
La Belgique de l'ouest, l'Espagne du nord


Hi i'm France, purple is a parasite/friend named Doldre, and there may be references to the Yamainu I named Acorn (see the 'I have a pet dog' in my intro) Also @kidnaps-you and I have a lot of lore together now lol 🦀

when ur mutuals are mutual with each other 

pro: squad con: i saw this post like 18 times today

Sometimes everyone in the gimmickverse decides to reblog one post and literally I can’t see anything other than that post

Wait now I’m seeing this outside of the gimmickverse

Lemme just.

why would you do this to everyone France

Why me?? Bavaria queued this about a billion times 😭

and I’m about to queue it a bajilion times :D

heheheh I already did it you can’t stop me

… Bad China ToT

Just for that I’m adding 20 more to my queue

hello everyone seeing this post I hope you’re ready to see it several times more

welcome back, gonna add this to my queue under the dodecahedrons

Oh great /sarc

Anonymous asked:


I love how both our blogs have just gotten filled with the France × Naps lore lmao


They're adorable togetherrrr

Also, i rly like rping with you :3


They arrrreeeeee

Hehe I like rping with you too!

Also - and I really wish Tumblr worked with data (like last year) - being in the same timezone is really nice lol but not only that but we don't live that far away from each other so there's like a chance we could meet someday and that would be so cool!



[Tumblr's being mean hence the screenshot]

Yeah... I blocked the dude lol

Aw I doubt you're boring :(

You're Belgian right? Do you speak Flemish (Dutch?) or French?

And anyways first of all I don't mind if your english isn't great [i know French people -they are incredibly bad at English... It's almost impressive how bad they are at it] and second you're good enough at english to flirt with me, which again is already much better than a lot of people I know

--Side note: If you're French and seeing this, this doesn't apply to you, but you probably know exactly what I'm talking about lol--


I am tho- lol

Yup. Flemish, and a little bit of French because we're forced to learn it at school

I can write in English. But speaking? Terrible.

Yeahh lol

You guys are forced to learn French? Huh, I literally live 15 min away from the border and almost no one knows any Dutch (although I suppose since you guys have two official languages it makes sense... + the french are sorta language purists lol)

Anyways good luck with French, we barely understand it ourselves, I can't imagine how hard it must be if it's not your native language

Oh, well, then if we meet, we could just text each other lol


@kidnaps-you tagging you just so you can see the lore lol, though feel free to interact :)

*France is hurrying around the library, still glowing yellow instead of the normal purple*

*they frantically leave the library with a large stack of books and sit down at a nearby picnic table to start reading*

Doldre, I'm very sorry :( i didn't know that would hurt you so badly

I only wanted to keep you from telling Naps that I like them romantically, I thought it would be the equivalent to putting my hand over a human's mouth


Clearly not

*France stops talking and starts rifling through the books*


*Naps spots France sitting there at the table and approaches them*

Heyyy France

I couldn't help but notice the change of color in your... weird glow-

Is everything alright?

*they look worried*

Oh, hey Naps.

...no, Doldre's not ok. I'm not entirely sure what happened, but all I did was try to stop them from talking and I hurt them and they've turned yellow :(

The books I found are helping I think - though we'll have to wait a few hours to see for sure - speaking of which you wouldn't happen to have any powdered hens teeth would you? Or turtle's egg hair? --- anyways, now I'm just worried Dol won't trust me anymore.

*weak groan*

Oh fuck-


N-no, im sorry, i don't have any of those items-

Yeah, it's kinda a mess

Oh well, I know where I can find them, I'll go retrieve them later

... this isn't your fault, you know that right?

Alright, i can go with you, if you want?

...But it is my fault, I should have let them speak

*France lets out a shaky breath*

Yeah, I'd like that

Oh no, don't say that. Please don't blame yourself, it's really not your fault! You Didn't know

*they take France's hand and look her in the eyes, smiling*

Everything will be okay

... I suppose. I still feel bad though

C'mon, let's go to the apothecary

[ooc give me like 5 minutes and I'll have an apothecary blog bc that would be epic and that's basically just my room lol]

Hmm i understand that...


[Ooh nice!!]

*France and Naps get to @apothecarrying's shop*

France? Could i ask you something-?

Yeah, of course!

What is it?

*France is clearly nervous*

You said you tried to stop Doldre from talking right? What were they trying to say? And why did you stop them

You don't have to answer this question if you don't want to, okay?

I was just curious

*their voice sounds caring and soft*




I'll tell you when they get better, ok?

... alright, thanks, darling

Are you two planning on staying out there all day or did you need something?

I- i don't know actually...

You should ask my friend, France

We're coming in, we need some ingredients

Alright... so what do you need?

[Actually @kidnaps-you it's going to be much easier for me to do this on one account sooo lore here; France is normal writing, Apo(thecarrying) is going to be green and "chat" and Doldre is still yellow/purple]

We need powedered hens teeth and tur-

Turtle's egg hair?

...Yeah, how did you know?

Your parasite is supposed to be purple, right?

Uh... Yeah? How did you know?

I wrote the book you got that recipe from. Hey, remind me, would you, what I wrote as precautions?

*Apo gets some hens teeth from an adjacent room*

You said it would be painful for the host, but it would be very quick.

*Apo's voice drifts out from the other room*

Oh I may have forgotten to mention you'll pass out. It's been years, I don't remember how soon after you've drunk the potion it'll be, so I suggest have someone on hand, such as your companion here, to be able to catch you and make sure you're ok. Here's your powdered hen's teeth and turtle's egg hair.



Yes, yes, yes!
Look, if you children [Apo is immortal lmao] are so worried about this, I'll throw this in for free *Apo fishes around in their apron and removes a small jar filled with a purple liquid that changes color as it jostles it*

...What is that?

Cinnamon and dandelion roots, with a dash of elderberry extract. It should help you wake up faster.

...please be careful

I will miss you, France

*they actually look like they're close to tears*

*France instinctively cups Naps' face in one hand (the other is holding the ingredients)*

Hey, if we're lucky it'll only be an hour or so, I won't be gone long.

And then Doldre will be back!

*France eyes their yellow glow*

Well, back to normal

If you two are quite done flirting, you should probably set back out for wherever you came from, it's starting to get dark.

*they blush at the touch of France's hand*

I-i hope so...


