
haz great wisedum

@sillystringpasta / sillystringpasta.tumblr.com

also on AO3 at sillystingpasta: https://archiveofourown.org/users/sillystringpasta/works

I have it under control, thanks.

A little art studio in Gotham. Everything looks normal, everything is normal. Except that its normal like really normal, nothing ever happens there. No villain goes in, no damage out of the ordinary ever happens. It's super strange for Gotham.

So people start hanging out there more, it technically belongs to a young rich woman named Samantha. So people go there draw on some Canvas that are free to use and look at the art of the young Manson and her friends.

Bruce is there to check why it's so safe there. He thinks it's suspicious.

But it turns out the owner just had everything under control. The Mad Hater came one time he got shocked. Some goon got a ball in the head.

In a bigger Gotham catastrophe, where the Joker was on Rampage. Batman was running to save the people in the studio, just to come and see him tied up. Manson and her to friends just look at him, when he comes. "I have this under control."

Her two friends just laugh, "Sam has this under control."

  • Batman is pretty sure she used to be a superhero.
  • Or a super villain.
  • There is not much to be found about her or the City she came from.
  • Her friends are kinda secretive.
  • One of her friends seems to be a child of crazy scientists.

Okay know he is pretty sure that Sam Manson was a Villain once.

But he will take future investigations.

With it being an art studio, i vote that we don't throw poison ivy into the thick of sam's shenanigans for once. i vote that we do someone with a taste for art. someone sofisticated, who might have difficulty going to regular art gallerys, but heard about this really nice place that's very inclusive. modern, of course, but tasteful.

Oswald Cobblepot is about to have a very interesting day. so is Damian Wayne.

("we can't just dispose of him if he's not here as a rogue!"

"but he's the penguin! that guy's like, mega evil! and his goons are here bodyguarding him in suits."

"what's a penguin?"

"a... bird?!?!?"

"how do you not kno-"

"birds are fake."


"hey guys, where did mr. penguin go?"

"OH SH--")

so there's this backroom of the studio, yeah? and sam might have been keeping some ectoplasm in there. (to paint with? investigate how ghosts make art?)

ectoplasm glows.

Oswald, waddling about, appreciating the art, goes into a sideroom, an office, just to take a peak at these people's business. he had, after all, heard the... rumors of the rogue captures here.

and he finds another door in the office. one which, he knows, leads to the owner's art studio. one which now has green glowing out from under the door.

("enough about the birds! look! is it just me or did another teenager get a gallery pass today even though penguin blocked it out?"

"if he's not here as a rogue, should we call him mister cobble-"

"what teenager? i don't see another teenager?"

"i swear he was right there!")

Damian is... acutely appreciative of the high level of skill this situation may require him to deploy.

he had heard father discussing the case of Samantha Manson with Drake, whose photography skills might have been an aid to open a conversation about art appreciation, or making a patronage by setting up a photography gallery to sneak around the place.

as though Damian wasn't the artist of the household!

after consulting with Alfred the cat, he decided to take matters into his own hands, and visit the gallery himself. he got the last ticket before that day was fully booked, which is fortunate, as the owner was opening a new exhibit that day. there would be a crowd of people, suitable for disappearing into, and a distraction, unlike other walk-in days meant for the commoners of gotham.

Damian was not expecting a business deal with the penguin.

watching him disappear into an office, the room filled with goons... damian grimaced.

now, how to perform with the utmost of care without access to the robin suit?



So lets talk about the elephant in the room.


Im very curious as to why people call it a fake science. Jack, Maddie and Vlad took College chlasses about it, granted they could have been about engenering or something (been a while since i watched the show) but they have Ectoplasme around, they have old designes of weapons and armors, they know about its properties and how to protect themselfs from it.

So why the hell are they the 'only' ecto scientists that exist? there should be boatloads of them and practicly run down their door once they get the portal working.

Think about it! Some weird randos from your parallel class suddly invents the holy grale or find the cure for cancer and what do they do with it? nothing. You could bet your ass that irl Amity would be overrun by ecto scientist.

the government was quick to accept its existence and make a whole subdivision over it, too.

this is def an idea that should be explored more...


Bird Questions

Prompt idea

College student Danny Fenton is taking a much needed break from his studies, sitting on the roof of his apartment building. He’s sleep deprived and a little delirious, watching several of the Gotham vigilantes grappling between buildings in the distance.

“Do birds ever just fly for fun, or are they always on some kind of mission?”

Danny isn’t talking to anyone, he’s up on the roof on his own to de-stress. He was just thinking out loud.

So when he heard a snort and a chuckle from behind him, Danny felt like he was justified in his reaction of not only swearing, but also throwing a solid right hook at the same time that he spun around to see who the hell was there.

He didn’t mean to punch anyone in the face.


This is the exact sort of passive-aggressive Rich Old Man Grumpiness I can get behind


To Those Who Find This Note:
If you have found this note, you must be engaged in demolishing one of the false columns that have been placed in the foyer of the Sainsbury Wing of the National Gallery. I believe that the false columns are a mistake of the architect and that we would live to regret our accepting this detail of his design.
Let it be known that one of the donors of this building is absolutely delighted that your generation has decided to dispense with the unnecessary columns.
John Sainsbury
26th July 1990

Core Four Young Justice decide to go to the best of the best in terms of haunted houses, promising that any guest will find "The Magic of Halloween" in just a short stay.

