
Bobin Singh

@bewbin / bewbin.tumblr.com

follow the intensity

too much fiction about robots gaining sentiency and immediately. wanting to destroy humanity never once has a author envisioned a robot that is chill one that does not yearn for dominance but just like us realizes the inherent weight of existence and just wants to download weed all day


looked under the sun. just a bunch of old shit


if you are a normal sized human being who overdrafts at the bank youd have to pay a fee or fine but if your a giant you'd pay a fo or fum


UNTIL the leaves fall down on to the ground in mass its not fall its just autumn to me


nobody is denying that 9/11 was a tragedy but the funnyness comes from the fact they told us to never forget and made sure we never forget but forgot that one of the funniest jokes in contemporary America is when you remind somebody of the alamo


they fire referees by coloring in the rest of their shirt


First ant who picked up a leaf mustve gotten so much nuptial flight (ant version of getting laid)


to the rest of the character she is a gone girl but to us, the audience who sticks with her and watches her journey unfold, she is just girl


gonna homeschool my kid but do all the grades backwards so not only is it easier as time goes on but the non linear way of education will have a huge pay off at the very end when he finally learns what letters and numbers are


a group of shrimps is called a scampi


like the only issue i have with the whole thing with cryptids is not that people powerscale them but that they put bigfoot at high tier power level just becuase of his fame when in unreality he’s just a big monkey man who would stand zero chance against a wendigo or the jersey devil


got new sick glasses

realized i look like an offbrand johnny silverhand

wake the fuck up samurai we got a taco to bell


some historians believe we developed restless leg syndrome to scare away bugs and pests from crawling up our legs but other historians argue that we might've developed it cause it feel good

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