
I am (Princess) Batman

@somecunttookmyurl / somecunttookmyurl.tumblr.com

Shop my silly little crafts 2 Legit 2 Knit. Glasgow, UK - Egyptologist. Mad Scientist. ADHD as fuck. You can do whatever you want with The Poem but if you make money on it then cut me in otherwise I Don't Care - Buy me a coffee

I finished the giant gengar pixel blanket and apparently hate myself to do it again for money (again) so DETAILS ON COMMISSIONING A PIXEL BLANKET (Does not have to be a gengar. I would in fact prefer it if it wasn't)

(not calling you out or targeting you personally to pressure or anything this is just a repeated sentiment in the notes sorry for blasting your tags specifically)

just to reiterate again for everyone in the notes/reading this like "aw if i had the money i would"

i not only accept but actively encourage paying in instalments on large projects. something large or complex takes a long time for me to finish! months, even! stretch it out as much as you want there's a lower limit to how quickly i can feasibly do something massive or complex but there is absolutely no upper limit. if it takes us both a year it takes us both a year. if you can't spare anything one month i simply do not make any progress on it that month it's no big

the only required upfront payment is for whatever the yarn costs because i have to buy that shit first but if necessary you can even wait another little while to start paying for labour. again, don't care. i work on it when you can afford for me to work on it. it lives in the cupboard otherwise. this does not bother me.

paying me as i go makes it easier for you, but also easier for me because i have adhd and no impulse control and a semi-steady income supply of like. £80 a month is far more manageable than a one-time windfall of £800 (or whatever) that i then have hanging over me until i finish

(also you can commission gengar if you want i have probably sufficiently mentally recovered i retract my initial statement re: another gengar. a different sprite would be cool though. for the variety)


i know we're all sick of self-care being a marketing tactic now, but i don't think a lot of us have any other concept of self-care beyond what companies have tried to sell us, so i thought i'd share my favorite self-care hand out

brought to you by how mad i just got at a Target ad


Now THAT’S a self care resource! If you’ve gotten distracted by capitalism’s appropriation of “self-care” and watering the meaning down to nothing this is a super helpful guide to cut through the bullshit.


HATE when you’re inserting your email somewhere and literally from the first letter the website is like “invalid email address” like yes i know. I’m typing it right now. My email address is obviously not just the letter ‘m’. Stop

Anonymous asked:

wait how DO you work out how old a cat is. it's not as straightforward as "1 dog year is 7 human years" right?

not that straightforward but not as complicated as a lot of people seem to think either

the first 2 years combined = 24 human years. (i think it's 14 the first year and 10 the second. but in any case they're fully entirely developed adults by the time they're 2. doesn't matter all that much. you could say 12+12 and it wouldn't really make a difference)

after that it's 4 human years for every 1 cat year. that's it. it doesn't change again. it's not a different amount for every single year or anything

Anonymous asked:

Hey, as a vet, I’m so sorry no one is taking your concerns about the daily vomiting seriously - you’re totally right for wanting it investigated. Definitely seek a second opinion (or a third if you have already!). Sounds like girly needs some basic bloodwork to start and likely an abdominal ultrasound. If they don’t know what they’re doing/can’t get to the bottom of it and it’s in your budget, definitely seek a referral with an internal medicine specialist - seriously worth it. And you’re right, 11 is like…middle-aged, what are they talking about old?

bestie ive had a fourth fifth and sixth opinion at this point. i'm running out of vets in glasgow. since she's eating and pooping normally and generally a happy girlie everyone is just like "eh it's fine call back if she shows literally any symptoms"

which you know. i get it if it had been going in for like. a few days. could just be a nothingburger that resolves itself. it's been 2 years though


also idk about anywhere else but here cat food for 7+ year olds is labelled as "senior" (rather than adult) and 11+ is like. advanced senior. which is...... probably not helping the perception that 11 is super old for a cat.

a 7 year old cat is the equivalent of like... 45. that's not senior that's "eyeing up a midlife crisis"

you would expect a vet to know otherwise for sure, but here a lot of vets still advise that cats are allowed outdoor access. if you're advocating for something that lowers the average life expectancy maybe you DON'T know that cats are supposed to live until they're like... 15+

Anonymous asked:

Hey, as a vet, I’m so sorry no one is taking your concerns about the daily vomiting seriously - you’re totally right for wanting it investigated. Definitely seek a second opinion (or a third if you have already!). Sounds like girly needs some basic bloodwork to start and likely an abdominal ultrasound. If they don’t know what they’re doing/can’t get to the bottom of it and it’s in your budget, definitely seek a referral with an internal medicine specialist - seriously worth it. And you’re right, 11 is like…middle-aged, what are they talking about old?

bestie ive had a fourth fifth and sixth opinion at this point. i'm running out of vets in glasgow. since she's eating and pooping normally and generally a happy girlie everyone is just like "eh it's fine call back if she shows literally any symptoms"

which you know. i get it if it had been going in for like. a few days. could just be a nothingburger that resolves itself. it's been 2 years though

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