
#1 manticore kisser

@furbearingbrick / furbearingbrick.tumblr.com

DNI/BYF black genderfluid nonbinary bi person. pronouns are they/them ONLY. transneutral, 43 years old. Pleased to meet you. I'm a rock monster. My interests include chiptunes, geckos, birds, social justice issues, monsters, and shitposting. (mostly shitposting, though.) most of my art is under the "furbearingbrick" and "brick's art" tags. original posts are tagged "shut up brick no one cares" "brick speaks" and "brick attempts to be funny"

Do NOT follow/interact if you:

  • are a radfem of ANY sort
  • are a MAP/NOMAP (fancy word for pedophile) or support them
  • are a transmed
  • are a fascist and/or an alt-righter
  • are a Trump supporter
  • are a spineless “vote blue no matter who” fucker
  • support Israel  
  • support rpf (that means you ship/make fics of real people)
  • are yanderecore
  • are anti-sex work
  • think “reverse racism” is real
  • think “narcissistic abuse” is real
  • don’t think fatphobia/fatmisia is real
  • are a exclusionist of good-faith identities ie aspecs, pansexuals, bi lesbians “but lesbians can’t”-DID I FUCKING STUTTER 
  • are a “radqueer” (here’s a quick rundown of the definition)
  • support Scott Cawthon
  • are a “proshipper”/”anti-anti”/”comshipper” whatever you’re calling yourselves nowadays. incest, abuse and pederasty doesn’t magically become ok because “iTs jUst fIcTiOn”
  • are a dsmp fan
  • are a fan of Attack On Titan, South Park, Harry Potter/Wizarding World, or that fucking demon hotel show. “ohh but I can separate the art from the ar-”

further viewing:

Please tag:

  • eye trauma
  • balloons
  • rl gore

A few more things:

  • I often post/reblog photos and videos of lizards, so if you don’t want to see that, blacklist  “lizardblogging.”
  • I also reblog a lot of stuff relating to slashers, so if that’s a trigger for you keep that in mind. Additionally, I have a Michael Myers AU that involves a lot of body horror
  • If I neglect to tag a trigger, or if I accidentally reblog from someone disgusting,  please, by all means, let me know so I can fix it right away!!!

I think baby satyrs should be creepy and/or wet when they're super young and grow into more normal human looking mode. But as babies they're like 80% sheep looking

Wet little animal


Shout out to this one woman from Blair Witch Project. According to the directors everyone involved in the scene was a plant, except for her, some random woman from the real Burkitsville who was asked about the Blair Witch and immediately made up a story about seeing a documentary on the Discovery Channel about disappearing hunters. While carrying a child. Unsung MVP of horror

...I called them a "plant" because the cast of the movie, who were also filming it, were not told the townsfolk were actors and believed they were interviewing average people with no involvement in the film. The fact that they were plants is what's interesting about the scene. "Plant" is the term literally used by the filmmakers discussing the filming of this scene:

I don't know, I think maybe the miserable person in this scenario is you, for looking at a post about a Cool Film Fact and projecting the worst, most bad faith possible reading on it. You literally assumed I was too much of a stupid asshole to understand what an actor is, and you're complaining that other people are 'miserable' and call everything by the most negative terms for no reason?


trying something new to draw attention to neveen's campaign!

  • black palestinian family trapped in gaza
  • male members of the family were abducted by the iof in january and no one has heard from them
  • their tent in al-mawasi was burned in an attack and they lost a lot of cash from donations
  • $29k away from their $50k goal (CAD $1 is USD 73 cents)

oh good lord the Gen 6 Beta Material is starting to hit the internet and it’s no longer either completely out of the pokemon style rough tests or obviously uncooked placeholder sprites these are REAL ASS lost pokemon



Why do people think saying "it's not propaganda, it makes perfect sense for the character to think like this within the story!" makes something not propaganda?

you people do not seem to even know what the word "propaganda" means. Do you think propaganda can't come in the form of a story with internal consistency? You do realize that it wouldn't be very good propaganda if you didn't relate to and want to see the protagonist succeed?


These are smocking patterns. If you stitch these patterns into flat fabric and then pull the threads to gather the fabric, it will produce these patterns on the finished fabric. Smocking manipulates flat fabric into three dimensions.

The beautiful fabric that looked like dragon scales on costumes in the tv show Game of Thrones were produced by smocking, by sewing a particular pattern into the fabric and then pulling those threads just the right amount to gather the fabric into that pattern.


Gentle reminder that the human eye is naturally drawn by noise and movement, so the next time you walk into a crowd or a bit late into a lecture or something like that, they’re not staring at you or judging; it’s just an instinctive reaction that has nothing to do with you doing anything wrong.

This really helps my anxiety.



It’s literally a threat assessment/food gathering instinct. The steps your brain is doing, subconsciously. 

-Check to see if movement is lion in grass.

-Also check to see if possible game animal and edible. 

-No it’s just Dave getting into lecture hall a few minutes late. 

-That’s boring. 

-Lose interest. 

I like to believe that for a brief second, everyone looks at me thinking I might be a snack

I am a snack. Obviously.


ha ha ha ha loaf boy

[image id:

Joseph Harrison President, aka "Joe Blow," sleeping on a pile of pillows in hues of pastel pinks, blues, oranges, and yellows.

Joe is lying down and facing away from the viewer, with his arms and legs tucked under his chubby body, which is covered in orange hairs. He has medium-length red hair, and his face is buried in pillows.

His thick white tail, which is tapered at the end and tipped with a silver tail-club shaped like a crescent moon, is curled up beside him.

A large, light green speech bubble is next to him, with a forest-green "z" inside it.

end id.]

round fuck friday


honestly i am not liking the trend of using “fagdyke boygirl genderfreak” as almost derogatory descriptive terms for a queer person you think is annoying. like has everyone just forgotten that bigender people who actually identify with those terms exist, or are you just trying to think of the labels that you think signify edginess and queerphobia against others in the community? idk something about it doesn’t seem quite right

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