*they start blushing even more now*

... If that's not flirting what is it? Anyways, whatever it is you're doing, do it outside of my shop please.

We're not flirting... are we?

...You really need that parasite back to normal wow

What, why?

Purple parasites are extremely good at telling emotions, and they often serve as common sense.

*Apo turns away from France and Naps, clearly feeling the conversation is over. In this new lighting, France and Naps can see a faint purple glow surrounding it.*

*France and Naps exit the store*

...what was that they said-

Were we flirting-?

*their face is very pink*

I- I don't think so? We're just friends right?

Although I feel like Doldre would say we were...?

yes *Doldre's voice is very weak*

Dol! We're working on getting you back to normal, are you ok?


It's gonna be alright, Doldre, this potion should fix everything... i hope...

S-so, are you going to drink it-? Don't worry, I'll stay by your side and protect you while you're out

*they take France hand in theirs*

I promise you, everything will be alright

It'll work, it has to.

And yeah, I'll drink it, I have to, I can't leave Dol like this.

*France squeezes Naps' hand.*

[have we made the potion? technically no. Do I have the motivation to create a recipe for this? honestly yes... But for everyone's sake let's just say there's been a timeskip somewhere in here and the potion is already made lol]

*France puts the potion to their lips, hesitates a second, then squeezes their eyes shut and drinks the liquid.*

Oh! I was going to tell you what Dol said, wasn't I.

Apo did say that they weren't sure how long it would take for the potion to set in (ooc: if it didn't say that i definitely meant to have it say that lmao), so I can see if I have time now?

Basically, I had told you I love you, and you pretty clearly assumed I meant platonically, and Dol--

Oh I feel odd...

*France starts to collapse*


*they catch her just in time*

*they're too panicked to clearly process what France just said*

Don't worry, you're safe with me, sweetheart

*they start carrying France back to the van*

*Doldre's glow has gone from the first shade of yellow to the second, greener shade.*

*This is what the potion is supposed to do, and both France and Doldre will wake up when Doldre is back to purple.*

[Feel free to do any sort of time skips lmao bc just watching me change the shades of rectangles probably isn't the most interesting thing you could do lmao]

*Naps lays France down on their bed carefully and pulls a blanket over her*

*they sit down next to her and hold their hand*

[Oh oki]


[i'm still going to use yellow for now, as there are only the 6 colors on here lol]

W-what happened?

*Doldre still sounds weak, but they appear to be doing better*


Y-you drank the potion and passed out...

I carried you all the way here heh

You should probably get some rest-

You can have my bed, I'll sleep on the floor ^^

What potion??

What happened??

Why am I yellowy-green?



Also you can carry us? Wow

[kudos to anyone who has a multi colored gimmick full time, this takes forever to do lol]

(Oh fuck i accidentally read that dialogue as France's... im so stupid lol)

Don't worry Doldre!! France will be fine.

We went to the apothecary and made some... potion, to help you

France will be unconscious, for an unknown amount of time...

But she'll be fine!

Im not letting anything happen to her

Yeahh i was surprised about that too-

(dw about it lol)

You guys saw Apo? Oh I like it, I'd like to be awake next time we see it :(

*Doldre turns greener*

Wh-wHAT?? Why'd I, just change colors???

Anyways, what do you mean they'll be unconscious for an unknown amount of time???

Oh I know you'll take care of her- well, us, you're nice :)

I'm glad we met you

I've heard humans can lift more when they use their instincts than when they think about it, maybe that's what happened?

Oh that's normal!! That's a good sign. As soon as you turn fully purple, France should wake up :]

I'm not sure how long it'll take... could be an hour, could be an entire year...

Thanks <3

Awww I'm glad i met you two, too

Oh, I'm not a human!

Oh, that's good then!

A YEAR????


Wait you're not? Huh, I need to revise my species apparently, I basically know parasites, humans, dogs, cats and leaf cutter ants...




I- i don't actually know what species i am-

Im just Naps.

Oh, alright... That's good I think

*Doldre changes color again*

Oh that tickles, once you get used to it

Oh, well 'just' Naps is a wonderful species!!

... hey Doldre? Could i ask you something-?

Yeah, what's up?


Remember when France said all of this happened because she was trying to keep you from saying something...?

What did you want to say-?

...That's what happened?? Huh

I mostly remember you two were flirting and then I was in your van and France was unconscious

So yeah I have no clue, probably something about how they have a crush on you.

T-they what.

I- I'm sorry i- i think i may have misunderstood you-? C-could you repeat that-?

Which bit? The fact that I don't remember what happened?

T-the thing with France...

Oh, their crush on you?

Wasn't that obvious?

Oo, new color

T-their what-?

They- they have a crush on me-? *they're trying to hide their obvious blushing*

No. You're lying. This is all a prank isn't it?

I don't believe you.

France is so sweet and nice and amazing and-

*they look at the still sleeping France*

And i- im just... me

[tumblr: put reblogs back?/ me: ...yes please, don't cut off my lore 😭😭]

I'm not sure I can lie actually but they have a crush on you, yeah!

And I'm thinking you might like them back

Hey, you're awesome, of course France likes you!

"just" you is what she likes

[REAL (unless it crashes my phone lol (yes that happened before. I had to restart my phone))]


*they start blushing aggressively*

T-they like me-?

[lmao our phones must hate us]

...yes... They are painfully obvious about it.

And you're just as obvious about the fact that you like them back btw

I keep telling her you like them but alas they never listen

Seriously who flirts, names the other, moves in together, goes on journeys to save a parasite together, and after all that says I love you platonically

[ooc: honestly i would do that lmao-]

[Lmao real]

*they blink a few times*

Oh god, I'm so stupid...

[Same lol]

Don't worry, so is France

I think you two are golfing to have a lot to discuss when they wake up



*they chuckle nervously*

Neither are you, but you're right, the better term would be oblivious

Well that should be entertaining for me

Hm i hope they wake up soon...

She looks so peacefully asleep like this-

*they smile sappily*

...seriously you're both so obvious about it

Yiu're riggt though help

You're right though, they do look peaceful

*they carefully boop France's nose and giggle*


*they yawn, they look pretty tired*

...so gay wow

You look tired, you should get some sleep.

