
Mystery is the Gist(ery)


Anonymous asked:

I think you’re a little insane. I honestly don’t know much about you, and considering your url I imagine that is kind of the point. I think you like tf2? And people who like tf2 are always a little wacky in the head and maybe a little rash but they’re normally pretty cool. You post pretty consistently which is more than I can say for myself, and you put interesting things on my dash which I appreciate. We walk in different but adjacent circles so the kind of things that you bring to my tumblr experience are just enough out of my normal everyday content that I have to stop and think about it for a second, and pondering the universe is always neat. Also I have no idea how old you are?? Like I really doubt you’re over 25, but anything between 14 and 25 is fair game. You’d be very socially aware for a 14 year old but I’d believe it I guess? You’re probably not 14 but. I don’t know where I was going with this bit I’m just padding this out for length.

You seem like the kind of person whose favorite pokemon would be Claydol.

You’re government assigned hex color code is #898597

Have a nice day :3

Multiple things.

First, hai electro :p (I think)

Second, yes, I do enjoy tf2. I have never played it, (sad) but I do enjoy the content that comes out of it.

Third, haha yeah I'm fucking crazy. A little bit of a silly billy. Maybe a bit psycho. Who knows? :)

Fourth, if by "post consistently," you mean "post every day," then yes, I post consistently. However, posting times can vary from the very start of my day to 12 at night. Insomniac gang.

Fifth, for obvious reasons, I'm not going to share my exact age, but that range isn't too far off the mark! Not bad!

Sixth, Claydol is WAY off the mark for my favorite Pokémon. Hell, Claydol isn't even my favorite ghost type. Keep searching.

Seventh, I looked up Hex Code #898597, and that color definitely just resonates with me. I don't know if that's what you meant, but the color just speaks to me. Good one.

And finally, you too. Have a good one, person I think is electro. Stay Mysterious. I'll be in touch.

Anonymous asked:

What do you think about these sentences?

A. I wonder where Jimmy is

B. I wonder where is Jimmy

A sounds natural, B sounds unnatural

A sounds unnatural, B sounds natural

A and B both sound natural

A and B both sound unnatural

It depends if it is written or spoken


Other. B would be natural if it was written/said like "I wonder, where is Jimmy?" and A would be unnatural if it was written/said like "I wonder, where Jimmy is?" Like everything, context is king. Or queen. I don't judge


Hello, one sees in us people who just by seeing their faces know They are kind and have big hearts Peace is your companion wherever you go, and happiness and success, God willing, will be your end in every task you undertake. I wish you to always remain the same. Paws of comfort and satisfaction away from the bitterness of life And I want to tell you something All my ideas have become a failure, and all that remains is your door in front of me. I am certain that you will help me and will not return me disappointed, and I know that you have a good heart that will help me, oh star that shines in me. the sky. All I hope is that you will not return me disappointed and that you will help me In response to the call

Your blessing means a lot to me

If you can't

help me recycle the post on my account? 🌺 And help rescue my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏 Thank you.



Fundraiser's legit. Can't donate, so I'm sharing. No further comment.

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