They even have to sign a waver saying that if they get PTSD they won't sue the coordinator; perfect for Halloween. Besides, they're professional heroes, there's not a lot that can scare them. Well, okay not really a haunted house; it's actually a group camping trip and the camping ground is rigged for all sorts of spooks and scares.

Tim, Kon, Bart, and Cassie find themselves camping with a pair of twins, Danny and Dan, their younger sister, Dani, an old rich guy who hates being there, Vlad Masters, and...an entire football team from the sibling's high school.

So like. Not a great start.

Also, the campground is really close to private property. Hillbilly gun type private property.

Then people start dying.

The Football team, apparently, is actually a cult. Or something. Translation unclear, Tim still grappling with the fact that he saw them decapitate Masters.

When he goes to Kon, Cassie, and Bart to try to rescue the siblings and get the hell out of dodge, they find something else out; their powers don't. Fucking. Work.

For which there is a part of Tim, deep down, that is cheering that his mandatory training for fighting without those powers is finally going to come in handy.

Mostly it's masked by confusion and, he's not gonna lie, maybe some growing fear. Just a little bit. Mostly because his emergency beacon isn't working. None of them are.

Still, even though they're powerless, Young Justice rallies around the siblings to save them.

But things just keep going wrong!

There's a weird, glowing knight with a sword that the cult summoned, and he keeps showing up when Young Justice least expects it.

The trees are fucking moving.

The house on the property they're next to? The hillbilly with guns cabin? There's two mad scientists inside of it laughing maniacally and working with either Lazarus Water or Kryptonite.

Worse, Tim is making decisions he normally would never make! He doesn't understand what's happening, but he's doing traditionally horror movie stupid shit! Bruce is going to be so disappointed in his leadership if he survives this!

Dan was the first to get captured out of the siblings, they came across his body not even four minutes after he was nabbed. Danny was next, shoving his sister out of the way when the giant, glowing figure caught up to them, and was dragged away screaming as Bart and Kon tried to keep a grip on him.

The glowing knight had proceeded to cut a tree in half as his sword arced down on Kon and Bart, who had been forced to let go of Danny, except.


The tree hadn't actually been cut at all. They have no idea what they saw, but Danny was taken.

They still haven't found his body.

Now it's just Young Justice and Dani, everyone is freaking out, no one is thinking clearly, and Tim can't stop himself from doing stupid, horror movie-esque shit....




No wonder there was a waiver! "The magic of Halloween" indeed!

On the other side of the story: In a "Good Reveal/Anti-Ecto Acts Repealed" AU, where Danny doesn't bother keeping his identity secret, he decides to make a little cash on the side. With the help of Ghostwriter setting the scene and ensuring that no one makes a decision that can get them out of the area, or make any phonecalls or use any tricks, Danny decides to run a temporary Haunted Camping Trip. Eventually, while he was planning it, Tucker got involved on the technological side of things; SFX hidden in foliage, stuff like that. Sam wanted in on the action, and started working with Tucker to plan the scares/the plot of the Camping Trip. Then the A-Listers caught wind of what Fenton was cooking, and they really, really wanted in. From there, he managed to drag in Vlad, Dan, and Dani. His parents got involved, because of course they did. Jazz took over ensuring Sam's plans wouldn't cause lasting, concerning damage mentally; essentially she just peer reviewed and made sure Sam didn't go too far. The A-Lister's parents got involved, and now it's a school-thing. The "victims" change, the "cult" changes, but when it's Vlad, Danny, Dan, and Dani's turn to be victim the "deaths" get to be super gruesome, because they can just reform and go intangible. Also they can literally turn off their hearts, it's fantastic. The guests fill out a questionairre, where Technus then follows the digital trail to gather info on whether or not that guest has the kind of mental fortitude to actually go on this "Camping Trip" and not suffer a mental breakdown. They do the Camping Trip on Friday afternoons, going into Saturday and sometimes into Sunday; it depends on how many guests there are and how many "victim"s there are. The "cult" never actually goes for the real guests, only "almost" finding them and herding them to the "spooky zones", which are a hellish amalgamation of Tucker's SFX, the theatre students going feral, and whatever Ghost Rogue of the week that wants to help. The "Cult" spends the first night and day progressively getting more and more unhinged and "creepy", culminating in disappearing on the second night and starting to "hunt" the guests and "victim"s. Jazz and an actual, licensed professional monitor through security cameras and, if a guest looks like they're in too deep and need to be removed, the "cult" will separate them and either Jazz or the professional will guide them to an actual vacation cabin so they can cool off from the adrenal response. The Camping Trips run from August to mid-November, and it's the last Camping Trip for the year, so since the group is small, the halfas were chosen to be the "Victims". The guests; Conner Kent, Tim Drake, "Cassie" Sandmark, and Bart Allen. They seem like a tight friend group. Scaring them is going to be fun. Especially because Technus said that scaring them wouldn't be easy; everyone is invested in proving him wrong.
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