I'll wake you up if anything happens to France

... but i wanna be awake when they wake up :(

*they yawn again*

I- I'm not that tired

(Yes they are.)

I can let you know when they're starting to wake up if you want

But right now you seem so tired that if she woke up in the next 10 minutes you'd just fall asleep on them

Don't you want to be nice and awake when they wake up?

... fine

I'll try to sleep a bit on the couch... (their bed is occupied by France lol)

But promise me you'll wake me up as soon as she's awake!!

Thank you

And I will wake you up if they stir, I promise

Ooh new color

Anonymous asked:


I love how both our blogs have just gotten filled with the France × Naps lore lmao


They're adorable togetherrrr

Also, i rly like rping with you :3


They arrrreeeeee

Hehe I like rping with you too!

Also - and I really wish Tumblr worked with data (like last year) - being in the same timezone is really nice lol but not only that but we don't live that far away from each other so there's like a chance we could meet someday and that would be so cool!



[Tumblr's being mean hence the screenshot]

Yeah... I blocked the dude lol

Aw I doubt you're boring :(

You're Belgian right? Do you speak Flemish (Dutch?) or French?

And anyways first of all I don't mind if your english isn't great [i know French people -they are incredibly bad at English... It's almost impressive how bad they are at it] and second you're good enough at english to flirt with me, which again is already much better than a lot of people I know

--Side note: If you're French and seeing this, this doesn't apply to you, but you probably know exactly what I'm talking about lol--


@kidnaps-you tagging you just so you can see the lore lol, though feel free to interact :)

*France is hurrying around the library, still glowing yellow instead of the normal purple*

*they frantically leave the library with a large stack of books and sit down at a nearby picnic table to start reading*

Doldre, I'm very sorry :( i didn't know that would hurt you so badly

I only wanted to keep you from telling Naps that I like them romantically, I thought it would be the equivalent to putting my hand over a human's mouth


Clearly not

*France stops talking and starts rifling through the books*


*Naps spots France sitting there at the table and approaches them*

Heyyy France

I couldn't help but notice the change of color in your... weird glow-

Is everything alright?

*they look worried*

Oh, hey Naps.

...no, Doldre's not ok. I'm not entirely sure what happened, but all I did was try to stop them from talking and I hurt them and they've turned yellow :(

The books I found are helping I think - though we'll have to wait a few hours to see for sure - speaking of which you wouldn't happen to have any powdered hens teeth would you? Or turtle's egg hair? --- anyways, now I'm just worried Dol won't trust me anymore.

*weak groan*

Oh fuck-


N-no, im sorry, i don't have any of those items-

Yeah, it's kinda a mess

Oh well, I know where I can find them, I'll go retrieve them later

... this isn't your fault, you know that right?

Alright, i can go with you, if you want?

...But it is my fault, I should have let them speak

*France lets out a shaky breath*

Yeah, I'd like that

Oh no, don't say that. Please don't blame yourself, it's really not your fault! You Didn't know

*they take France's hand and look her in the eyes, smiling*

Everything will be okay

... I suppose. I still feel bad though

C'mon, let's go to the apothecary

[ooc give me like 5 minutes and I'll have an apothecary blog bc that would be epic and that's basically just my room lol]

Hmm i understand that...


[Ooh nice!!]

*France and Naps get to @apothecarrying's shop*

France? Could i ask you something-?

Yeah, of course!

What is it?

*France is clearly nervous*

You said you tried to stop Doldre from talking right? What were they trying to say? And why did you stop them

You don't have to answer this question if you don't want to, okay?

I was just curious

*their voice sounds caring and soft*




I'll tell you when they get better, ok?

... alright, thanks, darling

Are you two planning on staying out there all day or did you need something?

I- i don't know actually...

You should ask my friend, France

We're coming in, we need some ingredients

Alright... so what do you need?

[Actually @kidnaps-you it's going to be much easier for me to do this on one account sooo lore here; France is normal writing, Apo(thecarrying) is going to be green and "chat" and Doldre is still yellow/purple]

We need powedered hens teeth and tur-

Turtle's egg hair?

...Yeah, how did you know?

Your parasite is supposed to be purple, right?

Uh... Yeah? How did you know?

I wrote the book you got that recipe from. Hey, remind me, would you, what I wrote as precautions?

*Apo gets some hens teeth from an adjacent room*

You said it would be painful for the host, but it would be very quick.

*Apo's voice drifts out from the other room*

Oh I may have forgotten to mention you'll pass out. It's been years, I don't remember how soon after you've drunk the potion it'll be, so I suggest have someone on hand, such as your companion here, to be able to catch you and make sure you're ok. Here's your powdered hen's teeth and turtle's egg hair.



Yes, yes, yes!
Look, if you children [Apo is immortal lmao] are so worried about this, I'll throw this in for free *Apo fishes around in their apron and removes a small jar filled with a purple liquid that changes color as it jostles it*

...What is that?

Cinnamon and dandelion roots, with a dash of elderberry extract. It should help you wake up faster.

...please be careful

I will miss you, France

*they actually look like they're close to tears*

*France instinctively cups Naps' face in one hand (the other is holding the ingredients)*

Hey, if we're lucky it'll only be an hour or so, I won't be gone long.

And then Doldre will be back!

*France eyes their yellow glow*

Well, back to normal

If you two are quite done flirting, you should probably set back out for wherever you came from, it's starting to get dark.

*they blush at the touch of France's hand*

I-i hope so...


*they start blushing even more now*

... If that's not flirting what is it? Anyways, whatever it is you're doing, do it outside of my shop please.

We're not flirting... are we?

...You really need that parasite back to normal wow

What, why?

Purple parasites are extremely good at telling emotions, and they often serve as common sense.

*Apo turns away from France and Naps, clearly feeling the conversation is over. In this new lighting, France and Naps can see a faint purple glow surrounding it.*

*France and Naps exit the store*

...what was that they said-

Were we flirting-?

*their face is very pink*

I- I don't think so? We're just friends right?

Although I feel like Doldre would say we were...?

yes *Doldre's voice is very weak*

Dol! We're working on getting you back to normal, are you ok?


It's gonna be alright, Doldre, this potion should fix everything... i hope...

S-so, are you going to drink it-? Don't worry, I'll stay by your side and protect you while you're out

*they take France hand in theirs*

I promise you, everything will be alright

It'll work, it has to.

