
Zero Waste Journey


25 year old just trying my best every day to change my habits & do my part for the planet

Right now Washington, Oregon and California are experiencing one of the worst wildfires to date. The sky is orange and everything smells like a campfire and I'm bad at articulating but it's really serious. Thousands have had to evacuate and lost they're homes in the process. I don't like talking about topical stuff on the blog v often but I'm in the midst of the evacuation zone in Oregon and shits scary. I'm afraid of losing my home and I'm afraid for my family and friends.

Idk what the point is of this post but I feel like not many people outside of the northwest know how bad it is rn cus it's bad. The moment I find donation links I'll link them to this post but I haven't found any yet. And if you're in the northwest rn, please be safe.


There are plenty of natural stain remover hacks, just check out this infographic to learn some of them. The average american household washes 400 loads of laundry each year, consuming approximately 13,500 gallons of water. Follow these tips to go green, making your  clothes last longer and reducing your energy and water consumption.


#greenliving #gogreen via @TommyJohn


Some of our compost bin rescues! Composted squash and watermelon seeds ended up thriving in the compost bin and they've taken off since planting them.

I'd love to see and hear about some of your compost bin rescues!


I know I've been inactive and I want to apologize for that! Being eco friendly has taken a backseat more than I would have liked since living and convenience have had to come first. I was working 2 jobs on top of online college with limited shopping and limited options while shopping. Even getting food from local farmers is difficult right now.

Honestly, I feel like I dived in to low waste and made so many changes but didn't think about if they were sustainable for ME. It's also hard not to get into the mindset of "well I use a metal razor and compost so one plastic drink bottle won't hurt." But that minset over and over IS a problem. Living with people who don't follow this lifestyle and having one person designated as the main shopper (because quarentine life) makes it hard not to make concessions. Especially when I have less control over what groceries I'm being given (countless conversations of what I would prefer have gone unheard because "well I thought you'd like it").

I'm going to step back to re-evaluate what choices I DO have control over and make some changes.


I think the hardest part of using bar shaving cream is that it's harder to tell where I haven't shaved. I can't follow the super fluffy tracks of shaving cream anymore and I keep finding small slivers of hair the day after. But I love everything else, especially the no plastic, so it's worth it


sometimes you just need to take a step back and realize how far you’ve come instead of how far left you have to go. you are going to mess up, and you are going to make mistakes and you aren’t always going to get it right. but, you are human. it happens. it’s okay.


My Thriftbooks order came in and I was not expecting this good of quality. Just a torn book jacket easily fixed with tape! I support local used book stores when I can, but right now that's not possible. So if you're looking for something new (to you) to read, I highly recommend Thriftbooks



To keep it S–T–R–E–T–C–H–Y–!

Why hasn’t anyone told me this?

I was taught a different/additional method of repairing knit fabric while maintaining its stretch, essentially one that reconstructs the fabric in the same way it was originally put together, making it pretty hard to see if you have similar yarn. Not sure where it comes from, this video seems to be the same thing I was told to do. Probably the best way to decide between them is just based on which seems more work for the hole you have, and whether you care about it being visible.


I'm looking for a reusable panty liner (or thin cloth pad) to use as backup for my cup on heavy days. There are so many brands and etsy sellers that I'm having a hard time committing to one. I'd love to hear people's experiences and recommendations to finally give me the kick in the pants to buy some! (PS I'm in the US so I need something that ships here)

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