
And One of us Already Wrote Hamlet


Y’all need Weird Al Yankovic
20 yo
call me lou


  • If anybody tries to isolate you, cut you off from other friends, or convince you that they are the only person you can trust or who can be capable of loving you, run extremely far away in the other direction
  • While transition is a process that takes place over time, it is so important that you love yourself for who you are in the present. You are lovable now; there's only harm in believing otherwise or deferring your happiness until you feel like you've "earned" it
  • You can perform a double jump to reach high places by pressing the jump button while in the air

Note: Mutual Aid in this case are organizations such as CareforGaza, Watermelon Relief Aid, El Elna Elak, etc.

Feel free to promote GoFundMe's for people in Gaza under this post, especially if you're Palestinian!

I'll start with a fundraiser I trust, which is Ahmed's and Faten's Abuhamda GoFundMe!

They are verified by @nabulsi and are also have the Number #137 of @el-shab-hussein Google doc of verified fundraisers.

The Abu-Hamda family is composed of Ahmed, Faten and their 3 children Sama (5 years old), Loai (3 years old) and Yousef, who is less than 1 year old. Ahmed is a disabled amputee and with the current situation on Gaza cannot keep providing for his family anymore, furthermore, Loai has gotten a really bad skin condition due to the lack of health safety in the strip, so it's extremely urgent that they go to Egypt as soon as possible.

They have only raised 16,555$ out of 50,000$ since March, with no donations in the past 3 days.

Please donate if you can and don't forget to share! Follow also @ahmedabuloay and @faten-lolo12 which are their current accounts!

Below is an infographic if you also want to share around


Forgive me if I am intruding on you or bothering you. This is a donation campaign for my children to save them from this crazy war. Consider my children as your children. What are you doing to save them? Interact with me and help me by spreading the link and donating. Thank you.


the thing about these geography quizzes is that if you’re not great at geography you can simply keep scrolling. you don’t have to take them, do badly, and then go on a racist rant about how it’s not your fault. nobody will know about this ignorance unless you choose to advertise it.


sometimes i’m like ‘fanfiction can’t shock me anymore i’m numb to it’ then i find this shit

every moment of a cumulative thirteen years of catholic education is simultaneously screaming out in agony at this reply


Tbh the only way an average-looking guy could get 12 hot guys to follow him around and hang off his every word is if he’s the only top

Obviously Christ was a top, the Catholic Church keeps reminding us he’s inside everyone, and the one and only time he got nailed, it took him three days to recover.

So ain’t nobody gonna ask OP what they were doing looking for Jesus/Judas fanfiction?

trying to find jesus/judas fanfiction to read i thought that was obvious

OPs url makes this the funniest thread I’ve ever read in my life


When I was in middle school we would do these weekly things called "Flag Salutes" where the entire school came out to the quad to stand in big ranks and sing patriotic songs. I lived in one of the most conservative counties in America and the teachers took the Flag Salutes very seriously.

We hated them. We didn't really clock the nationalist nature of the thing but we we hated being asked to stand in a big group and sing songs for nobody. It was boring and goofy. Thinking about it now, it really was just our teachers using us as fodder for a Mass Ritual to Prevent 9/11 from Happening Again.

Eventually, some kids developed a sort of game. The ceremony had all these little dramatic pauses between sections of a speech or in-between songs. Kids would wait for those little pauses and, right before the song started, just shout "NINE ELEVEN!" There was a voice for it to. You had to sound kinda like a Patrick Star or a similar exaggerated dunderhead type character.

It made the teachers incredibly mad but nobody ever got in trouble. The trick was to drop the Nine Eleven the moment before the song started so they couldn't stop to focus on who was yelling. Once they start the ritual they couldn't stop it or the spell would backfire and the Taliban Would Get You or whatever.

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