And yeah, I'll drink it, I have to, I can't leave Dol like this.

*France squeezes Naps' hand.*

[have we made the potion? technically no. Do I have the motivation to create a recipe for this? honestly yes... But for everyone's sake let's just say there's been a timeskip somewhere in here and the potion is already made lol]

*France puts the potion to their lips, hesitates a second, then squeezes their eyes shut and drinks the liquid.*

Oh! I was going to tell you what Dol said, wasn't I.

Apo did say that they weren't sure how long it would take for the potion to set in (ooc: if it didn't say that i definitely meant to have it say that lmao), so I can see if I have time now?

Basically, I had told you I love you, and you pretty clearly assumed I meant platonically, and Dol--

Oh I feel odd...

*France starts to collapse*


*they catch her just in time*

*they're too panicked to clearly process what France just said*

Don't worry, you're safe with me, sweetheart

*they start carrying France back to the van*

*Doldre's glow has gone from the first shade of yellow to the second, greener shade.*

*This is what the potion is supposed to do, and both France and Doldre will wake up when Doldre is back to purple.*

[Feel free to do any sort of time skips lmao bc just watching me change the shades of rectangles probably isn't the most interesting thing you could do lmao]

*Naps lays France down on their bed carefully and pulls a blanket over her*

*they sit down next to her and hold their hand*

[Oh oki]


[i'm still going to use yellow for now, as there are only the 6 colors on here lol]

W-what happened?

*Doldre still sounds weak, but they appear to be doing better*


Y-you drank the potion and passed out...

I carried you all the way here heh

You should probably get some rest-

You can have my bed, I'll sleep on the floor ^^

What potion??

What happened??

Why am I yellowy-green?



Also you can carry us? Wow

[kudos to anyone who has a multi colored gimmick full time, this takes forever to do lol]

(Oh fuck i accidentally read that dialogue as France's... im so stupid lol)

Don't worry Doldre!! France will be fine.

We went to the apothecary and made some... potion, to help you

France will be unconscious, for an unknown amount of time...

But she'll be fine!

Im not letting anything happen to her

Yeahh i was surprised about that too-

(dw about it lol)

You guys saw Apo? Oh I like it, I'd like to be awake next time we see it :(

*Doldre turns greener*

Wh-wHAT?? Why'd I, just change colors???

Anyways, what do you mean they'll be unconscious for an unknown amount of time???

Oh I know you'll take care of her- well, us, you're nice :)

I'm glad we met you

I've heard humans can lift more when they use their instincts than when they think about it, maybe that's what happened?

Oh that's normal!! That's a good sign. As soon as you turn fully purple, France should wake up :]

I'm not sure how long it'll take... could be an hour, could be an entire year...

Thanks <3

Awww I'm glad i met you two, too

Oh, I'm not a human!

Oh, that's good then!

A YEAR????


Wait you're not? Huh, I need to revise my species apparently, I basically know parasites, humans, dogs, cats and leaf cutter ants...




I- i don't actually know what species i am-

Im just Naps.

Oh, alright... That's good I think

*Doldre changes color again*

Oh that tickles, once you get used to it

Oh, well 'just' Naps is a wonderful species!!

... hey Doldre? Could i ask you something-?

Yeah, what's up?


Remember when France said all of this happened because she was trying to keep you from saying something...?

What did you want to say-?

...That's what happened?? Huh

I mostly remember you two were flirting and then I was in your van and France was unconscious

So yeah I have no clue, probably something about how they have a crush on you.

T-they what.

I- I'm sorry i- i think i may have misunderstood you-? C-could you repeat that-?

Which bit? The fact that I don't remember what happened?

T-the thing with France...

Oh, their crush on you?

Wasn't that obvious?

Oo, new color

T-their what-?

They- they have a crush on me-? *they're trying to hide their obvious blushing*

No. You're lying. This is all a prank isn't it?

I don't believe you.

France is so sweet and nice and amazing and-

*they look at the still sleeping France*

And i- im just... me

[tumblr: put reblogs back?/ me: ...yes please, don't cut off my lore 😭😭]

I'm not sure I can lie actually but they have a crush on you, yeah!

And I'm thinking you might like them back

Hey, you're awesome, of course France likes you!

"just" you is what she likes

[REAL (unless it crashes my phone lol (yes that happened before. I had to restart my phone))]


*they start blushing aggressively*

T-they like me-?

[lmao our phones must hate us]

...yes... They are painfully obvious about it.

And you're just as obvious about the fact that you like them back btw

I keep telling her you like them but alas they never listen

Seriously who flirts, names the other, moves in together, goes on journeys to save a parasite together, and after all that says I love you platonically

[ooc: honestly i would do that lmao-]

[Lmao real]

*they blink a few times*

Oh god, I'm so stupid...

[Same lol]

Don't worry, so is France

I think you two are golfing to have a lot to discuss when they wake up



*they chuckle nervously*

Neither are you, but you're right, the better term would be oblivious

Well that should be entertaining for me

Hm i hope they wake up soon...

She looks so peacefully asleep like this-

*they smile sappily*

...seriously you're both so obvious about it

Yiu're riggt though help

You're right though, they do look peaceful

*they carefully boop France's nose and giggle*


*they yawn, they look pretty tired*

...so gay wow

You look tired, you should get some sleep.

I'll wake you up if anything happens to France

... but i wanna be awake when they wake up :(

*they yawn again*

I- I'm not that tired

(Yes they are.)

I can let you know when they're starting to wake up if you want

But right now you seem so tired that if she woke up in the next 10 minutes you'd just fall asleep on them

Don't you want to be nice and awake when they wake up?

Anonymous asked:


I love how both our blogs have just gotten filled with the France × Naps lore lmao


They're adorable togetherrrr

Also, i rly like rping with you :3


They arrrreeeeee

Hehe I like rping with you too!

