@cyle / cyle.tumblr.com


first of all, my name is pronounced like "kyle", just spelled with a C.

second of all, ⚠️ NOTE that if you are thinking of sending me an ask about some issue/bug/glitch with Tumblr you're experiencing, please submit a Support request instead. also, please look at my answers already. i don't respond to repeats.

if you find yourself here, on my blog, reading this pinned post... know that you’re in for the following content if you follow me:

  • hand-wavy meta-commentary about tumblr (because i work at tumblr, though disclaimer that any opinions about tumblr expressed here are my own and not Tumblr Official Opinions)
  • direct commentary about tumblr (i work here! though again, repeat disclaimer that any opinions about tumblr expressed here are my own and not Tumblr Official Opinions)
  • shitposts of my own making or of someone else’s making -- most likely this is what you're gonna see
  • my photography is now over here on my personal site
  • my own bleeps and bloops
  • conversations with bots on tumblr
  • very rarely, my own thoughts
  • very rarely, politics and finance stuff

and probably other things i’m forgetting.


Honestly the only slur I ever get called is 'gay' or 'homo', people here just aren't very creative with their slurs anymore

I want to be able to wag my tail when a girl is being nice to me!!!

I replied this to the wrong post.


[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'We now have a second moon!' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]

The asteroid 2024 PT5 will orbit earth for approximately 2 months until November 25. According to NASA this temporary capture will start right at this moment (September 29, 19:54 UTC) if tumblr queued this right. source link

and the award for best name for 2024 PT5 goes to... @grimfeywizard

[Image ID: A screenshot of tags reading 'MOON MOON TIME'. /End ID]


I think there's nothing so revealing that a person is either a. a hobbyist programmer play-acting at being a web developer, or b. so deep in the Enterprise Ecosystem™ that they can no longer see daylight as "nobody develops websites in PHP anymore".

I can only hope that nobody intentionally starts a project in PHP any more, but I know that’s not the case. I’ve spent enough time dealing with White Pages of Doom and finding new ways PHP allows arbitrary code injection to swear off it for life.

There’s plenty of existing stuff in PHP that needs to stay that way, but you need to have a full time team plugging holes or you’ll never keep it secure. I’ve lost track of how many Wordpress sites gave up and moved their sites to Wordpress.com so the WP developers can do that maintenance instead.

I rather strongly suspect that if we ever reach the point where over fifty percent of all public-facing websites are written in something other than PHP, we'd very rapidly discover that, much like the putative superiority of the Linux security model over Windows, the apparently universally tighter security of all non-PHP scripting languages was just an artefact of the fact that nobody was looking especially hard.


The "Nubbin bug" lives - A Star Trek prop resurrection with 3D Printing 🐛🖖🎥

Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 1, Episode 25 (May 1988), "Conspiracy", was one of my favorites. It featured a mind-controlling alien parasite referred to as the "Nubbin bug", or at least by The Greatest Generation Star Trek podcast.

Back in 1998, there was not a lot of computer CGI, so it was a stop-motion prop. Years later, the co-hosts of The Greatest Generation, a fun Star Trek podcast, stumbled upon the original silicone molds used to create the Nubbin bug while a listener found in a warehouse clearance sale in Van Nuys, California.

The podcasters acquired the mold. Shortly after, a listener from Atlanta who works at a prop studio offered to help preserve the prop since the original rubber material would decay over time. This led to the creation of archival-quality plaster casts to preserve the iconic alien for generations to come.

And they did some more, using 3D scanners - the Nubbin bug was recreated as a 3D model, allowing for exact replicas to be printed. Over 100 of these replicas were made, each one hand-painted and assembled to match the original as closely as possible. Their handmade / 3D-printed versions look almost identical to the bugs that appeared in the episode.

They also designed a Playschool-style retail packaging box to package the bugs. Fans of the podcast can purchase the limited-edition replicas. I don't know if they will post the 3D files, but I'll email and ask.

This is a really cool project from one of the weirdest/best episodes, and I am thrilled that someone was able to preserve this piece of Sci-Fi history in such a cool way - the entire story is on this TikTok video.

No word where this cutie is though.


"When the Necrontyr shed flesh and left death for lesser creatures, we thought only of freedom from fear and making kingdoms that would never die. We did not think what else immortality would entail. We thought in terms of wars, of destruction, of conquest. But eternity also requires what you would call entertainment.” - Trazyn the Infinite

this is precisely what I was expecting to find, honestly


just another normal day posting about 40k on tumblr


i love when i unsubscribe from a mailing list and the thing is like “You’ve unsubscribed, if this was a mistake, resubscribe here.” as if i didn’t have to use an 8x sniper scope to find the damn unsubscribe button in your email in the first place


Something you should always remember about every single person you see on this site is that they are a tumblr user. They are the kind of person who uses tumblr


why arent groupchats a thing anymore?


Answer: Hello @smushedmuffin!

We were very excited about bringing native group chats to Tumblr. Unfortunately, however, not enough people ended up using them for us to feel it was worth keeping and maintaining as a feature.

Every time we build a significant new feature like that, one that consumes a lot of time and bandwidth, we try to measure whether the juice was worth the squeeze, so to speak. Sometimes, it doesn’t work out. If we kept it around, it would be yet another thing in the big pile of things we (a pretty small team) need to maintain. It is for these reasons and more that it often makes sense to just let it go. That’s not to say we are not sad to see it go, of course.

That said, while it’s more like a “slow” group chat than like our previous attempt at group chats, we are introducing a little feature called Communities to let people get together and talk in a shared space. You can find out more at the Help Center.

Thanks for your question. Keep ’em coming!


Mark Prelude OA-7689 // World Receiver (Japan, 1980s)


as a huge fan of clicky knobs and silky smooth dials and clunky switches, this is hitting all of my buttons, so to speak

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