
Jewish Museum of Maryland

@jewishmuseummd / jewishmuseummd.tumblr.com

The Jewish Museum of Maryland (aka the JMM!) is a regional history and cultural museum. Located in downtown Baltimore, we do our best to preserve and share the Jewish history of our state through exhibits, programs, and collections.

#FridayFeature of new accessions to the JMM collections: Documents related to the construction of a new house at 3900 Glen Avenue in Baltimore City, dated 8/12/1947, from the general contractor Industrial Service Engineers to Leonard Fruman. 

Gift of Arnold and Joyce Fruman, JMM 2020.21.1.


#FridayFeature of new accessions to the JMM collections: Hardbound book, "Order of Prayer - House of Mourning," with stamp from Sylvan S. Lewis & Son Memorial Chapel, "organized by Samuel T. Scherr" with acknowledgements to several local rabbis including Rabbi Rosenblatt of Beth Tfiloh, c. 1950s. 

Gift of Bernice Millman, JMM 2020.4.3.


#FridayFeature of new accessions to the JMM collections: Tabletop clamp meat grinder. 

From the donor: "I remember my mother, Joyce Hahn Kahl (born 1924), using this meat grinder at home when I grew up. She would screw it on the kitchen table top or counter top, to grind leftover roast beef and potatoes. The mixture then would be baked in the oven and served for a hash dinner (with ketchup!) . . . My mother got it from her motherElsa Goldberg Hahn Reisman, who was born (1897) and grew up in NYC. . . My best guess is that the grinder originally belonged to my great-grandmother, Augusta "Gussie” Cohen Goldberg (born 1864), (Elsa's mother), who lived in NYC.” 

Gift of the family of Joyce Hahn Kahl and Elsa Goldberg Hahn Reisman, JMM 2020.37.1


ThrowbackThursday from the JMM Collections: Senator Herbert Lehman on his 80th birthday being presented a menorah by Dr. William Haber, President of American ORT, April 8, 1958. 

The menorah was made by students of the ORT School at Strasbourg, France and bears the inscription "A Light Unto the People". Harry Greenstein Collection, JMM 1971.20.273. #TBT                


#FridayFeature of new accessions to the JMM collections: Letter of appreciation from the Equitable Trust Company, Baltimore, to Leonard Fruman, National Lumber Company, 1962. 

The letter thanks Fruman for pointing out the bank's failure to debit a check from the NLC account, and praises his "honesty, integrity, and cooperative spirit."

 Gift of National Lumber Company, JMM 2020.34.1.


Thank you to all who joined us for the virtual opening of "in the absence of a proper mourning," we hope to have the program recording up soon. 

In the meantime, we recommend this article from Rebecca Soffer at the Jewish Book Council who spoke with artist Tal Beery about the project.


The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Joanna Church by email at [email protected].

Date run in Baltimore Jewish Times: June 19, 2020

PastPerfect Accession #: 1996.063.089

Status: Unidentified – do you know the names of any of these swimmers? Photo taken during a swimming class at the Young Men’s Hebrew Association swimming pool, 1951.


#DYK during the festival of Pesach (Passover), many Jews refrain from eating many foods they eat year round? To avoid eating levened grain products, people must cook entirely different foods than they usually might. 

This cookbook for Pesach was published by Manischewitz, which makes many Pesach products including matzah, a flat cracker-like bread which is Kosher for Pesach. JMM 1988.007.001 

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