Also - and I really wish Tumblr worked with data (like last year) - being in the same timezone is really nice lol but not only that but we don't live that far away from each other so there's like a chance we could meet someday and that would be so cool!


hey mother naps i couldn't help but notice you've been kinda.. stressed recently. is everything okay? :(

*they look worried while wringing its hands together*

referencing the france and naps lore btw


Y-yeah I'm fine, don't worry


*they're trying to keep up a smile*


*it has an unsure and worried look on its face and bites the inside of its cheek, thinking to themself*

okay then.. i trust you mother

*it gives a small, tired smile. not wanting to press any further*

[i wanna get involved with the lore so bad omg this is so cool😭]

*they pull you into a hug*


[Ty!!! You can always interact with my lore posts whenever you want lol! I love rp]

*they have a somber and almost confused expression on their face as they return the hug*

yeah, yeah.. anytime mama

Soooooo, want some hot chocolate? ^^




I'll go get some then!!

You can sit down on the couch in the meantime!

*they lay a blanket around you*

I'll be right back! ^^


[also yes @silvers-not-home feel free to interact with us!!! France'll wake up eventually, and in the meantime Doldre is always available to chat!]

Uhh kinda-?

I think...

How do you kinda have a kid?


@kidnaps-you tagging you just so you can see the lore lol, though feel free to interact :)

*France is hurrying around the library, still glowing yellow instead of the normal purple*

*they frantically leave the library with a large stack of books and sit down at a nearby picnic table to start reading*

Doldre, I'm very sorry :( i didn't know that would hurt you so badly

I only wanted to keep you from telling Naps that I like them romantically, I thought it would be the equivalent to putting my hand over a human's mouth


Clearly not

*France stops talking and starts rifling through the books*


*Naps spots France sitting there at the table and approaches them*

Heyyy France

I couldn't help but notice the change of color in your... weird glow-

Is everything alright?

*they look worried*

Oh, hey Naps.

...no, Doldre's not ok. I'm not entirely sure what happened, but all I did was try to stop them from talking and I hurt them and they've turned yellow :(

The books I found are helping I think - though we'll have to wait a few hours to see for sure - speaking of which you wouldn't happen to have any powdered hens teeth would you? Or turtle's egg hair? --- anyways, now I'm just worried Dol won't trust me anymore.

*weak groan*

Oh fuck-


N-no, im sorry, i don't have any of those items-

Yeah, it's kinda a mess

Oh well, I know where I can find them, I'll go retrieve them later

... this isn't your fault, you know that right?

Alright, i can go with you, if you want?

...But it is my fault, I should have let them speak

*France lets out a shaky breath*

Yeah, I'd like that

Oh no, don't say that. Please don't blame yourself, it's really not your fault! You Didn't know

*they take France's hand and look her in the eyes, smiling*

Everything will be okay

... I suppose. I still feel bad though

C'mon, let's go to the apothecary

[ooc give me like 5 minutes and I'll have an apothecary blog bc that would be epic and that's basically just my room lol]

Hmm i understand that...


[Ooh nice!!]

*France and Naps get to @apothecarrying's shop*

France? Could i ask you something-?

Yeah, of course!

What is it?

*France is clearly nervous*

You said you tried to stop Doldre from talking right? What were they trying to say? And why did you stop them

You don't have to answer this question if you don't want to, okay?

I was just curious

*their voice sounds caring and soft*




I'll tell you when they get better, ok?

... alright, thanks, darling

Are you two planning on staying out there all day or did you need something?

I- i don't know actually...

You should ask my friend, France

We're coming in, we need some ingredients

Alright... so what do you need?

[Actually @kidnaps-you it's going to be much easier for me to do this on one account sooo lore here; France is normal writing, Apo(thecarrying) is going to be green and "chat" and Doldre is still yellow/purple]

We need powedered hens teeth and tur-

Turtle's egg hair?

...Yeah, how did you know?

Your parasite is supposed to be purple, right?

Uh... Yeah? How did you know?

I wrote the book you got that recipe from. Hey, remind me, would you, what I wrote as precautions?

*Apo gets some hens teeth from an adjacent room*

You said it would be painful for the host, but it would be very quick.

*Apo's voice drifts out from the other room*

Oh I may have forgotten to mention you'll pass out. It's been years, I don't remember how soon after you've drunk the potion it'll be, so I suggest have someone on hand, such as your companion here, to be able to catch you and make sure you're ok. Here's your powdered hen's teeth and turtle's egg hair.



Yes, yes, yes!
Look, if you children [Apo is immortal lmao] are so worried about this, I'll throw this in for free *Apo fishes around in their apron and removes a small jar filled with a purple liquid that changes color as it jostles it*

...What is that?

Cinnamon and dandelion roots, with a dash of elderberry extract. It should help you wake up faster.

...please be careful

I will miss you, France

*they actually look like they're close to tears*

*France instinctively cups Naps' face in one hand (the other is holding the ingredients)*

Hey, if we're lucky it'll only be an hour or so, I won't be gone long.

And then Doldre will be back!

*France eyes their yellow glow*

Well, back to normal

If you two are quite done flirting, you should probably set back out for wherever you came from, it's starting to get dark.

*they blush at the touch of France's hand*

I-i hope so...


*they start blushing even more now*

... If that's not flirting what is it? Anyways, whatever it is you're doing, do it outside of my shop please.

We're not flirting... are we?

...You really need that parasite back to normal wow

What, why?

Purple parasites are extremely good at telling emotions, and they often serve as common sense.

*Apo turns away from France and Naps, clearly feeling the conversation is over. In this new lighting, France and Naps can see a faint purple glow surrounding it.*

*France and Naps exit the store*

...what was that they said-

Were we flirting-?

*their face is very pink*

I- I don't think so? We're just friends right?

Although I feel like Doldre would say we were...?

yes *Doldre's voice is very weak*

Dol! We're working on getting you back to normal, are you ok?


It's gonna be alright, Doldre, this potion should fix everything... i hope...

S-so, are you going to drink it-? Don't worry, I'll stay by your side and protect you while you're out

*they take France hand in theirs*

I promise you, everything will be alright

It'll work, it has to.

And yeah, I'll drink it, I have to, I can't leave Dol like this.

*France squeezes Naps' hand.*

[have we made the potion? technically no. Do I have the motivation to create a recipe for this? honestly yes... But for everyone's sake let's just say there's been a timeskip somewhere in here and the potion is already made lol]

*France puts the potion to their lips, hesitates a second, then squeezes their eyes shut and drinks the liquid.*

Oh! I was going to tell you what Dol said, wasn't I.

Apo did say that they weren't sure how long it would take for the potion to set in (ooc: if it didn't say that i definitely meant to have it say that lmao), so I can see if I have time now?

