
This is a LGBTQ+ friendly blog. 

1. i post “whatever” I love.

2. interested in: space, stars, ballet, dance, people, wildlife and nature, lgbtq stuff, human rights, and coronavirus pandemic

3. also interested in BL and K-dramas; used to make gifs of them but nowadays rarely make one.

※ TAG Links: not all, just some of the posts

Issue/movements/world etc.: covid-19 human rights (blm, stop asian hate) lgbtq south korea

Space: stars space

Nature: nature animal

Favorite:  art  photography  reblogs vincent van gogh 

Favorite3: actor books drama

BL: Sotus The Untamed MingKit(Markkit)  LBC  TinCan  2gether  MaxTul  Morkpi EarthMix  2moons2017; PhaYo ForthBeam 

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