-led national preparedness and response efforts in light of ongoing hostilities in the south. Together with UN and non-governmental organizations, under the Humanitarian Coordinator's leadership, OCHA is accelerating response and preparedness activities as outlined in the Humanitarian Country Team's contingency plan. Humanitarian partners are currently addressing the emergency response to the escalation in South Lebanon under the 2024 Lebanon Response Plan. OOCHA Lebanon is also leading efforts on civil-military coordination through an established CMCoord cell and strengthening humanitarian notification. 

The Lebanon Humanitarian Fund

Pledged amount (USD)
22.7M 2024
Paid amount (USD)
22.7M 2024


Lebanon + 2 more

News and Press Release

Statement at the noon briefing, HC Lebanon, Imran Riza, 20 August 2024

Good afternoon, I am pleased to join you today to update you on the situation in Lebanon and share my impressions from my mission to southern Lebanon yesterday, to mark World Humanitarian Day. Some...

Originally published
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
  • UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Lebanon
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Funding for OCHA Lebanon

Total requirements (USD)
2.7M 2024
Opening balance (USD)
20.3K 2024
Earmarked funding (USD)
355.6K 2024
Total (USD)
355.6K 2024