Basically, I had told you I love you, and you pretty clearly assumed I meant platonically, and Dol--

Oh I feel odd...

*France starts to collapse*


*they catch her just in time*

*they're too panicked to clearly process what France just said*

Don't worry, you're safe with me, sweetheart

*they start carrying France back to the van*

*Doldre's glow has gone from the first shade of yellow to the second, greener shade.*

*This is what the potion is supposed to do, and both France and Doldre will wake up when Doldre is back to purple.*

[Feel free to do any sort of time skips lmao bc just watching me change the shades of rectangles probably isn't the most interesting thing you could do lmao]

*Naps lays France down on their bed carefully and pulls a blanket over her*

*they sit down next to her and hold their hand*

[Oh oki]


[i'm still going to use yellow for now, as there are only the 6 colors on here lol]

W-what happened?

*Doldre still sounds weak, but they appear to be doing better*


Y-you drank the potion and passed out...

I carried you all the way here heh

You should probably get some rest-

You can have my bed, I'll sleep on the floor ^^

What potion??

What happened??

Why am I yellowy-green?



Also you can carry us? Wow

[kudos to anyone who has a multi colored gimmick full time, this takes forever to do lol]

(Oh fuck i accidentally read that dialogue as France's... im so stupid lol)

Don't worry Doldre!! France will be fine.

We went to the apothecary and made some... potion, to help you

France will be unconscious, for an unknown amount of time...

But she'll be fine!

Im not letting anything happen to her

Yeahh i was surprised about that too-

(dw about it lol)

You guys saw Apo? Oh I like it, I'd like to be awake next time we see it :(

*Doldre turns greener*

Wh-wHAT?? Why'd I, just change colors???

Anyways, what do you mean they'll be unconscious for an unknown amount of time???

Oh I know you'll take care of her- well, us, you're nice :)

I'm glad we met you

I've heard humans can lift more when they use their instincts than when they think about it, maybe that's what happened?

Oh that's normal!! That's a good sign. As soon as you turn fully purple, France should wake up :]

I'm not sure how long it'll take... could be an hour, could be an entire year...

Thanks <3

Awww I'm glad i met you two, too

Oh, I'm not a human!

Oh, that's good then!

A YEAR????


Wait you're not? Huh, I need to revise my species apparently, I basically know parasites, humans, dogs, cats and leaf cutter ants...




I- i don't actually know what species i am-

Im just Naps.

Oh, alright... That's good I think

*Doldre changes color again*

Oh that tickles, once you get used to it

Oh, well 'just' Naps is a wonderful species!!

... hey Doldre? Could i ask you something-?

Yeah, what's up?


Remember when France said all of this happened because she was trying to keep you from saying something...?

What did you want to say-?

...That's what happened?? Huh

I mostly remember you two were flirting and then I was in your van and France was unconscious

So yeah I have no clue, probably something about how they have a crush on you.

T-they what.

I- I'm sorry i- i think i may have misunderstood you-? C-could you repeat that-?

Which bit? The fact that I don't remember what happened?

T-the thing with France...

Oh, their crush on you?

Wasn't that obvious?

Oo, new color

T-their what-?

They- they have a crush on me-? *they're trying to hide their obvious blushing*

No. You're lying. This is all a prank isn't it?

I don't believe you.

France is so sweet and nice and amazing and-

*they look at the still sleeping France*

And i- im just... me

[tumblr: put reblogs back?/ me: ...yes please, don't cut off my lore 😭😭]

I'm not sure I can lie actually but they have a crush on you, yeah!

And I'm thinking you might like them back

Hey, you're awesome, of course France likes you!

"just" you is what she likes

[REAL (unless it crashes my phone lol (yes that happened before. I had to restart my phone))]


*they start blushing aggressively*

T-they like me-?

[lmao our phones must hate us]

...yes... They are painfully obvious about it.

And you're just as obvious about the fact that you like them back btw

I keep telling her you like them but alas they never listen

Seriously who flirts, names the other, moves in together, goes on journeys to save a parasite together, and after all that says I love you platonically

[ooc: honestly i would do that lmao-]

[Lmao real]

*they blink a few times*

Oh god, I'm so stupid...

[Same lol]

Don't worry, so is France

I think you two are golfing to have a lot to discuss when they wake up



*they chuckle nervously*

Neither are you, but you're right, the better term would be oblivious

Well that should be entertaining for me

Hm i hope they wake up soon...

She looks so peacefully asleep like this-

*they smile sappily*

...seriously you're both so obvious about it

Yiu're riggt though help

You're right though, they do look peaceful

*they carefully boop France's nose and giggle*


*they yawn, they look pretty tired*

...so gay wow

You look tired, you should get some sleep.

I'll wake you up if anything happens to France


hey mother naps i couldn't help but notice you've been kinda.. stressed recently. is everything okay? :(

*they look worried while wringing its hands together*

referencing the france and naps lore btw


Y-yeah I'm fine, don't worry


*they're trying to keep up a smile*


*it has an unsure and worried look on its face and bites the inside of its cheek, thinking to themself*

okay then.. i trust you mother

*it gives a small, tired smile. not wanting to press any further*

[i wanna get involved with the lore so bad omg this is so cool😭]

*they pull you into a hug*


[Ty!!! You can always interact with my lore posts whenever you want lol! I love rp]

*they have a somber and almost confused expression on their face as they return the hug*

yeah, yeah.. anytime mama

Soooooo, want some hot chocolate? ^^




I'll go get some then!!

You can sit down on the couch in the meantime!

*they lay a blanket around you*

I'll be right back! ^^


[also yes @silvers-not-home feel free to interact with us!!! France'll wake up eventually, and in the meantime Doldre is always available to chat!]


@totally-france, @france-unofficial, @france-the-third. You are all under suspicion of the following crimes...

One of you killed Sealand, is handing out bombs/nukes to other countries, blew up countries, killed a few others and caused millions of dollars in property damage.

And the other two Frances have their own share of crimes committed, such as impersonating a country.

You have the right to remain silent, and to call a lawyer, anything you say now can and will be used against in a court of law.

@the-gimmick-authority, you can arrest them now.






Cats and deer!

Open tags!


