@engineering / engineering.tumblr.com

We, y'know, build Tumblr and stuff.

OAuth 2 on the Tumblr API

Ten years ago HTTPS wasn't as nearly as widespread as today. It is hard to believe that HTTPS was essentially opt-in, if available at all! Back then, people also had to get creative when inventing means to delegate access to someone else. One solution was OAuth 1, conceived by the IETF, later adopted by Tumblr in 2011.

Time went by, and here we are in 2021, with hardly any popular website not shielded with HTTPS (including your own blog!). Today, it wouldn't make much sense to adopt OAuth 1 as inconvenient as it is. Yet here we are, still asking people to use outdated protocols for their new fancy Tumblr apps. Not anymore!

Starting today, you have another option: we're officially opening up OAuth 2 support for the Tumblr API!

Get started

OAuth 2 flow requires you to know two key URIs:

If you're familiar with OAuth 2, register an application and check out our API documentation (specifically the section on OAuth 2) to get up and running.

The future of OAuth 1

There are no plans to shut down OAuth 1. Your app will continue to work as usual. But be sure to keep an eye on this blog just in case anything new pops up that would prevent us from serving OAuth 1 requests.

What's more, if you wish to adopt OAuth 2 in your app, given its superior simplicity, you don't have to migrate entirely to OAuth 2 at once. Instead, you can keep the old sign-up / log-in flow working, and exchange OAuth 1 access token to OAuth 2 tokens on the fly. There's only one catch: this exchange will invalidate the original access token, so you should be using only the OAuth 2 Bearer authentication for any subsequent requests.

Next steps

  • We'll be adding support for OAuth 2 to our API clients in the coming months. Follow this blog to learn firsthand when this happens.
  • Although we do support client-side OAuth 2 flow, we can't recommend using it unless absolutely required. We might harden it with PKCE someday, though.

That's all from us today. Happy hacking!

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