@vee-lociraptor @silly-lil-scribbles @bluetaho @no-tengo-ojos @buried-in-the-archives @girlwholovesturtles /nf and anyone else who wants to join!!!!



and anyone else who would like to!!




crows and beluga whales!!


cats or hawks :D


probably crows I'm a bit of a basic bitch like that lol :)

cats (the entire cat family) and dogs and pandas and penguins and otters and red pandas and elephants and wolves and seals and llamas and capybaras


@mad0katsuki you up



I also like the rabbits, cats, birds and sharks

DRAGONS!!!! I don't care if they're """mythological"""


@kidnaps-you tagging you just so you can see the lore lol, though feel free to interact :)

*France is hurrying around the library, still glowing yellow instead of the normal purple*

*they frantically leave the library with a large stack of books and sit down at a nearby picnic table to start reading*

Doldre, I'm very sorry :( i didn't know that would hurt you so badly

I only wanted to keep you from telling Naps that I like them romantically, I thought it would be the equivalent to putting my hand over a human's mouth


Clearly not

*France stops talking and starts rifling through the books*


*Naps spots France sitting there at the table and approaches them*

Heyyy France

I couldn't help but notice the change of color in your... weird glow-

Is everything alright?

*they look worried*

Oh, hey Naps.

...no, Doldre's not ok. I'm not entirely sure what happened, but all I did was try to stop them from talking and I hurt them and they've turned yellow :(

The books I found are helping I think - though we'll have to wait a few hours to see for sure - speaking of which you wouldn't happen to have any powdered hens teeth would you? Or turtle's egg hair? --- anyways, now I'm just worried Dol won't trust me anymore.

*weak groan*

Oh fuck-


N-no, im sorry, i don't have any of those items-

Yeah, it's kinda a mess

Oh well, I know where I can find them, I'll go retrieve them later

... this isn't your fault, you know that right?

Alright, i can go with you, if you want?

...But it is my fault, I should have let them speak

*France lets out a shaky breath*

Yeah, I'd like that

Oh no, don't say that. Please don't blame yourself, it's really not your fault! You Didn't know

*they take France's hand and look her in the eyes, smiling*

Everything will be okay

... I suppose. I still feel bad though

C'mon, let's go to the apothecary

[ooc give me like 5 minutes and I'll have an apothecary blog bc that would be epic and that's basically just my room lol]

Hmm i understand that...


[Ooh nice!!]

*France and Naps get to @apothecarrying's shop*

France? Could i ask you something-?

Yeah, of course!

What is it?

*France is clearly nervous*

You said you tried to stop Doldre from talking right? What were they trying to say? And why did you stop them

You don't have to answer this question if you don't want to, okay?

I was just curious

*their voice sounds caring and soft*




I'll tell you when they get better, ok?

... alright, thanks, darling

Are you two planning on staying out there all day or did you need something?

I- i don't know actually...

You should ask my friend, France

We're coming in, we need some ingredients

Alright... so what do you need?

[Actually @kidnaps-you it's going to be much easier for me to do this on one account sooo lore here; France is normal writing, Apo(thecarrying) is going to be green and "chat" and Doldre is still yellow/purple]

We need powedered hens teeth and tur-

Turtle's egg hair?

...Yeah, how did you know?

Your parasite is supposed to be purple, right?

Uh... Yeah? How did you know?

I wrote the book you got that recipe from. Hey, remind me, would you, what I wrote as precautions?

*Apo gets some hens teeth from an adjacent room*

You said it would be painful for the host, but it would be very quick.

*Apo's voice drifts out from the other room*

Oh I may have forgotten to mention you'll pass out. It's been years, I don't remember how soon after you've drunk the potion it'll be, so I suggest have someone on hand, such as your companion here, to be able to catch you and make sure you're ok. Here's your powdered hen's teeth and turtle's egg hair.



Yes, yes, yes!
Look, if you children [Apo is immortal lmao] are so worried about this, I'll throw this in for free *Apo fishes around in their apron and removes a small jar filled with a purple liquid that changes color as it jostles it*

...What is that?

Cinnamon and dandelion roots, with a dash of elderberry extract. It should help you wake up faster.

...please be careful

I will miss you, France

*they actually look like they're close to tears*

*France instinctively cups Naps' face in one hand (the other is holding the ingredients)*

Hey, if we're lucky it'll only be an hour or so, I won't be gone long.

And then Doldre will be back!

*France eyes their yellow glow*

Well, back to normal

If you two are quite done flirting, you should probably set back out for wherever you came from, it's starting to get dark.

*they blush at the touch of France's hand*

I-i hope so...


*they start blushing even more now*

... If that's not flirting what is it? Anyways, whatever it is you're doing, do it outside of my shop please.

We're not flirting... are we?

...You really need that parasite back to normal wow

What, why?

Purple parasites are extremely good at telling emotions, and they often serve as common sense.

*Apo turns away from France and Naps, clearly feeling the conversation is over. In this new lighting, France and Naps can see a faint purple glow surrounding it.*

*France and Naps exit the store*

...what was that they said-

Were we flirting-?

*their face is very pink*

I- I don't think so? We're just friends right?

Although I feel like Doldre would say we were...?

yes *Doldre's voice is very weak*

Dol! We're working on getting you back to normal, are you ok?


It's gonna be alright, Doldre, this potion should fix everything... i hope...

S-so, are you going to drink it-? Don't worry, I'll stay by your side and protect you while you're out

*they take France hand in theirs*

I promise you, everything will be alright

It'll work, it has to.

And yeah, I'll drink it, I have to, I can't leave Dol like this.

*France squeezes Naps' hand.*

[have we made the potion? technically no. Do I have the motivation to create a recipe for this? honestly yes... But for everyone's sake let's just say there's been a timeskip somewhere in here and the potion is already made lol]

*France puts the potion to their lips, hesitates a second, then squeezes their eyes shut and drinks the liquid.*

Oh! I was going to tell you what Dol said, wasn't I.

Apo did say that they weren't sure how long it would take for the potion to set in (ooc: if it didn't say that i definitely meant to have it say that lmao), so I can see if I have time now?

Basically, I had told you I love you, and you pretty clearly assumed I meant platonically, and Dol--

Oh I feel odd...

*France starts to collapse*


*they catch her just in time*

*they're too panicked to clearly process what France just said*

Don't worry, you're safe with me, sweetheart

*they start carrying France back to the van*

*Doldre's glow has gone from the first shade of yellow to the second, greener shade.*

*This is what the potion is supposed to do, and both France and Doldre will wake up when Doldre is back to purple.*

[Feel free to do any sort of time skips lmao bc just watching me change the shades of rectangles probably isn't the most interesting thing you could do lmao]

*Naps lays France down on their bed carefully and pulls a blanket over her*

*they sit down next to her and hold their hand*

[Oh oki]


[i'm still going to use yellow for now, as there are only the 6 colors on here lol]

W-what happened?

*Doldre still sounds weak, but they appear to be doing better*


Y-you drank the potion and passed out...

I carried you all the way here heh

You should probably get some rest-

You can have my bed, I'll sleep on the floor ^^

What potion??

What happened??

Why am I yellowy-green?



Also you can carry us? Wow

[kudos to anyone who has a multi colored gimmick full time, this takes forever to do lol]

(Oh fuck i accidentally read that dialogue as France's... im so stupid lol)

Don't worry Doldre!! France will be fine.

We went to the apothecary and made some... potion, to help you

France will be unconscious, for an unknown amount of time...

But she'll be fine!

Im not letting anything happen to her

Yeahh i was surprised about that too-

(dw about it lol)

You guys saw Apo? Oh I like it, I'd like to be awake next time we see it :(

*Doldre turns greener*

Wh-wHAT?? Why'd I, just change colors???

Anyways, what do you mean they'll be unconscious for an unknown amount of time???

Oh I know you'll take care of her- well, us, you're nice :)

I'm glad we met you

I've heard humans can lift more when they use their instincts than when they think about it, maybe that's what happened?

Oh that's normal!! That's a good sign. As soon as you turn fully purple, France should wake up :]

I'm not sure how long it'll take... could be an hour, could be an entire year...

Thanks <3

Awww I'm glad i met you two, too

Oh, I'm not a human!

Oh, that's good then!

A YEAR????


Wait you're not? Huh, I need to revise my species apparently, I basically know parasites, humans, dogs, cats and leaf cutter ants...




I- i don't actually know what species i am-

Im just Naps.

Oh, alright... That's good I think

*Doldre changes color again*

Oh that tickles, once you get used to it

Oh, well 'just' Naps is a wonderful species!!

... hey Doldre? Could i ask you something-?

Yeah, what's up?


Remember when France said all of this happened because she was trying to keep you from saying something...?

What did you want to say-?

...That's what happened?? Huh

I mostly remember you two were flirting and then I was in your van and France was unconscious

So yeah I have no clue, probably something about how they have a crush on you.

T-they what.

I- I'm sorry i- i think i may have misunderstood you-? C-could you repeat that-?

Which bit? The fact that I don't remember what happened?

T-the thing with France...

Oh, their crush on you?

Wasn't that obvious?

Oo, new color

T-their what-?

They- they have a crush on me-? *they're trying to hide their obvious blushing*

No. You're lying. This is all a prank isn't it?

I don't believe you.

France is so sweet and nice and amazing and-

*they look at the still sleeping France*

And i- im just... me

[tumblr: put reblogs back?/ me: ...yes please, don't cut off my lore 😭😭]

I'm not sure I can lie actually but they have a crush on you, yeah!

And I'm thinking you might like them back

Hey, you're awesome, of course France likes you!

"just" you is what she likes

[REAL (unless it crashes my phone lol (yes that happened before. I had to restart my phone))]


*they start blushing aggressively*

T-they like me-?

[lmao our phones must hate us]

...yes... They are painfully obvious about it.

And you're just as obvious about the fact that you like them back btw

I keep telling her you like them but alas they never listen

Seriously who flirts, names the other, moves in together, goes on journeys to save a parasite together, and after all that says I love you platonically

[ooc: honestly i would do that lmao-]

[Lmao real]

*they blink a few times*

Oh god, I'm so stupid...

[Same lol]

Don't worry, so is France

I think you two are golfing to have a lot to discuss when they wake up



*they chuckle nervously*

Neither are you, but you're right, the better term would be oblivious

Well that should be entertaining for me

Hm i hope they wake up soon...

She looks so peacefully asleep like this-

*they smile sappily*

...seriously you're both so obvious about it

Yiu're riggt though help

You're right though, they do look peaceful


@totally-france, @france-unofficial, @france-the-third. You are all under suspicion of the following crimes...

One of you killed Sealand, is handing out bombs/nukes to other countries, blew up countries, killed a few others and caused millions of dollars in property damage.

And the other two Frances have their own share of crimes committed, such as impersonating a country.

You have the right to remain silent, and to call a lawyer, anything you say now can and will be used against in a court of law.

@the-gimmick-authority, you can arrest them now.

France doesn’t exist, and we need proof. However, @totally-france, @france-unofficial and @france-the-third are detained for further questioning for now, as is @the-principality-of-sealand

[ooc: I somehow missed both tags?? Which is weird?? Like, Tumblr, let me know when people want to talk to me???]

France has been unconscious for the past 3 days now, and anyways HAVE YOU MET THEM?? They're literally so nice, and they try to deescalate stuff all the time!

I'm calling our lawyer, this is utter defamation. (ooc: not going to bother tagging my lawyer acc, mostly bc i don't remember it lol)

Also, could someone alert the media? (aka i've forgotten the news gimmick's url lol)

Oh and @the-principality-of-sealand are you ok?


Hands down my favourite posts on this website are the long ones that occur when the gimmick blogs are just bullying each other. Usually ganging up on one gimmick and just absolutely trouncing them. it amuses me greatly

Wanna gang up on another gimmick? :3

Who do you have in mind?


I have backup hold on

@totally-france @france-unofficial @totally-italy @definitely-the-real-belgium @gendergay-anthony (i am well aware you're not a gimmick blog i just wanted to ping you lmao-- get notified and suffer >:] )HELP

also in character France is unconscious rn lol but that's another problem

btw gendergay-anthony is an irl friend i'm allowed to tell them to suffer

Honestly though, why exactly do @offiiciallybavaria and @the-real-catholic-church even want to bully you in the first place? You have done nothing wrong!

My apologies, I misinterpreted that. Why does @offiiciallybavaria want to bully you, @france-the-third?

No clue :(

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